Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus)

The round goby may pose a serious threat to North American water ecosystems, with potential impacts on sport and commercial fishing. Since its discovery in the St. Clair River in 1990, this bottom-dwelling fish has rapidly spread to many areas of the Great Lakes. Once established, populations typically increase rapidly. The round goby can displace native fish, eat their eggs and young, take over optimal habitat, spawn multiple times a season, and survive in poor quality water — giving them a competitive advantage.

Anglers, commercial fishermen, and fishery professionals should know how to identify the round goby. Often, anglers are the first to discover round gobies because these aggressive fish are commonly caught by hook and line. Your help is vital to report new sightings and to prevent their spread.

Identify Round Goby

General Characteristics

  • No other native fish in the Great Lakes has the single pelvic fin
  • Young are solid slate gray
  • Usually 3-6 inches (7-15 cm) long, may be up to 10 inches (25 cm)

What You Can Do

  • Learn to identify the round goby
  • Always drain water from your boat, livewell, and bilge before leaving any water access
  • Always dispose of your unwanted bait on land
  • Never dip your bait bucket into a lake or river if it has water in it from another
  • Never dump live fish from one body of water into another
  • If you catch a round goby in the Great Lakes or other waters, kill it, freeze it, and call the MN Department of Natural Resources Invasive Species Program in St. Paul, 1-888-MINNDNR, or Doug Jensen of Minnesota Sea Grant. Do not throw round gobies back alive!

Know the Rules!

Round goby specimens are needed to confirm sightings, but many Great Lakes jurisdictions have different rules regarding possession and transport. Always contact your local resource management agency for instructions. Never transport a live round goby.

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