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Regulated Organism and Soil Permits


Permit Processing Steps

The PPQ 526 permit review process includes the following steps*:


Time Range

Review application for completeness of required information, such as; applicant contact information, genus and species of regulated material, destination state, origin, and shipment information. Add one month for processing paper applications that are not submitted on-line.

1 week

Evaluate pest risk.

1-4 weeks

Prepare environmental assessment and publish in Federal Register, if necessary. Environmental assessments are typically required for first time releases of biological control agents.

6 months – 1 year

Inspect containment facility, if necessary.

1-4 months

Determine conditions necessary to mitigate risk.

1-4 weeks

Consult with the State Department of Agriculture.

1-4 weeks

Evaluate State response.

1-2 weeks

Send draft permit to the applicant for agreement to permit conditions. 

1-4 weeks

Issue final permit. For importation only, issue Red and White Labels.

1 week


8 weeks to 18 months

*These steps and timelines are not all-encompassing, if necessary, additional steps or time may be required.


Last Modified: March 7, 2008