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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 11, 2007
CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Releases a Statement on Gen. Joe Robles being Named Chairman of USAA

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) released the following statement regarding today’s announcement of Gen. Joe Robles (U.S. Army, ret.) being named chairman of USAA, headquartered in San Antonio:

“I am so pleased that my friend Gen. Joe Robles has been named Chairman of USAA. Joe Robles has been a friend for over ten years and he has a very special quality that will be of unique value to USAA.

“USAA provides services to our military personnel and their families and there’s a high level of trust that is required. When our military personnel are stationed around the world, USAA takes care of those families and Joe has provided that trust and will not let these military families down.

“I have worked closely with Joe on military issues in the 1990s during BRAC. He serves as chairman of the Selection Committee for my Military Academies Board.

“Joe is a friend and I know he will do a great job for USAA.”


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