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Sen. Hutchison Welcomes French President Sarkozy
Calls on Improved Transatlantic Relations to Address International Challenges

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, today lauded recent efforts by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both visiting the U.S. this week, to build transatlanic relations as an important step in tackling global challenges.

Sen. Hutchison, who joined her colleagues in welcoming Mr. Sarkozy to a joint session of both chambers of Congress today, issued the following statement:

“Today, Mr. Sarkozy has declared to the Congress and to the United States that France is America’s friend. I am encouraged by Mr. Sarkozy’s desire to renew our historic friendship and work with us to strengthen NATO, confront proliferation, and fight terrorism. Mr. Sarkozy’s May election has ushered in both domestic and international reforms in France that will benefit its citizens, and have a positive impact on U.S. relations with France.

“The U.S. has also formed strong ties with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is making similar inroads of reform in Germany. Her upcoming visit to Crawford, Texas to meet with President Bush also signals better relations between the U.S. and these reemerging European powers. I look forward to engaging our transatlantic partners as we address foreign policy challenges, such as the threat of global terrorism and nuclear proliferation.”


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