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Sen. Hutchison Supports Lone Star Army Ammunition Redevelopment Plant
Sends letter with NE Texas, SW Arkansas Congressional Delegation to Army Secretary Geren

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today sent a letter to Secretary of the Army Pete Geren supporting the redevelopment plan agreement for the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant in New Boston, Texas. The plan, reached by the local community and Day & Zimmerman, allows for new economic development opportunities on the former installation.

The letter was also signed by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Rep. Ralph Hall (R-TX), Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) and Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR).

“I am pleased that this fair redevelopment deal has been reached between the local community, industry and the Army” said Sen. Hutchison.


The Honorable Pete Geren
Secretary, United States Army
101 Army Pentagon
Washington D.C. 20310

Dear Secretary Geren,

During the week of 19 May, 2008, the Red River Redevelopment Authority and Day & Zimmermann Group sent your Installations and Environment office a resolution that detailed an agreement in principle on the footprint of the BRAC property to be transferred at the Lone Star Ammunition Depot. The resolution contained documents and maps that were prepared jointly by the Red River Redevelopment Authority and Day & Zimmermann.

We are aware that both parties involved have reached a mutual agreement on the land and property transfer, which will soon allow your department to initiate the real and personal property disposal planning process in accordance with BRAC law.

The successful and fair redevelopment of the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant has been of great importance to our delegation, and we support the agreement your office has received. We appreciate your attention to this matter.

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison


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