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Sen. Hutchison Comments on the Death of Boris Yeltsin

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, released the following statement today upon the death of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin:

“Boris Yeltsin’s courageous stand against an attempted coup in 1991 and paved the way for a new democratic Russia.

“As Russia’s first democratically elected president, he carried into office the hopes and dreams of a nation. He showed remarkable honesty in his resignation speech when he apologized for failing to see to fruition many of the dreams he shared with the Russian people.

“President Yeltsin worked to transition from the Cold War era by reducing the size of Russia’s nuclear arsenal and limiting nuclear proliferation.

“He recognized that Russia must never return to the oppression of the Soviet regime when he said that ‘Russia will never return to the past. Now, Russia will always move only forward.’

“We pray his successors share that vision.”


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