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Sen. Hutchison Statement on Brooke Army Medical Center

WASHINGTON -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, released the following statement today regarding Brooke Army Medical Center:

“Brooke Army Medical Center has provided cutting edge medical care for America’s wounded warriors for years, and I am working hard to ensure that its role in providing care continues to grow. The fact that the most recent BRAC recommendations call for moving more medical and training facilities to BAMC is a testament to its performance.

“There are some who want to revisit the BRAC decision. I believe the opposite, that we should accelerate it and build state of the art facilities
“Unfortunately, the majority leadership of the Senate cut funding necessary to carry out the BRAC process. I fought for an amendment to restore that funding in the continuing appropriations bill, but was denied a vote on the floor. However, I have since received a commitment from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to restore this critical funding in another measure and I intend to hold him to his word.

“I have complete confidence in the men and women who provide care at BAMC and that the facilities there are maintained and managed according to the highest standards.”


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