International Veterinary Information Service - IVIS
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 European Veterinary Conference - Voorjaarsdagen, 2008 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 European Equine Nutrition & Health Congress (EENHC), 2008 - Wageningen, The Netherlands.
 New Chapters in Avian Medicine: Principles and Application by B.W Ritchie, G.J. Harrison, L.R Harrison
 Flaviviridae by G.R. Carter, D.J. Wise

No matter how eloquently a dog may bark, he cannot tell you that his parents were poor, but honest.—Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), British logician and philosopher

image of the weekA typical cyathostome third-stage larvae (L3) viewed with a 40X objective lens. This micrograph demonstrates the L3 retained within the sheath of the L2 stage […] From: Anthelmintic Control Strategies for Horses by Monahan C. In: Bowman D.D. (Ed.), Companion and Exotic Animal Parasitology.

Suggested ReadingEquine Dentistry: Every week, IVIS brings together reviews, in-depth and how-to papers available in the IVIS Books and Proceedings Library.

Therapeutic Advances in the Management of Heart Disease: an OverviewC. Atkins

Recent Advances in Diagnosing Cardiac Abnormalities with an EKG During Exercise: A ReviewL.E. Young

Techniques for Local Antimicrobial Delivery for Treatment of Orthopedic InfectionsStephen B. Adams

Ruminants. In: Journal of South Africa Veterinary Association. PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. To check an alternative animal group or journal for recent publications, use our Quick-Links to PubMed Abstracts.

 Endoscopic Examination and Biopsy Techniques. M. Taylor. In: Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, B.W. Ritchie, G.J. Harrison and L.R. Harrison (Eds.).

 Supportive Care and Emergency Therapy. K.E. Quesenberry and E.V. Hillyer. In: Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, B.W. Ritchie, G.J. Harrison and L.R. Harrison (Eds.).

 Clinical Considerations in Transfusion Practice. B.F. Feldman and C.A. Sink. In: Practical Transfusion Medicine, B.F. Feldman and C.A. Sink (Eds.).

 Methods. B.F. Feldman and C.A. Sink. In: Practical Transfusion Medicine, B.F. Feldman and C.A. Sink (Eds.).

WSAVA, Jan. 5, 2009 /IVIS - The Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) enters its second phase (VGGII) - The WSAVA Executive Board has recently endorsed an extension of the activities of the Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG - composed of Drs. Michael J. Day, Ronald Schultz, and Marian C. Horzinek). In concluding its first phase, the VGG has published "standard of care" Guidelines for the vaccination of dogs and cats. These guidelines are available through the Scientific Advisory Committee pages of the WSAVA website. Click here to read more...

Boca Raton, FL, USA, Dec. 10, 2008 /IVIS - Zoological Education Network has announced that its popular veterinary books and magazines are now accessible on-line. Cost starts at only $5 each. Examples of currently offered books include the Exotic Guidebook (Surgery and Unusual Pet Care husbandry sections) issues of Exotic DVM Veterinary Magazine. To access the files navigate to and click on the "Books" or "Exotic DVM" tab.

Boophilus microplus. Today’s Center for Food Safety and Public Health's Factsheet covers the etiology, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of Boophilus microplus. Visit our Factsheet Index to access related images or other Factsheets. For "Fast Facts", clients handouts, more, visit the CFSPH.

Meet the AuthorK. Benirschke, MD, La Jolla, CA, USA. Comparative Placentation by K. Benirschke. Other publications by K. Benirschke.

On-line CoursesVetMedTeam Veterinary Assistant Program - Runs continuously - register at any time! Register now. View the on-line courses catalogue.

USPAminoglycosides. From the USP Veterinary Pharmaceutical Information Monographs.

To view enlargement, click on figure

Source: Dr. Dean W. Scott © -

VoorjaarsdagenEuropean Veterinary Conference - Voorjaarsdagen, 2008 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands. View table of contents.

EENHC4th European Equine Nutrition & Health Congress - 2008 - Wageningen, The Netherlands. View table of contents.

WBC25th World Buiatrics Congress - 2008 - Budapest, Hungary. View table of contents.

NAVC - North American Veterinary Conference

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