A brands success starts here

About.com Offers Abundant Customized Solutions
About.com is the leader in providing customized solutions to help marketers achieve their goals - a compelling alternative to portals and a significant way to maximize a brand's ad dollars. For the past ten years, About.com has earned the trust of millions of visitors through its passionate and authoritative coverage of a coverage of a vast array of subjects. Within this trusted community, advertisers can reach and influence audiences like nowhere else on the web. The possibilities start here.


IAB Creative Spec Database for About.com
The IAB Creative Spec Database is the industry’s centralized source for interactive advertising creative specifications

Find out More To access the IAB Creative Specs Database, click here.

Find out More To view IAB On-Time Delivery Toolkit for Interactive Media, click here.

Find out More To view About.com's Advertising Guidelines, click here.

Basic Ad Unit Specifications
About.com uses DART for Publishers to serve our ads. All clients receive a username and passwords to access DART reporting.

About.com accepts GIFs, JPEGs, HTML, JavaScript, Flash 8 , United Virtualities, Eyeblaster, ViewPoint / Unicast, Atlas Rich Media, Eyewonder, Interpolls, Bluestreak, PointRoll, Rovion, DART Motif and we are always willing to consider new vendors not listed herein. At least 5 business days is required to test new Third Party Advertising.

Our standard for all paid advertisements is to launch a new browser and leave the About.com base page intact. This is the case for both in-page and intrusive creative.


Adobe Flash Creative Specifications
All advertisers wishing to use Flash creatives must supply the following before the two day testing period can begin:

  • Version 8 Flash SWF (14-18 Flash Frames Per Second)
  • Default GIF
  • Click-through URLs
Find out More For instructions on click-tracking with Flash, click here.