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Decision Software

Corn Silage
Forage Feeding
Red Clover
Other Legumes
Alternative Forages
Cereal Forages
Decision Software

WI Crop Manager
UW Forage Extension
UW Dairy Extension
UW Corn Extension
WI Custom Operators
Midwest Forage Assn.


Alfalfa and Corn Silage Production

12-23-08 Alfalfa Profitability by Year Calculator
This spreadsheet developed by Extension Educator Ken Barnett estimates yields and profits for alfalfa stands from establishment to the the 4th production year.

 3-22-2007 Machinery Cost Spreadsheet
3-22-2007  Estimating Agricultural Field Machinery Costs
by Dr. Ron Schuler, UW Extension Ag Engineer.  This spreadsheet and paper helps to estimate the cost of various field crop machine operations.

3-23-06 Calculating Alfalfa Optimum First Cut Date Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet for calculating the optimal first cutting date and net return per acre based on yield and RFV.  Developed by Bill Lazarus, University of Minnesota, and Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist

Calculating Optimal Length of a Stand of Alfalfa  
This spreadsheet, developed by former Waukesha County Agriculture Agent, Rob Fox, offers users the ability to evaluate the economic return of varying lengths of alfalfa stands.

Alfalfa Autotoxicity Risk Spreadsheet
A MS Excel spreadsheet designed to evaluate the autotoxicity risk of seeding alfalfa fields back into alfalfa. 

Alfalfa Variety Comparison Web Site
An on-line database giving you the ability to compare alfalfa variety performance data from a number of states and locations.

Pastures and Grazing

Calculating Grazing Forage Needs and Pasture Availability

Forage Feeding

This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Randy Shaver, Dr. Joe Lauer, Dr. Jim Coors, and Pat Hoffman, is the latest version of the "MILK" series spreadsheets.  It more accurately estimates the feeding value of corn silage than past versions.

Milk2000 VER. 7.4 (Updated 7/02)
    Milk2000 - explanation of terms
This spreadsheet, developed by Eric Schwab, Dr. Randy Shaver, Dr. Joe Lauer, Dr. Dave Combs, Dr. Jim Coors, Pat Hoffman, and Dr. Dan Undersander , estimates the feeding value of alfalfa and grasses. Use Milk2006 for corn silage.

Using Milk2000 to Estimate Corn Hybrid Silage Performance
by Joe Lauer, UW Extension Corn Agronomist, et. al.  A "Focus on Forage" fact sheet

This spreadsheet, developed by Drs. Terry Howard and Randy Shaver, is a program to compare values of  different feed sources - Calculated from Crude Protein, TDN, Ca, and P (Referee Feeds Used to Calculate Value of Nutrients).

This spreadsheet, developed by Drs. Terry Howard and Randy Shaver, is a program to compare values of  different feed sources - Feed Comparative Values Calculated from Protein (UIP), TDN, Fat, Calcium, & Phosphorus.

This spreadsheet, developed by Drs. Terry Howard and Randy Shaver, is a program to calculate MAXIMUM price for forage based on a base forage.

Economics and Budgeting

12-23-08 Corn Silage Pricing Decision Aid
This spreadsheet developed by Ryan Sterry, Polk Co. Agriculture Agent; Lee Milligan, St. Croix Co. Agriculture Agent; and Joe Lauer, UW-Extension Corn Agronomist, helps to determine a price for standing and harvested corn silage.

5-16-08 Pricing Standing Forage Worksheet
This spreadsheet developed by Extension Educator Ken Barnett, helps to determine ceiling and floor prices to pay for standing forage.

Hay Pricing Spreadsheet
An MS Excel spreadsheet that automatically adjusts hay price based on moisture and quality.

Forage Land-Base Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Greg Blonde, Waupaca County Agricultural Agent, estimates the number of acres of corn silage or alfalfa needed for the dairy herd.

Corn Silage vs. Alfalfa Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Monroe County Agriculture Agent, Jim Leverich, offers dairymen the opportunity to compare expense and income for producing and feeding different amounts of corn silage and alfalfa.

Agricultural Budget Calculation Software (ABCS©)
ABCS© is a farm management tool for the distribution, editing, printing, and creation of single and whole farm crop and livestock enterprise budgets and data sets. ABCS© is an interactive menu-driven stand alone computer program for use by extension personnel, researchers, farm managers, students and teachers.
Updated Version 7.1 for Windows/Windows95, 2000. Cost: $75.00
Please contact the Center for Dairy Profitability for ordering and price information.

Enterprise Budget Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Gary Frank, allows you to spread costs between milk, raising heifers and up to five cropping enterprises.

Custom Harvesting Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Gary Frank, allows you to help determine your forage harvesting costs vs. custom operator charges.

Crop Rotation Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Gary Frank, allows you to balance your dairy cow ration between alfalfa, corn silage, and soil nutrients.

Storage Structures

10-20-08 Bunker Silo Volume and Weight Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, is designed to calculate the volume and weight (dry and wet) of silage stored in a bunker silo.

5-09-08 Determining Value of Improved Silage Management
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, is designed to help producers determine the value associated with dry matter and quality losses from harvesting, storing, and feeding forages.

5-22-07 Silage Bag Sizing Calculator Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, is designed to help producers determine the number and size of silo bags needed to store forage and high moisture corn.

6-23-08 Silage Pile Density Calculator (in English and Espanol)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes and Dr. Richard Muck, is designed to help producers determine the average density of a silage pile. Works for both English and Metric units and includes a Spanish (espanol) translated option.  Porosity now included as a factor.

on 2-28-06 Floor Length to Achieve Bunker/Pile Silo Filling Layer Thickness Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, estimates the length of floor needed to achieve the desired forage filling layer thickness prior to packing in a bunker or pile silo.

8-24-07 Bunker Silo Density Calculator (in English and Espanol)
1-19-07  Hungarian Version
This spreadsheet, developed by Drs. Brian Holmes and Richard Muck is designed to help producers estimate bunker silo densities. Works for both English and Metric units and the new version includes a Spanish (espanol) translated option.  Porosity now included as a factor. 

4-28-2005 Estimating Winter Hay Needs for Beef Cattle
Developed by Bill Halfman, Monroe County Agricultural Agent, this spreadsheet helps to estimate winter hay needs based on inventory, feed loss, and livestock numbers.

1-28-05 Storage Density Calculator

This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, was developed to estimate the average density of forage in selected storage units based on the weight of feed removed and the calculated volume of that feed.

Comparing Round Bale Storage Costs
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, will help analyze the economics of storing round bales.

Facer Cost Analysis Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, will help analyze the economics of owning and operating a facer for removing silage from horizontal silos.

5-30-07 Silage Pile Capacity Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, is designed to help producers determine the amount of silage in an existing silage pile.

on 3-1-05 Silage Pile Dimension Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Ken Barnett, Extension Educator, is designed to help producers size silage piles.

08-22-1998 Bunker Silo Sizing Spreadsheet
    Documentation -
01-19-2007 Hungarian Translation of Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, will  help design bunker silos with nearly vertical walls.

on 5-1-2003 Cost of Forage Storage Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, will help analyze the capital and annual costs for various types of high-moisture forage storage structures.

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