Entry bubble Happy Halloween Ghouls and Boos

By: Ginger | October 31, 2008 | Category: Fun

Kids in Halloween costumesMy earliest Halloween memory is being dressed as Casper, the friendly ghost, when I was 4. I insisted on sleeping in that costume for the next 3 years and probably would be sleeping in it today, if it hadn’t been tragically and accidentally (so my mother claims) thrown out in the garbage.

My parents would sit us down every Halloween for a safety lecture. They would warn us about razor blades being hidden in Halloween candy; hence the mandate to not eat any candy until they checked it out. As a kid, I had a suspicion that this was really more about my parents wanting to pick out the good candy first. In hindsight, I actually think this is fair. There ought to be some perks to being a parent.

Nowadays, the Food and Drug Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the National Fire Protection Association, and the American Red Cross have web pages devoted to sharing Halloween safety information. In addition, the USA.gov Halloween page has links to all kinds of interesting Halloween facts and customs. Check out the Halloween pages from the American Folklife Center, the White House, the Patent and Trade Office, and the U.S. Census Bureau.

One Halloween, while trick-or-treating, a man told me that I had to do a trick to get my treat. I did an out-of-control cartwheel that nearly took out 2 ghosts, a princess, and a lumberjack. I remember grumbling to my sister about the “old geezer” who made me do a trick to get my treat.

Now, I am the “old geezer.” I make trick-or-treaters earn their treats. I sit outside with the candy and our 2 dogs. I tell the kids they can take one piece of candy or a handful by getting Doc and Daisy to do tricks. Most opt for the handful, so I show the kids the commands for sit, play dead, roll-over, and dance. When the kids get the dogs to complete the correct trick, they grab a big handful of the good stuff.

We know some of the neighborhood kids pretty well. For them, I bring out our cat. I tell the kids if they can get her to do a trick, I will give them my car. They try, but Keeboo just yowls at them and smacks them with her clawless paw. My husband says one day Keeboo may actually cooperate and I will have to give my car to a 5-year-old, but I’m not worried.

So, what Halloween memories do you have?

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Comments (5):

blue comment bubble Posted by Lazy Ghoul on October 31, 2008 at 07:22 AM EDT

Hi Ginger!
I live on a hillside in a suburban community, my front door is a good 20 feet above street level. Rather than subject the children to climbing my steps i sit and throw candy to (at) them from my porch. Some kids really get into it. I've learned to judge candy by it's loft to drag ratio and found that Dum Dums get the best range, followed by Tootsie Pops, then Blow Pops. After that is the pint sized candy bars of all variety. The little pieces that com in bags aren't worth throwing so i keep those. This year i am buying a couple bags of lollies to toss and a bag of the good stuff for my kids and i to share (yeah, i'll let them have some). This way i can sit and enjoy the trick or treat without all the work.

happy Halloween

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blue comment bubble Posted by Ginger on October 31, 2008 at 08:38 AM EDT

Lazy Ghoul, I admire your style. Throwing the candy, sounds like a great method, but it still sounds like too much work. I think you can do better. With some duct tape (I'm not sure you really need the duct tape, but it is a requirement to use per Regulation 10-39b of the Jury-rigging Contraptions Manual), a mouse trap, and a bobby-pin, I'm thinking you could build yourself an awesome mini-candy-catapult. Hey, let me know how that goes. I can write a blog on how to get a patent on a Halloween-Candy-Catapult.

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blue comment bubble Posted by Fond Memories on October 31, 2008 at 12:14 PM EDT

I miss the good old days when we use to get full size candy bars instead of the little minis. Always loved getting Baby Ruth bars and Hersheys with Almonds. The little minis disappear so fast I forgot I ate them. SMILE!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Ginger on October 31, 2008 at 03:45 PM EDT

Fond Memories, I was at the store last night doing a last minute Halloween candy run. Did you know that you can purchase little mini-bags of cheese crackers and little graham cracker packs to give out for Halloween? I guess those are supposed to be healthier than candy. I've got to get with the program. Here I am providing a sugar overload to the neighborhood kids. Next year I am going with healthy Halloween treats. I will be handing out baggies of celery and carrots with tofu dip. To jazz it up I will carve the carrots into little pumpkins. I better get cracking on my carrot carving skills.

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blue comment bubble Posted by Richard Vanderhurst on October 31, 2008 at 07:40 PM EDT

I want to wish all the blog readers a happy Halloween. I realy missed those days.
God Bless you all...

Richard Vanderhurst

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