Center Sights - Exhibits

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The Oregon Trail Interpretive Center features self-guided exhibits, incorporating state-of-the-art audiovisuals with life-size trail scenes. Pioneer figures, replica wagons, native wildlife and vegetation, and various artifacts allow visitors to experience a typical journey along the Oregon Trail. Three short closed-captioned videos are incorporated throughout the exhibits, providing visitors a deeper understanding of preparing for the journey, tribulations encountered along the way, and the hopes and dreams realized upon arrival and settlement in The Land of Milk and Honey.

Three to four circulating exhibits are offered each year in the Center's 1,500 square foot Flagstaff Gallery. Produced by Center staff or arranged through rental or loan from other institutions, these quality exhibits focus more closely on various aspects of the Center's themes.

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Quick Time Virtual Tour

The following Virtual Tour is of the Main Entry Exhibit at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.

Click to view the Virtual Tour

  • Note: to view this tour, you must have the Apple QuickTime player installed.
  • The free download can be found on the Apple QuickTime website.