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Regulations and Assessments

International Animal Export Regulations



If you have any questions or concerns regarding these regulations for exporting animals or animal products to a foreign country, you should contact the APHIS-VS Area Office in the State from which the animals or products will be exported.

Ivory Coast - Summary of Requirements

The following protocols for exporting animals to Ivory Coast are available through the International Regulations Retrieval System (IRRS).


Cattle - August 1980 (pdf 3kb)

For species not listed, the requirements are not known. However, exporters wanting to ship livestock whose requirements are not listed in the IRRS, should have the interested party (importer/buyer) in the country of destination apply for an Import Permit at the appropriate ministry. This Import Permit will most likely outline the specific requirements.

Other Information


The following requirements are those listed in the ASPCA booklet entitled "Traveling With Your Pet".

Cats and dogs accompanying a passenger may enter without an import permit. However, all animals must be accompanied by a health certificate and a rabies inoculation certificate dated not earlier than 3 days before the trip commenced and issued by the health authorities in the country of origin. The health certificate must state that the animal does not carry any contagious diseases and that no contagious diseases have existed in the territory during the previous 6 weeks. The animal should be free from mange for at least 6 months.

An import license is required in addition for dogs and cats not accompanying passengers, and for all other pets.

Animals originating in the following countries only need the certification mentioned in the first paragraph: Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, France, Gabon, Malagasy Republic, Mali, Mauritania, Niger,Niger, Senegal, and Upper Volta.


Last Modified: May 14, 2008