'Just Ask'  Seminars

Accessible UX:
Improving the User Experience of People with Disabilities and Seniors on the Web

Accessibility is about making the Web more usable to more people in more situations. It is vital that the Web is accessible to people with disabilities and seniors, given its increasingly key role in education, employment, government, commerce, health care, recreation, and more. The first step for successful accessibility is understanding the basic issues.

This seminar introduces you to real-world user experiences of people with different disabilities using the Web. You'll see accessibility barriers common in many websites, and usability issues for seniors with diminishing abilities due to aging. We'll demo assistive technologies - such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and alternative input devices - to show what works, what doesn't and how to fix it.

For web developers, designers, project managers, usability specialists, and testers we'll cover:

For people with disabilities and seniors we'll cover:

Come be a part of this unique opportunity for web developers and people with disabilities to learn together how to make the Web better for all.

 Accessible UX coming to a location near you...

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For information about hosting a seminar, contact Shawn at 617-395-7664 or shawn@uiAccess.com.