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Invasive Plants

european privetInvasive plants are species that aggressively compete with and displace native plant communities. Non-native invasive plants impact ecosystems in every state in the United States. The result can be loss and destruction of forage and habitat for wildlife, loss of available grazing land, diminished land values, lost forest productivity, reduced groundwater levels, soil degradation, increased risk of devastating wildfires, and diminished recreational enjoyment. Although certain plant species were introduced in the United States for erosion control or ornamental purposes, many now invade thousands of acres per year. Today, entire ecosystems and communities are experiencing the detrimental impact of invasive and noxious weeds. Scientists are dedicated to solving invasive plant species problems and reducing the impacts of noxious weeds.

Field Guide:

Top ten graphic Top Ten Plus Invasive Plants in the Northeastern Area

Analysis of top invasive plant species for 20 Northeastern states based on 2005 Questionnaire data

The Invasive Plants Fact Sheets fact sheet project is designed to distribute information about specific invasive plants that exist in the Northeastern United States. The research data includes scientific classifications, biological description, habitat, ecological threat, management and control, distribution maps, and photos.

The “Playbook” provides information and key contacts for invasive and exotic species programs in 20 Northeastern Area states.

The “Eastern Native Resource Directory” will help eastern United States residents locate native plant materials to aid in restoring habitat conditions for ecosystems that have been invaded by invasive plants. The USDA Forest Service is supportive of Executive Order 13112 requiring Federal agencies to provide for restoration of native species. A reliable, stable, and economical supply of native plant materials is essential. These materials may be obtained through partnerships and commerce, through nurseries and wild land seed sources and other natural areas.

Federal and State noxious weed list

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