Environment Canada / Environnement Canada [Français] United States Environmental Protection Agency

SOLEC 2000

SOLEC 2000 - Implementing Indicators
November 2000
(Draft for Review)

This is the second draft of the "SOLEC - Implementing Indicators" report. It incorporates the indicators presented at SOLEC 2000 in October, 2000, plus incorporates those indicators that were presented in the addendum. In addition to this, two indicator reports have been revised (Preyfish Populations #17 and Walleye #9) and two new indicator reports have been added (Native Unionid Mussels #68 and Population Monitoring and Contaminants Affecting the American Otter #8147).

Much time and effort has been put into reporting out on indicators from the SOLEC suite. At this time we are pleased to present a report on 32 of the 79 SOLEC indicators plus an additional report for a proposed indicator (Exotic Species #9002). A brief description of what can be found in each pdf file follows:

intro.pdf (6 pages, ~400KB) This section contains the cover page, table of contents for the report and the introduction to the report.

water_indicators.pdf (31 pages, 975KB) This section contains reports for 11 open and nearshore water indicators - it is loaded with graphics.

coastal_wetland_indicators.pdf (15 pages, ~700KB) This section contains reports for 5 coastal wetland indicators.

nearshore_terrestrial_indicators.pdf (7 pages, ~500KB) This section contains reports for 3 nearshore terrestrial indicators.

land_use_indicators.pdf (9 pages, ~650KB) This section contains reports for 4 land use indicators.

human_health_indicators.pdf (4 pages, ~500KB) This section contains a report for the Air Quality indicator - more indicator reports will follow at SOLEC 2000.

societal_indicators.pdf (2 pages, ~100KB) This section contains a report for the Water Use indicator group.

unbounded_indicators.pdf (3 pages, ~575KB) This section contains a report for the Acid Rain indicator.

underconstruction.pdf (2 pages, ~10KB) This section contains a proposed indicator on Exotic Species - the graphics will follow at SOLEC 2000.

app_1and2.pdf (15 pages, ~125KB) These appendices contain a short description for indicator in the SOLEC suite as well as alternate ways to group them.

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Last Modified: January 16, 2001
URL: http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/solec/iplementing2000-e.html
Copyright © 2000, Environment Canada. All rights reserved.
Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada