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Evaluation Form
Let us know how you liked the course by answering a few questions. The evaluations are anonymous and filling out the form is voluntary. Feel free to give us additional comments in the box below. Tell us how to improve the course or give us some ideas for new Mini-Courses.

Name of the Course:

Please provide the institute name where the Course was offered:

Name of the instructor for the lecture portion:

Name of the instructor for the hands-on portion:

    Was the lecture well-organized?
    Very Well-Organized
    Fairly Well-Organized
    Poorly Organized
    Very Poorly Organized
    Not scored yet
    Was the hands-on well-organized?
    Very Well-Organized
    Fairly Well-Organized
    Poorly Organized
    Very Poorly Organized
    Not scored yet

    How useful was the course?
    Very Useful
    Fairly Useful
    Not Very Useful
    Not scored yet

Your comments about the course:


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Revised January 4, 2007