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Translations of W3C Documents

Translations in Afrikaans

Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Jacques du Plessis.

Translations in Arabic

ما يجب عليك معرفته حول الخوارزمية ثنائية الاتجاه والترميز المضم
Translation of the document: “What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
أسئلة شائعة: استخدام <select> للربط بمحتوى مترجم
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Using <select> to Link to Localized Content”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
نشاط التدويل عند W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Internationalization Activity”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).
نشرة واي (WAI flyer)
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).
مبادرة مناليَّة الويب (وَايْ WAI)
Translation of the document: “WAI Overview”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).
للبداية: جعل موقع ويب مُتناوَل (ممكن الوصول إليه)
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).
نصائح سريعة لتكوين مواقع ويب (WEB SITES) في متناول الجميع
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).
مفتاح معايير الويب
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).
لغة إكس إم إل (XML) في 10 نقط
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: نجيب التونسي (Najib Tounsi).

Translations in Argentinian Spanish

Como la WAI desarrolla las pautas de accesibilidad en el proceso de la W3C: Hitos y oportunidades para contribuir
Translation of the document: “How WAI Develops Accessibility Guidelines through the W3C Process: Milestones and Opportunities to Contribute”. Translator: Leonardo Ariel Sanguinetti.

Translations in Belarusian

Фарматы Даты і Часу
Translation of the document: “Date and Time Formats”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Адказы на часта зададзеныя пытанні па XHTML і HTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Беларускі пераклад “CSS & XSL”
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Не выкарыстоўвайце «карыстацкі DTD»!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Як дадаць стыль да XML
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Як рабіць безтаблічную вёрстку
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Асноўныя стылі W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).
Адказы на часта зададзеныя пытанні па XForms 1.0
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Аляксей Пятроў (Aleksei Petrov).

Translations in Bengali

সুগম বেব সাইত বানাবার কিচু তত্খানিক উপদেশ
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translators: কৃষ্‌নেন্দু কূমার চক্রবর্ত (Krishnendu Kumar Chakraborty), অমীতাভ রায (Amitabha Roy).

Translations in Brazilian Portuguese

Recomendações para a acessibilidade do conteúdo da Web - 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Claudia Dias.
XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Segunda Edição), Uma reformulação do HTML 4 em XML 1.0
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
xml:id Versão 1.0
Translation of the document: “xml:id Version 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Características de acessibilidade das CSS
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of CSS”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Técnicas CSS para acessibilidade a conteúdo web - Diretrizes 1.0
Translation of the document: “CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Formatação de data e hora
Translation of the document: “Date and Time Formats”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Inacessibilidade de CAPTCHA
Translation of the document: “Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Os tipos de mídia para XHTML
Translation of the document: “XHTML Media Types”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ: Declaração de codificação de caracteres em arquivo CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Codificação de caracteres
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ: Codificação de caracteres para iniciantes
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Character encodings for beginners”. Translator: Alan Henrique Pardo de Carvalho.
FAQ: Configurando a codificação de caracteres no .htaccess
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting 'charset' Information in .htaccess”. Translator: Rafael Zanella.
FAQ: HTML, XHTML, XML e os códigos de controle
Translation of the document: “FAQ: HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Configurando o parâmetro HTTP da codificação de caracteres (charset)
Translation of the document: “The HTTP charset parameter”. Translator: Rafael Zanella.
FAQ: Verificando o cabeçalho HTTP
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ: Configurando as preferências de idioma no navegador
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting language preferences in a browser”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ: Tags em outros idiomas
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Non-English tags”. Translator: Joildo Santos.
Servindo XHTML 1.0
Translation of the document: “Serving XHTML 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ: Usando <select> para lincar à um conteúdo específico
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Using <select> to Link to Localized Content”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ: Quem usa Unicode?
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Who uses Unicode?”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Trabalhando com zonas horárias
Translation of the document: “Working with Time Zones”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Planejando a implementação de acessibilidade à Web
Translation of the document: “Implementation Plan for Web Accessibility”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Introdução à Acessibilidade na Web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Conformidade com as Recomendações para a acessibilidade do conteúdo da Web 1.0 — Nível A
Translation of the document: “Level A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
onformidade com as Recomendações para a acessibilidade do conteúdo da Web 1.0 — Nível Duplo A
Translation of the document: “Level Double-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Conformidade com as Recomendações para a acessibilidade do conteúdo da Web 1.0 — Nível Triplo A
Translation of the document: “ Level Triple-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Recomendações para a acessibilidade do conteúdo da Web 1.0 do W3C — Selos de conformidade
Translation of the document: “W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Conformance Logos”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Navegação pelas Diretrizes e Documentos Técnicos das WCAG 1.0
Translation of the document: “Navigating WCAG 1.0 Guidelines and Techniques Documents”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Componentes essenciais para Acessibilidade à Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Checklist para os Pontos de Checagem para a Acessibilidade ao conteúdo da Web - Diretrizes 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Diretrizes de Acessibilidade ao Conteúdo da Web (WCAG) - Uma Visão Geral
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Christian Reis.
Ampersands, PHP Sessions e HTML válido
Translation of the document: “Ampersands, PHP Sessions and Valid HTML”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Não use "Clique aqui" para texto de link
Translation of the document: “Don’t use “click here” as link text”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Construindo um website válido: passo-a-passo
Translation of the document: “Making your website valid: a step by step guide”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Meu Web site é standard! E o seu?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Mudando para Web Standards
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Adotando padrões web
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral.
Dicas de garantia de qualidade para Webmasters
Translation of the document: “Quality Tips for Webmasters”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
FAQ - Perguntas frequentes sobre HTML e XHTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Iniciando com HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Alan Henrique Pardo de Carvalho.
Folhas de Estilo para Web, dicas & macetes CSS: Caixas com cantos arredondados e sombras
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Folhas de Estilo para Web, dicas & macetes CSS: Sombras
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Folhas de Estilo para Web, dicas & macetes CSS: Imagens & legendas
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Folhas de Estilo para Web, CSS dicas & macetes: Famílias de fontes
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Folhas de Estilo para Web, dicas & macetes CSS: Menu fixo
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Primeiros passos com HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
Construindo um layout sem tabelas
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
XForms 1.0 FAQ - Perguntas frequentes
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Events for HTML Authors”. Translator: Maurício Samy Silva.
XML em 10 pontos
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral.
XML em 10 pontos. (7, de fato...)
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Fabrício Rogério Santos Santana.

Translations in Bulgarian

Първи стъпки: Създаване на достъпен уеб сайт
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Станислав Йорданов (Stanislav Yordanov).
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Станислав Йорданов (Stanislav Yordanov).
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Алтернативни style sheets
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
CSS съвети и трикове
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Центриране на обекти
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Заоблени ъгли и рамки със сенки
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Сенки на обекти
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Четно и нечетно
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Фигури и заглавия
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Семейства шрифтове
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
CSS съвети и трикове
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Фиксирани менюта
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Начало с HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Как да добавим стил към XML
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Текст със сянка
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Псевдо-класът ':target'
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Не-оцветени скролбарове
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).
Публикуване на математика в мрежата с MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Александър Дичев (Alexander Dichev).

Translations in Catalan

Associant Fulles d'Estil amb documents XML Versió 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Diego Martín Lafuente.
Directrius per a l'accessibilitat al contingut web, versió 1.0
Authorized translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Lead Translation Organization: Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació - Universitat de Barcelona.
XHTML™ 1.0: El Llenguatge d'Etiquetat Hipertextual Extensible - Una Reformulació d'HTML 4.0 en XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Diego Martín Lafuente.
XHTML™ Bàsic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Fran Rosa i Soler.
XHTML™ Bàsic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Diego Martín Lafuente.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: Diego Martín Lafuente.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Lambert Torres Villafañe.
Guia breu per a crear llocs webs accessibles
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Diego Martín Lafuente.
Preguntes més freqüents d'HTML i XHTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Arnau Siches.
XML en 10 punts
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Mikel L. Forcada.

Translations in Chinese, Simplified

文档对象模型 (DOM) 级别 2 样式规范
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Specification”. Translator: 杜怡冬 (Yidong Du).
文档对象模型 (DOM) 级别2 视图 规范
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Views Specification”. Translator: 杜怡冬 (Yidong Du).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
XML信息集 (第二版)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translators: W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translators: 陳宏 (Hong Chen), 李攀 (Pan Li).
OWL Web本体语言 指南
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translators: W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 倪跃 (Yue Ni).
OWL Web本体语言概述
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translators: 兰煜峰 (Yufeng Lan), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 刘升平 (Shengping Liu).
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 武浩 (Hao Wu), 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 詹子鹏 (Zipeng Zhan).
Translation of the document: “RDF Primer”. Translators: 詹子鹏 (Zipeng Zhan), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), 朱礼军 (Lijun Zhu), 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 倪跃 (Yue Ni).
同步多媒体合成语言(SMIL) 1.0 规范
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
将样式表与 XML 文档相联系 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Web内容可访问性指南 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 吴隽辰 (Junchen Wu).
XHTML™ 1.0: 可扩展超文本标记语言 用XML 1.0重新形成的HTML 4
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
XML 链接语言(XLink) 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XML1.0 可扩展标记语言1.0 (于一九九八年二月十日之推荐标准)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
XML 1.0 (Second Edition) 可扩展标记语言第二版 (于二零零零年十月六日之推荐标准)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
XPointer element() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer 架构
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer xmlns() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Translation of the document: “CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 郭亮 (Liang Guo).
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Using <select> to Link to Localized Content”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Translation of the document: “Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization: Overview”. Translator: 郭亮 (Liang Guo).
开始: 使网站容易使用
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
不要使用"点击这里" 作为链接文本
Translation of the document: “Don’t use “click here” as link text”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
Translation of the document: “Quality Tips for Webmasters”. Translator: 张杜一雄 (Zhang Du Yi Xiong).
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translators: W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
入门教程:使用 N3 初探 RDF 和 Semantic Web
Translation of the document: “Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3”. Translator: 王超 (Chao Wang).
用 MathML 将数学放上网路
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 種參 (Samuel Chong).
可扩展标记语言(XML) 1.1
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Candidate Recommendation)”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).

Translations in Chinese, Traditional

Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
XML資訊集 (第二版)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translators: W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translators: 陳宏 (Hong Chen), 李攀 (Pan Li).
同步多媒体合成語言(SMIL) 1.0 規范
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
將樣式表與 XML 文檔相聯繫 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XHTML™ 1.0: 可擴展超文本標記語言 用XML 1.0重新形成的HTML 4
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
XML 鏈接語言(XLink) 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XML1.0 可擴展標記語言 (於一九九八年二月十日之推薦標準)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translators: 梁中平 (Liang Chung-Ping), 徐子淵 (Kevin Hsu).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
XPointer element() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer 架構
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer xmlns() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
開始: 使网站容易使用
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
不要使用"點擊這里" 作為鏈接文本
Translation of the document: “Don’t use “click here” as link text”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
Translation of the document: “Quality Tips for Webmasters”. Translator: 张杜一雄 (Zhang Du Yi Xiong).
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: 郭煥青 (Huan Ching Kuo).
不要使用"自訂文件類型定義" (custom DTDs)!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: 郭煥青 (Huan Ching Kuo).
W3C 核心樣式
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: 郭煥青 (Huan Ching Kuo).
用 MathML 將數學放上網路
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 種參 (Samuel Chong).
可擴展標記語言(XML) 1.1
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Candidate Recommendation)”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).

Translations in Croatian

Smjernice za osiguravanje pristupačnosti mrežnih sadržaja 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Koraljka Golub.

Translations in Czech

Asociace stylových předpisů s XML dokumenty, verze 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Josef Petrák.
Architektura WWW, první vydání
Translation of the document: “Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One”. Translator: Filip Rychetský.
XHTML™ 1.0 Rozšířitelný hypertextový značkovací jazyk (druhé vydání), Reformulace HTML 4 v XML 1.0
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translator: Jiří Hrazdil.
XHTML™ 1.1 - Modulove zalozený XHTML
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML”. Translator: Jakub Matějka .
Datové formáty W3C
Translation of the document: “ W3C Data Formats”. Translator: Josef Petrák.
Slovník hodnocení PICS v XML/RDF
Translation of the document: “PICS Rating Vocabularies in XML/RDF”. Translator: Josef Petrák.
Úvod do problematiky přístupného webu
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Vladimir Matejicek.
Základní součásti přístupného webu
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Vladimir Matejicek.
Deset rad pro vytváření přístupných webových stránek
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Jiří Kosek.
HTML a XHTML: Často zodpovídané dotazy
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translators: Josef Petrák, Michal Trna.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Miroslav Rocek.
Základní styly W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Miroslav Rocek.
XML v deseti bodech
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Ondra Žižka.
Vyjádření objektů vCard v RDF/XML
Translation of the document: “Representing vCard Objects in RDF/XML”. Translator: Josef Petrák.

Translations in Danish

Retningslinjer for tilgængelige web-sider 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Lars Ballieu Christensen.
Kom i gang: sådan gøres et netsted tilgængeligt
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Helle Bjarnø.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Helle Bjarnø.
Skift til Web Standarder
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Lars Ballieu Christensen.

Translations in Dutch

Style Sheets associëren met XML documenten Versie 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Andy Camps.
Richtlijnen voor de Toegankelijkheid van Web Content 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miente Bakker.
XHTML™ 1.0: De Extensible HyperText Markup Language, Een herformulering van HTML 4 in XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Andy Camps.
XHTML™ Basic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Andy Camps.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: Andy Camps.
Volledige Lijst van IJkpunten voor de Richtlijnen Toegankelijkheid Web Content 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miente Bakker.
Lijst van IJkpunten voor de Richtlijnen Toegankelijkheid Web Content 1.0
Translation of the document: “List of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miente Bakker.
Curriculum voor de Richtlijnen Toegankelijkheid van Web Content 1.0
Translation of the document: “Curriculum for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miente Bakker.
Een website toegankelijk maken, waar te beginnen
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Henk Snetselaar.
"Quick Tips" voor het maken van toegankelijke web-sites
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Bert Bos.
Een confetti menu
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Alternatieve style sheets
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Web Style Sheets, CSS Tips & Trucs
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Dingen Centreren
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Afgeronde hoeken en shaduw kaders
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Schaduw kader
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Even en onevent regel
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Afbeeldingen en onderschriften
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Groepen Lettertypen
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Inspringende Paragrafen
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Eeen vastgepind menu
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Beginnen met HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Bert Bos.
Schaduw tekst
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Pseudo klasse 'target' (doel)
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Ongekleurde scrollbars
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Saffier Verkaik.
Modularisatie van XHTML™
Translation of the document: “Modularization of XHTML™”. Translator: Andy Camps.
XML in 10 punten
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Miente Bakker.

Translations in Farsi

سند مدل شیء (DOM) خصوصيات سبك سطح 2
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Specification”. Translator: سيد عبدالقادر صمدی (Seyyed Abdul Qader Samadi).
فضاهای نامی در XML 1.0 (ویرایش دوم)
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: سيد عبدالقادر صمدی (Seyyed Abdul Qader Samadi).
فضاهای نامی در XML 1.1 (ویرایش دوم)
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition)”. Translator: سيد عبدالقادر صمدی (Seyyed Abdul Qader Samadi).
پروتکل SPARQL برای RDF
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Protocol for RDF”. Translator: سيد عبدالقادر صمدی (Seyyed Abdul Qader Samadi).
ساختار XML نتایج جستجوی SPARQL
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Query Results XML Format”. Translator: سيد عبدالقادر صمدی (Seyyed Abdul Qader Samadi).
XHTML™ 1.0 زبان نشانه گذاری ابر متن توسعه پذیر (ویرایش دوم)
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translator: سيد عبدالقادر صمدی (Seyyed Abdul Qader Samadi).

Translations in Finnish

Verkkosisällön saavutettavuusohjeet (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0)
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Katariina Kiiliäinen, Minna von Zansen.
Web-sisällön saavutettavuusohje 1.0: tarkistuslista
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Ossi Nykänen.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Marja-Riitta Koivunen.
Liittyminen jäseneksi
Translation of the document: “W3C Membership”. Translator: Ossi Nykänen.
XML 10 kohdan tiivistelmänä
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Ossi Nykänen.

Translations in French

Règles d'accessibilité pour les outils d'édition 1.0
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Les profils composites de capacités/préférences (CC/PP) : structure et vocabulaires 1.0
Translation of the document: “Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Un modèle de caractères pour le Web 1.0 : Les principes de base
Translation of the document: “Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Modèle Objet de Documents (DOM) Spécification niveau 1
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1”. Translators: Lionel Fiol, Jean-Jacques Thomasson, Lucas Fournier, Olivier Collioud, Stéphane Bonhomme, Ramzi Guetari, Hubert Borderiou, Xavier Legalles, Yves Bazin.
La spécification du Modèle Objet de Document (DOM) niveau 2 - Core
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La spécification du Modèle Objet de Document (DOM) niveau 2 - Events
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La spécification du Modèle Objet de Document (DOM) niveau 2 - Style
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La spécification du Modèle Objet de Document (DOM) niveau 2 - Traversal and Range
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La spécification du Modèle Objet de Document (DOM) niveau 2 - Views
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Views Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La transformation de décryptage pour XML Signature
Translation of the document: “Decryption Transform for XML Signature”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Glaner les descriptions de ressources des dialectes de langages (GRDDL)
Translation of the document: “Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Spécification HTML 4.01
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Le jeu de balises d'internationalisation (ITS) version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
L'ensemble d'information XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. Translator: Sylvain Bilodeau.
Les espaces de nommage dans XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les espaces de nommage dans XML 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le langage d'ontologie Web OWL, Guide
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Vue d'ensemble du langage d'ontologie Web OWL
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La référence du langage d'ontologie Web OWL
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Reference”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La sémantique et la syntaxe abstraite du langage d'ontologie Web OWL
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les jeux d'essais du langage d'ontologie Web OWL
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les cas et conditions d'utilisation du langage d'ontologie Web OWL
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Spécification de la plateforme pour les préférences de confidentialité 1.0 (P3P1.0)
Translation of the document: “The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Spécification du modèle et la syntaxe du cadre de description des ressources (Resource Description Framework ou RDF)
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Cadre de Description des Ressources (Resource Description Framework ou RDF) : Concepts et Syntaxe Abstraite
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Xavier Lacot.
Initiation à RDF
Translation of the document: “RDF Primer”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Langage de description de vocabulaire RDF 1.0 : RDF Schema
Translation of the document: “RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Sémantique RDF
Translation of the document: “RDF Semantics”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Jeux d'essais RDF
Translation of the document: “RDF Test Cases”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Spécification de la syntaxe RDF/XML (révisée)
Translation of the document: “RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
RDFa dans XHTML — Syntaxe et traitement
Translation of the document: “RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and Processing”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
L'annotation ruby
Translation of the document: “Ruby Annotation”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Spécification du langage d'intégration multimédias synchronisés (SMIL) version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Langage d'Intégration Multimédias Synchronisés (SMIL 2.0)
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.0) Specification”. Translators: Gaëlle Féat, Alexandre Rodière, Wilfried Pâris.
SMIL Animation
Translation of the document: “SMIL Animation”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
SOAP Version 1.2 Partie 2 : Ajouts
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts”. Translator: Carine Bournez.
SOAP Version 1.2 Partie 1 : Structure pour l'échange de messages
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework”. Translator: Carine Bournez.
SOAP Version 1.2, partie 0 : Préliminaire
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer”. Translator: Carine Bournez.
Langage d'interrogation SPARQL pour RDF
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Query Language for RDF”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Protocole SPARQL pour RDF
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Protocol for RDF”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Format XML des résultats d'interrogation SPARQL
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Query Results XML Format”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La spécification sur les Graphiques Vectoriels Adaptables (SVG), version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
XML Schema - Tome 0 : Introduction
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Schema Part 0: Primer”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Thomasson.
XML Schema - Tome 1 : Structures
Translation of the document: “XML Schema Part 1: Structures”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Thomasson.
La spécification des grammaires de reconnaissance vocale version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le langage de balisage de synthèse vocale (SSML) version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Associer les feuilles de style avec les documents XML, Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Les directives pour l'accessibilité des agents utilisateurs 1.0
Translation of the document: “User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le langage de balisage extensible vocal (VoiceXML) version 2.0
Translation of the document: “Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Directives pour l'accessibilité aux contenus Web (version 1.0)
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Langage de description de services web (WSDL) version 2.0 tome 2 — Compléments
Translation of the document: “Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Langage de description de services web (WSDL) version 2.0 tome 1 — Cœur du langage
Translation of the document: “Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Architecture du World Wide Web, Volume un
Translation of the document: “Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One”. Translator: Frédéric Laurent .
WebCGM 2.0
Translation of the document: “WebCGM 2.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
XForms 1.0
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
XHTML 1.0 : Le langage de balisage hypertexte extensible - Une reformulation de HTML 4 en XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
XHTML™ 1.1 - XHTML modulaire
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
XHTML™ Elémentaire
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Les inclusions XML (XInclude) version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La spécification de la gestion des clés XML (XKMS 2.0)
Translation of the document: “XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0)”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les liaisons de la spécification de la gestion des clés XML (XKMS 2.0)
Translation of the document: “XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0) Bindings”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le langage de liaison XML (XLink) version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Langage de balisage extensible (XML) 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translators: Samira Cuny, Patrick Andries, François Yergeau.
Le langage de balisage extensible (XML) 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
La canonisation XML exclusive version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La syntaxe et le traitement XML Encryption
Translation of the document: “XML Encryption Syntax and Processing”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Évènements XML
Translation of the document: “XML Events”. Translator: Xavier Lacot.
Syntaxe et traitement des signatures XML
Translation of the document: “XML-Signature Syntax and Processing”. Translator: Lionel Crine.
Le système element() de XPointer
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le cadre XPointer
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le système xmlns() de XPointer
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Langage XML Path (XPath)
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translators: Yves Bazin, Jean-Jacques Thomasson.
XSL 1.0
Translation of the document: “Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Transformations XSL (XSLT) Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0”. Translators: Yves Bazin, Ramzi Guetari, Jean-Jacques Thomasson.
xml:id version 1.0
Translation of the document: “xml:id Version 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Pratiques exemplaires pour l'internationalisation de XML
Translation of the document: “Best Practices for XML Internationalization”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Introduction à GRDDL
Translation of the document: “GRDDL Primer”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Cas d'utilisation GRDDL : Scénarios pour l'extraction de données RDF de documents XML
Translation of the document: “GRDDL Use Cases: Scenarios of extracting RDF data from XML documents”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les problèmes courants dans l'implémentation de HTTP
Translation of the document: “Common HTTP Implementation Problems”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
L'inaccessibilité des « CAPTCHA »
Translation of the document: “Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Introduction à RDFa
Translation of the document: “RDFa Primer”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Méthodes exemplaires pour la publication des vocabulaires RDF
Translation of the document: “Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Adresses URI, URL et URN : Clarifications et recommandations 1.0
Translation of the document: “URIs, URLs, and URNs: Clarifications and Recommendations 1.0”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les problèmes courants des agents utilisateurs
Translation of the document: “Common User Agent Problems”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Techniques pour les règles d'accessibilité du contenu Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Les signatures électroniques évoluées XML (XAdES)
Translation of the document: “XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES)”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Types de Media XHTML
Translation of the document: “XHTML Media Types”. Translator: Sébastien Guillon.
FAQ: déclaration du codage de caractères utilisé dans un fichier CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: Pierre Goiffon.
Les codages de caractères
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Fixer le paramètre HTTP charset
Translation of the document: “The HTTP charset parameter”. Translator: Pierre Goiffon.
Le paramètre HTTP Charset
Translation of the document: “The HTTP charset parameter”. Translator: Pierre Goiffon.
FAQ: Vérifier les en-têtes HTTP
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translator: Steve Frécinaux.
Ce que vous devez savoir au sujet du bidi et du balisage au sein des blocs
Translation of the document: “What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup”. Translator: Patrick Andries.
Servir du XHTML 1.0
Translation of the document: “Serving XHTML 1.0”. Translator: Sébastien Guillon.
Développer une politique organisationnelle en matière d'accessibilité Web
Translation of the document: “Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility”. Translator: Eric Gateau.
Introduction à l'accessibilité du Web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Catherine Roy.
Composantes essentielles de l'accessibilité Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Catherine Roy.
Fiche d'informations sur les "Directives pour l'accessibilité aux contenus Web 1.0"
Translation of the document: “Fact Sheet for "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"”. Translator: François Palaci.
W3C Flyer
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. (No translators specified)
Liste des points de contrôles pour les règles d'accessibilité du contenu du web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Yves Pratter.
Premiers pas pour rendre un site Web accessible
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Karl Dubost.
Conseils Pour Faire Des Sites Web Accessibles
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Daniel Dardailler.
Acheter des sites Web conformes aux normes
Translation of the document: “Buy standards compliant Web sites”. Translator: Fabrice Bonny.
Mon site Web est aux normes ! Et le vôtre ?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Passer aux standards Web
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Denis Boudreau.
Techniques de qualité à l'usage des webmasters
Translation of the document: “Quality Tips for Webmasters”. Translator: Patrick Blanchenay.
Débuter en HTML : Les techniques plus avancées
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML: More Advanced Features”. Translator: Catherine E Whitehead.
Débuter en HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Patrick Blanchenay.
Débuter avec HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Coralie Mercier.
Mise en page sans tableau Pas à Pas
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux.
Débuter en VoiceXML 2.0
Translation of the document: “Getting started with VoiceXML 2.0”. Translator: Patrick Blanchenay.
XForms pour les auteurs HTML
Translation of the document: “XForms for HTML Authors”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Les Événements XML pour les Auteurs HTML
Translation of the document: “XML Events for HTML Authors”. Translator: Xavier Lacot.
La politique de traductions agréées du W3C
Translation of the document: “Policy for Authorized W3C Translations”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Un glossaire des termes de l'indépendance des appareils
Translation of the document: “Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (Working Draft)”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le manuel de style du W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Manual of Style”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Mettre des mathématiques sur le Web avec MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
La politique de brevets du W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Patent Policy”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
Le Document de processus du World Wide Web Consortium
Translation of the document: “World Wide Web Consortium Process Document”. Translator: Jean-Jacques Solari.
XML en 10 points
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. (No translators specified)

Translations in Galician

Especificación HTML 4.01
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: Xosé Calvo.
Guía Rápida para Facer Sitios Web Accesíbeis
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Santiago F. López Ponte.
XML en 10 puntos
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Santiago F. López Ponte.

Translations in German

HTML 4.01-Spezifikation
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translators: Stefan Mintert, Stefan Schumacher, Christine Kühnel.
XML Information Set
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
Namensräume in XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
Namenräume in XML 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
OWL Web Ontology Language, Guide
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translators: Anton Köstlbacher, Max Diehn, Andreas Stephan.
OWL Web Ontology Language, Überblick
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: Anton Köstlbacher.
Translation of the document: “Ruby Annotation”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Spezifikation
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: Jan Sudeikat.
SOAP-Version 1.2 Teil 0: Einführung
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer”. Translator: Alo Clemens.
Mobile SVG-Profile: SVG Tiny und SVG Basic
Translation of the document: “ Mobile SVG Profiles: SVG Tiny and SVG Basic ”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
XML Schema Teil 0: Einführung
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Schema Part 0: Primer”. Translators: Toby Baier, Michael Ebert, Nik Klever, Sebastian Werner, Elke Meier, Mario Jeckle, Andreas Geissel.
XML Schema Teil 1: Strukturen
Translation of the document: “XML Schema Part 1: Structures”. Translators: Toby Baier, Michael Ebert, Nik Klever, Sebastian Werner, Elke Meier, Mario Jeckle, Andreas Geissel.
XML Schema Teil 2: Datentypen
Translation of the document: “XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes”. Translators: Toby Baier, Michael Ebert, Nik Klever, Sebastian Werner, Elke Meier, Mario Jeckle, Andreas Geissel.
Verknüpfen von Style Sheets mit XML-Dokumenten Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Stefan Mintert.
Zugänglichkeitsrichtlinien für Web-Inhalte 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: René Hartmann.
XHTML 1.0: Die Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Zweite Auflage), Eine Neuformulierung von HTML in XML 1.0
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translators: Stefan Mintert, Judith Muhr.
XHTML 1.0: Die Extensible HyperText Markup Language, Eine Reformulierung von HTML 4 in XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Björn Höhrmann.
XHTML™ 1.1 - Modulbasiertes XHTML
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML”. Translator: Marc Görtz.
XHTML™ Basic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0”. Translators: Daniel Hinz, Stefan Mintert, Axel Wienberg.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Zweite Auflage)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Stefan Mintert.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
XML-Ereignisse (XML Events)
Translation of the document: “XML Events”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: Oliver Becker.
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0”. Translators: Jens Thiemann, Thomas Klute.
xml:id Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “xml:id Version 1.0”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Accessibility-Eigenschaften von CSS
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of CSS”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
ANMERKUNGS-ENTWURF: Zugänglichkeitsrichtlinien für Web-Inhalte, Beeinflussungsschema
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Impact Matrix”. Translators: Fabian Engstermann, Rainer Wallbruch.
PICS-Bewertungsvokabular in XML/RDF
Translation of the document: “PICS Rating Vocabularies in XML/RDF”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
FAQ: Änderung der Zeichencodierung einer (X)HTML-Seite auf UTF-8
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
FAQ: CSS vs. Markup für bidirektionale Dokumente
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS vs. markup for bidi support”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
FAQ: Angabe der Zeichencodierung in CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
FAQ: Zeichencodierung für Anfänger
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Character encodings for beginners”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
Einstellung der Zeichencodierungsangabe ('charset') in .htaccess
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting 'charset' Information in .htaccess”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
W3C-I18N-FAQ: HTML, XHTML, XML und Steuerzeichen
Translation of the document: “FAQ: HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
FAQ: Dokument-Zeichensatz
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Document Character Set”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
FAQ: Internationale und mehrsprachige Webseiten
Translation of the document: “FAQ: International & Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Lokalisierung vs. Internationalisierung
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Localization vs. Internationalization”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
FAQ: Verwendung von Zeichen-Entity-Referenzen und numerischen Zeichenreferenzen
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Using character entities and NCRs”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
FAQ: Wann es angebracht ist, Sprachvereinbarung (language negotiation) einzusetzen
Translation of the document: “FAQ: When to use language negotiation”. Translator: Gunnar Bittersmann.
Erfüllung von Level A der Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Translation of the document: “Level A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Erfüllung von Level Doppel-A der Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Translation of the document: “Level Double-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Erfüllung von Level Dreifach-A der Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Translation of the document: “ Level Triple-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Konformitätslogos
Translation of the document: “W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Conformance Logos”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Grundlegende Komponenten der Webzugänglichkeit
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Mark Goeder-Tarant.
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Translation of the document: “WAI Overview”. Translator: Mark Goeder-Tarant.
Einfach anfangen: Webseiten für jeden zugänglich machen
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Henning Fischer.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Rigo Wenning.
Mehr als nur richtig
Translation of the document: “Beyond validation”. Translator: Auke Creutz.
Hier klicken ist kein Link-Text
Translation of the document: “Don’t use “click here” as link text”. Translator: Auke Creutz.
Vorsicht bei der Schriftgröße
Translation of the document: “Care With Font Size”. Translator: Auke Creutz.
Der Titel: Das wichtigste Element
Translation of the document: “<title>: the most important element of a quality Web page”. Translator: Auke Creutz.
Wechsel zu Webstandards
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
Qualitäts-Tipps für Webmaster
Translation of the document: “Quality Tips for Webmasters”. Translator: Auke Creutz.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Ein Konfetti Menu
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Alternative Style Sheets
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Horizontale und vertikale Zentrierung
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
Translation of the document: “Comparing Formats”. Translator: Hans-Werner Heinzen.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Abgerundete Ecken und Schatten
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
Custom DTDs “nicht benutzen”!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: Mark Goeder-Tarant.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Boxen mit Schattenwurf
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Gerade/Ungerade Farben ändern beim Zeilenwechsel
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Font Familien
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Eingerückte Absätze
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
Erste Schritte ins Semantische Netz - RDF mithilfe von N3
Translation of the document: “Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3”. Translator: Hans-Werner Heinzen.
Kurzschrift: Pfade und Listen
Translation of the document: “Shorthand: Paths and lists, and @keywords”. Translator: Hans-Werner Heinzen.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Ein fest stehendes Menu
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tutorial, HTML + CSS - ein Einstieg
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
XML mit Style
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
Tabellenloses Webseitendesign
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: Simon A. Wilper.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Text mit Schatten
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Die ':target' Pseudo-Klasse
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Scrollbars - ohne Farben
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Axel Friedrich.
Dokumentieren des Vokabulars
Translation of the document: “Vocabulary Documentation”. Translator: Hans-Werner Heinzen.
Einführung in VoiceXML 2.0
Translation of the document: “Getting started with VoiceXML 2.0”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
W3C Core Styles
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
XForms für HTML-Programmierer
Translation of the document: “XForms for HTML Authors”. Translator: Sebastian Zächerl.
XForms 1.0: Häufig gestellte Fragen (W3C)
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Jens Meiert.
Veröffentlichung von Mathematik im Web mit MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Thomas Lutz.
Modularisierung von XHTML™
Translation of the document: “Modularization of XHTML™”. Translator: Stefan Mintert.
Ein Profil für XHTML + MathML + SVG
Translation of the document: “An XHTML + MathML + SVG Profile (Working Draft)”. Translator: Stefan Schumacher.
XML in 10 Punkten
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. (No translators specified)
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Candidate Recommendation)”. Translator: Stefan Mintert.

Translations in Greek

Οδηγίες για την Προσβασιμότητα του Περιεχομένου του Παγκόσμιου Ιστού 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Αντρέας Γιαννακουλόπουλος (Andreas Giannakoulopoulos), Γιώργος Θεοχάρης (Giorgos Theocharis).
Δηλώσεις για την κωδικοποίηση χαρακτήρων κατά CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Ημερομηνίες και Χρόνος
Translation of the document: “Dates and Time”. Translator: Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης (microo.net editor team, Giorgos Tsiledakis).
FAQ: Πολυγλωσσικές Φόρμες
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Multilingual Forms”. Translator: Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης (microo.net editor team, Giorgos Tsiledakis).
FAQ: Μη Αγγλικά στοιχεία
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Non-English tags”. Translator: Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης (microo.net editor team, Giorgos Tsiledakis).
FAQ: Κώδικες γλώσσας με δύο ή τρία γράμματα
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Two-letter or three-letter language codes”. Translator: Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης (microo.net editor team, Giorgos Tsiledakis).
Οι βασικές συνιστώσες προσβασιμότητας στο διαδίκτυο (W3C)
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης (microo.net editor team, Giorgos Tsiledakis).
W3C Flyer
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. (No translators specified)
Επισκόπηση της Πρωτοβουλίας για την Προσβασιμότητα του Ιστού
Translation of the document: “Online Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative”. Translators: Αντρέας Γιαννακουλόπουλος (Andreas Giannakoulopoulos), Νίνα Μπούρη (Nina Bouri).
Κάνοντας την αρχή: Δημιουργώντας Προσβάσιμες Ιστοσελίδες
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Κωνσταντίνος Στεφανίδης (Constantine Stephanidis).
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Κωνσταντίνος Στεφανίδης (Constantine Stephanidis).
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Συμβουλές & κόλπα CSS: Εναλλακτικά style sheets
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Style Sheets Ιστού — CSS συμβουλές και κόλπα
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Κεντράροντας τα πράγματα
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Στρογγυλεμένες γωνίες και σκιασμένα πλαίσια
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Πτώση σκιών
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Σχήματα και επικεφαλίδες
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Οικογένειες γραμματοσειρών
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Παράγραφοι με εσοχή
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Καρφωμένο μενού
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Η ':target' ψευτο-κλάση
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
Συμβουλές & κόλπα CSS: Μη-χρωματισμένες μπάρες κύλισης
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Δημήτρης Παπαδόπουλος (Dimitris Papadopoulos).
XML σε 10 σημεία
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. (No translators specified)

Translations in Hebrew

הנחיות להנגשת תכני אתרי אינטרנט 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: גילה גרטל- חסון (Gila Gertel-Hasson).
שאלות נפוצות: הצהרות קידוד תווי CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
מה שאתם צריכים לדעת לגבי האלגוריתם הדו-כיווני וסימון פנימי
Translation of the document: “What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup”. Translators: Katerina Shechtman, Oleg Gaivoronsky.
WAI נגישות ברשת
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. Translator: מישל ברקוביאר (Michel Bercovier).
נקודת התחלה בנגישות ברשת
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. (No translators specified)
עצות חפוזות ליצירת אתרים נגישים
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: ניר דגן (Nir Dagan).
החלפה לתקנים של הרשת
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: אורי ברקוביאר (Ouri Bercovier).
XML בעשר נקודות
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: מישל ברקוביאר (Michel Bercovier).

Translations in Hindi

SOAP 1.1 Request Optional Response HTTP Binding
Translation of the document: “SOAP 1.1 Request Optional Response HTTP Binding”. Translator: अजीत खुराना (Ajeet Khurana).
वेब प्राप्य की प्रारंभिक कार्यवाही
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. Translators: जय कुमार वाधवानी (Jai Kumar Wadhwani), मोनू अग्रवाल (Monu Agrawal), दुर्गेश कुमार वर्मा (Durgesh Kumar Verma).
सुगम वेब साइट बनाने के लिये कुछ तुरत-सुझाव
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Vinay P Jain.
गणित को web पर MathML द्वारा प्रदर्शित करना
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translators: रामस्य (Ramasya ), गौरव मलहोत्रा (Gaurav Malhotra), आशीष गुप्ता (Ashish Gupta).
एक्स.एम.एल. के दस निर्देश
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translators: अभिजीत खाडिलकर (Amit Vijayvargiya), अमित विजयवर्गीय (Abhijit Khadilkar).

Translations in Hungarian

Az OWL Web Ontológia Nyelv — Útmutató
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az OWL Web Ontológia Nyelv — Áttekintés
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az OWL Web Ontológia Nyelv — Referencia
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Reference”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az OWL Web Ontológia Nyelv — Szemantika és absztrakt szintaxis
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az OWL Web Ontológia Nyelv — Tesztsorozat
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az OWL Web Ontológia Nyelv - Alkalmazási esetek és követelmények
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az RDF Erőforrás Leíró Keretrendszer alapfogalmai és absztrakt szintaxisa
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az RDF bevezető tankönyve
Translation of the document: “RDF Primer”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az RDF Szókészlet Leíró Nyelv 1.0: RDF Séma
Translation of the document: “RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az RDF szemantikája
Translation of the document: “RDF Semantics”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az RDF tesztsorozata
Translation of the document: “RDF Test Cases”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Az RDF/XML szintaxis specifikációja (átdolgozott kiadás)
Translation of the document: “RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)”. Translator: Pataki Ernő (Ernő Pataki).
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Harmadik kiadás)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)”. Translator: Máté Gábor (Gábor Máté).
Tippek: hogyan tehetjük mindenki számára elérhetővé weboldalunkat
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Megyaszai Éva (Éva Megyaszai).
Az én weblapom szabványos! És az Öné?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: Sikos László (László Sikos).
Bevezetés a HTML-be
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Sikos László (László Sikos).
Translation of the document: “W3C Membership”. Translator: Megyaszai Éva (Éva Megyaszai).
XML 10 pontban
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Megyaszai Éva (Éva Megyaszai).

Translations in Indonesian

Perkenalan akan Aksesibilitas Web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Roy Sukamto.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Dody Suria Wijaya.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Sebuah Menu Konfeti
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
Fitur - Fitur Lanjutan
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML: More Advanced Features”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - style sheet Alternatif
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
Mengawali dengan HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
Web Style Sheets — CSS tips & tricks
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Menengahkan hal
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Pojok yang melengkung dan kotak berbayang
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Drop shadows
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Baris genap dan ganjil
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Gambar dan keterangan gambar
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Keluarga Fonta
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Indentasi paragraf
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Sebuah menu yang terpaku
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
Pelajaran CSS Mengawali dengan HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Bayangan Teks
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - Pseudo-class ':target'
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
CSS Tips & Tricks - scrollbar tak berwarna
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Edwin Rene.
W3C Core Styles
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Roberta Asparsa.

Translations in Interlinguan

Spatios Nominal in XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Emerson José Silveira da Costa.
XHTML™ 1.0: Le linguage de marcatores de hypertexto extensibile, Un reformulation del HTML 4 in XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Emerson José Silveira da Costa.
XHTML™ Basic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Emerson José Silveira da Costa.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Emerson José Silveira da Costa.
XML in 10 punctos (7, de facto...)
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Emerson José Silveira da Costa.

Translations in Italian

Linee Guida per l'Accessibilità degli Strumenti di Sviluppo per il Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Specifiche HTML 4.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “HTML 4.0 Recommendation”. (No translators specified)
Specifiche HTML 4.01
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: Michele Diodati.
Set d’Informazione XML (Seconda Edizione)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Spazio dei Nomi in XML 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1”. Translator: Nick Venturelli.
OWL Linguaggio Ontologico per il Web, Guida
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translator: Giovanni De Angelis.
OWL Linguaggio ontologico del Web, Panoramica
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: Gianpiero Pedone.
Linguaggio Ontologico del Web (OWL) - Casi d’Uso e Requisiti
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Annotazione Ruby
Translation of the document: “Ruby Annotation”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0: Specifiche
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: Patrizia Andronico.
SOAP Versione 1.2 Parte 0: Introduzione
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Versione 1.0
Translation of the document: “Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0”. Translator: Simone Pascarosa.
Associare Fogli di Stile con documenti XML Versione 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Linee guida per l'accessibilità ai contenuti del Web
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Michelangelo Bottura, Vanni Bertini, Annalisa Cichella, Maria Cristina Giavoni, Adelmo Taddei.
Indirizzamento dei Servizi Web 1.0 - Core
Translation of the document: “Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
XHTML™ 1.0: Extensible HyperText Markup Language, Una riformulazione di HTML 4 in XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Patrizia Andronico.
XHTML™ Basic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Patrizia Andronico.
Inclusioni XML (XInclude) Versione 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Linguaggio Estensibile di Marcatura (XML) 1.0 (Terza Edizione)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)”. Translator: Daniele Gabriele.
Linguaggio Estensibile di Marcatura (XML) 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1”. Translator: Daniele Gabriele.
Pacchetto Ottimizzato XML-binario
Translation of the document: “XML-binary Optimized Packaging”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Firma XML del Filtro XPath 2.0
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
XPointer Framework
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Xpointer: Schema xmlns()
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Firma XML del Filtro XPath 2.0
Translation of the document: “XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
xml:id Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “xml:id Version 1.0”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Caratteristiche di Accessibilità in SMIL
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of SMIL”. Translator: Luca Gabriele.
Caratteristiche di Accessibilità in SVG
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of SVG”. Translator: Luca Gabriele.
Caratteristiche di Accessibilità nei CSS
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of CSS”. Translator: Monica Cainarca.
Note sulle Tecniche CSS per le WCAG 1.0
Translation of the document: “CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Gabriele Romanato.
Principi per l'indipendenza dal dispositivo finale
Translation of the document: “Device Independence Principles”. Translator: Andrea Crevola.
Il contesto di distribuzione per l'indipendenza dal dispositivo finale
Translation of the document: “Delivery Context Overview for Device Independence”. Translator: Andrea Crevola.
Problemi Comuni nell'Implementazione HTTP
Translation of the document: “Common HTTP Implementation Problems”. Translator: Daniele Florio.
Tecniche per le Linee Guida 1.0 di Accessibilità dei Contenuti Web
Translation of the document: “Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Giovanni Losacco.
FAQ: Set di caratteri di un documento
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Document Character Set”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Tutorial: l'uso dell'informazione sulla lingua in XHTML, HTML e CSS
Translation of the document: “Tutorial: Using language information in XHTML, HTML and CSS”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Tabella di controllo dei Punti di controllo per le Linee Guida per l'Accessibilità degli Strumenti di Sviluppo per il Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Ulteriori vantaggi derivanti dalla realizzazione di web accessibile
Translation of the document: “Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Inaccessibilità dei controlli visuali anti-robot
Translation of the document: “Inaccessibility of Visually-Oriented Anti-Robot Tests”. Translator: Claudio Cattazzo.
Sviluppare politiche organizzative per l'accessibilità web
Translation of the document: “Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Pianificare l'accessibilità web
Translation of the document: “Implementation Plan for Web Accessibility”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Introduzione all'Accessibilità del Web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Conformità al Livello A delle Linee Guida per l'Accessibilità dei Contenuti per il Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Level A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Conformità al Livello Doppia-A delle Linee Guida per l'Accessibilità dei Contenuti per il Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Level Double-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Conformità al Livello Tripla-A delle Linee Guida per l'Accessibilità dei Contenuti per il Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “ Level Triple-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Loghi di conformità alle Linee Guida W3C per l'accessibilità dei contenuti del Web versione 1.0
Translation of the document: “W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Conformance Logos”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Alla scoperta dei documenti delle Linee Guida e delle Tecniche delle WCAG 1.0
Translation of the document: “Navigating WCAG 1.0 Guidelines and Techniques Documents”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Sviluppare politiche organizzative per l'accessibilità web
Translation of the document: “Selecting and Using Authoring Tools for Web Accessibility”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Generalità sulle Linee Guida dell'Accessibilità degli User Agent (UAAG)
Translation of the document: “User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
I componenti interdipendenti dell'Accessibilità del Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
FAQ relative alle "Linee Guida per l'accessibilità del contenuto web"
Translation of the document: “Fact Sheet for "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Lista di controllo dei Punti di controllo per le Linee guida per l'accessibilità ai contenuti del Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Roberto Scano.
Cominciare: rendere accessibile un sito web
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Annalisa Cichella.
Generalità sulle Linee Guida dell'Accessibilità del contenuto del Web (WCAG)
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Annalisa Cichella.
Valutare l'accessibilità dei siti Web
Translation of the document: “Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility”. Translator: Michele Diodati.
Comprare un sito web conforme agli standards
Translation of the document: “Buy standards compliant Web sites”. Translator: Daniele Florio.
Realizzare il vostro sito web valido: una guida passo passo
Translation of the document: “Making your website valid: a step by step guide”. Translator: Daniele Florio.
Il mio sito Web è standard! E il vostro?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: Maurizio Vittoria.
Passate a Standards Web
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Daniele Florio.
Quality Tips per Webmasters
Translation of the document: “Quality Tips for Webmasters”. Translator: Daniele Florio.
Domande frequenti su HTML e XHTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
CSS: menu a coriandoli
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: fogli di stile alternativi
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
suggerimenti & trucchi sui CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: centrare oggetti
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: riquadri ombrati
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS Tips & Tricks: Boxen mit Schattenwurf
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: righe pari e dispari
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: figure & didascalie
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: font
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: paragrafi rientrati
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
RDF e Web Semantico attraverso N3: introduzione
Translation of the document: “Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
CSS: menu fissati
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
Primi passi con HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Pasquale Popolizio.
CSS: testo ombrato
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: interfaccia a schede
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
CSS: scrollbar s-colorate
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Ezio Tarquilio.
Glossario dei termini per l'Indipendenza dal Dispositivo Finale
Translation of the document: “Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (Working Draft)”. Translator: Andrea Crevola.
Mettere della matematica sul Web con MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Claudio Cattazzo.
Come entrare a far parte del W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Membership”. (No translators specified)
L'XML in dieci punti
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Elfrida Brioschi.
XML in 10 punti (7, in realtà...)
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Emiliano Tellina.

Translations in Japanese

オーサリングツールアクセシビリティガイドライン 1.0
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 益子 貴寛.
オーサリングツール アクセシビリティガイドライン 1.0
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
オーサリング・ツールのアクセシビリティ指針 1.0
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 石川 准 (監訳).
文書オブジェクトモデル (DOM) 第 1 水準 仕様書
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
Translation of the document: “Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
HTML 4.01 仕様書
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: 内田 明.
XML Information Set
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. (No translators specified)
XML 情報セット
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. (No translators specified)
XML情報セット (第2版)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
XML 名前空間
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: 村田 真 WG3/XML-SWG (主査: 村田 真).
XML名前空間 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
OWLウェブ・オントロジー言語 ガイド
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
OWL Guide
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translator: Yushi Komachi.
OWL Overview
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: Yushi Komachi.
OWLウェブ・オントロジー言語 概要
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
OWL Reference
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Reference”. Translator: Yushi Komachi.
OWLウェブ・オントロジー言語 リファレンス
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Reference”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Yushi Komachi.
OWLウェブ・オントロジー言語 セマンティクスおよび抽象構文
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
OWLウェブ・オントロジー言語 テストケース
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
OWLウェブ・オントロジー言語 ユースケースおよび要件
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) 仕様書
Translation of the document: “The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification”. Translator: 小泉 雄介 (Yusuke Koizumi).
PICS ラベル配布、ラベルの仕様と通信プロトコル
Translation of the document: “PICS 1.1 Label Distribution -- Label Syntax and Communication Protocols”. Translator: 電子ネットワーク協議会.
レイティングサービスとレイティングシステム (およびそのマシン読込可能な記述)
Translation of the document: “PICS 1.1 Rating Services and Rating Systems -- and Their Machine Readable Descriptions”. Translator: 電子ネットワーク協議会.
PICSRules 1.1
Translation of the document: “PICSRules 1.1 Specification”. Translator: 電子ネットワーク協議会.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification”. Translator: 電子ネットワーク協議会.
RDF(Resource Description Framework): 概念および抽象構文
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
Translation of the document: “RDF Primer”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
RDF語彙記述言語1.0: RDFスキーマ
Translation of the document: “RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
Translation of the document: “RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
Translation of the document: “Ruby Annotation”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
SMIL (同期マルチメディア統合言語) 1.0 仕様書
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Query Language for RDF”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji KamitsunaS).
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Protocol for RDF”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji KamitsunaS).
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Query Results XML Format”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji KamitsunaS).
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 仕様
Translation of the document: “Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification”. Translator: 広瀬行夫 (Yukio Hirose).
Mobile SVG プロファイル:SVG Tiny と SVG Basic
Translation of the document: “ Mobile SVG Profiles: SVG Tiny and SVG Basic ”. Translator: 広瀬行夫 (Yukio Hirose).
スタイルシートを XML 文書に結びつける Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
ウェブコンテンツ・アクセシビリティ・ガイドライン 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miki Ofuji.
Web コンテンツ・アクセシビリティに関する指針 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 石川 准 (監訳).
Webアーキテクチャ 第1巻
Translation of the document: “Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One”. Translator: 谷口 朋子 (XMLCafe).
XML 1.0 による HTML 4 の再形式化
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translator: Manabu Sugai.
XHTML™ 1.0: 拡張可能ハイパーテキストマークアップ言語 - XML 1.0 による HTML4 の再定式化
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML”. Translator: Manabu Sugai.
XHTML™ ベーシック
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
拡張可能なマーク付け言語 (XML) 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translator: 村田 真 WG3/XML-SWG (主査: 村田 真).
拡張可能なマーク付け言語 (XML) 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. (No translators specified)
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (第四版)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition)”. Translator: 長谷川 宏聡 (Hasegawa Hiroaki).
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (第五版)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)”. Translator: 長谷川 宏聡 (Hasegawa Hiroaki).
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (第二版)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)”. Translator: 長谷川 宏聡 (Hasegawa Hiroaki).
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: 椙村 敦史.
XML Events, XML のためのイベント構文
Translation of the document: “XML Events”. Translator: 恩田 葉子 (Yoko Onda).
XML Path Language (XPath) バージョン 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: インフォテリア株式会社.
XML パス言語 (XPath) Version 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0”. Translator: Manabu Sugai.
XSL Transformations (XSLT) バージョン 1.0
Translation of the document: “XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0”. Translator: インフォテリア株式会社.
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of CSS”. Translator: Takahiro Mashiko.
ウェブコンテンツ・アクセシビリティ・ガイドライン1.0 CSS技術書
Translation of the document: “CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miki Ofuji.
ウェブコンテンツ・アクセシビリティ・ガイドライン1.0 基本技術書
Translation of the document: “Core Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miki Ofuji.
Translation of the document: “Date and Time Formats”. Translator: Sugimura Atsushi.
ウェブコンテンツ・アクセシビリティ・ガイドライン1.0 HTML技術書
Translation of the document: “HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miki Ofuji.
A P3P Assurance Signature Profile
Translation of the document: “A P3P Assurance Signature Profile”. Translator: 小泉 雄介 (Yusuke Koizumi).
Translation of the document: “PICS Rating Vocabularies in XML/RDF”. Translator: 小泉 雄介 (Yusuke Koizumi).
Translation of the document: “Units in MathML”. Translator: 高村 吉一 (Yosikazu Takamura).
ウェブコンテンツ・アクセシビリティ・ガイドライン 1.0 技術書
Translation of the document: “Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Miki Ofuji.
FAQ: 文書文字集合
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Document Character Set”. Translator: 石川 雅康 (Masayasu Ishikawa).
Translation of the document: “A P3P Preference Exchange Language 1.0 (APPEL 1.0)”. Translator: 小泉 雄介 (Yusuke Koizumi).
ユーザー・エージェントのアクセシビリティに関する指針 石川准監訳
Translation of the document: “User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. (No translators specified)
さぁはじめよう: Webサイトをアクセシブルにするために
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Keisuke Nakao.
アクセシビリティの高い Web サイト作成のヒント
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: 中根 雅文.
私のウェブサイトは標準です! あなたのは?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: 白石 展久 (Nobuhisa Shiraishi).
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. (No translators specified)
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: 久保渓 (Kei Kubo).
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: 久保渓 (Kei Kubo).
Translation of the document: “Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3”. Translator: 白石 展久 (Nobuhisa Shiraishi).
Translation of the document: “Frequently Asked Questions on W3C's Web Ontology Language (OWL)”. Translator: 上綱 秀治 (Shuji Kamitsuna).
table 要素未使用でのレイアウト構築法
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: 長谷川 隆太 (Ryuuta Hasegawa).
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: 久保渓 (Kei Kubo).
HTML 作成者のための XForms 入門
Translation of the document: “XForms for HTML Authors”. Translator: 石川 雅康 (Masayasu Ishikawa).
CSS1 テストスイート
Translation of the document: “CSS1 Test Suite”. Translator: どら猫本舗 (Yoshito Teramoto).
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 和志武 功久 (Norihisa Washitake).
SAC: Simple API for CSS
Translation of the document: “SAC: Simple API for CSS”. Translator: Sugimura Atsushi.
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1
Translation of the document: “Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1”. Translators: 根山 亮 (日本アイ・ビー・エム), 天野 富夫 (日本アイ・ビー・エム), 今村 剛 (日本アイ・ビー・エム), 羽田 知史 (日本アイ・ビー・エム), 小松 誠 (マイクロソフト).
SOAP Security Extensions: Digital Signature
Translation of the document: “SOAP Security Extensions: Digital Signature”. Translators: 丸山 宏 (日本アイ・ビー・エム), 加藤 健二 (マイクロソフト), 羽田 知史 (日本アイ・ビー・エム).
Modularization of XHTML™
Translation of the document: “Modularization of XHTML™”. Translator: Manabu Sugai.

Translations in Kannada

WAI ಶೀಘ್ರ ಸು ಳಿವುಗಳ ಪರಾಮರ್ಶೆ ಪಟ್ಟಿ
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: ನರಸಿಂಹ ದತ್ತ (Narasimha Datta).

Translations in Korean

웹 저작 도구 접근성 지침 1.0
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 신정식 (Jungshik Shin).
HTML 4.01 명세
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: 이태호 (Taeho Lee).
OWL 웹 온톨로지 언어 개요
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: 장민수 (Minsu Jang).
동기화 멀티미디어 통합 언어 (SMIL) 1.0 명세서
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
웹 콘텐츠(의) 접근성(을 높이기 위한 제작) 지침 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 신승식 (Greg Shin).
XHTML 1.0: 확장 하이퍼텍스트 마크업언어: Extensible HyperText Markup Language, HTML 4를 XML 1.0 안에서 재 구성 한 것임
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: 이태호 (Taeho Lee).
확장 마크업 언어(XML) 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translator: 이태호 (Taeho Lee).
XPointer element() Scheme
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: 김남형 (Namhyung Kim).
XPointer Framework
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: 김남형 (Namhyung Kim).
XPointer xmlns() Scheme
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: 김남형 (Namhyung Kim).
FAQ: HTTP 헤더 확인
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
웹 저작 도구 접근성 지침 1.0의 체크포인트 목록
Translation of the document: “List of Checkpoints for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 신정식 (Jungshik Shin).
웹 저작 도구 접근성 지침 1.0의 체크포인트 목록표
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 신정식 (Jungshik Shin).
웹 콘텐츠 접근성 지침 1.0에 대한 체크포인트 목록표
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 신승식 (Greg Shin).
웹 콘텐츠 접근성 지침 1.0에 대한 체크포인트 목록
Translation of the document: “List of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 신승식 (Greg Shin).
접근성 웹 사이트 작성을 위한 팁
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: 이강찬 (Kangchan Lee).
Table 태그 안쓰고 레이아웃하기
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: 장민수 (Minsu Jang).
W3C 번역 승인 정책
Translation of the document: “Policy for Authorized W3C Translations”. Translator: 박혜진 (Hye Jin Park).
수학을 웹(Web)에서 MathML로 표시하기
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 강동석 (Dongsok Kang).
W3C 회원 가입
Translation of the document: “W3C Membership”. (No translators specified)
월드 와이드 웹 컨소시엄 프로세스 문서
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “World Wide Web Consortium Process Document”. Translator: 이강찬 (Kangchan Lee).
XML에서의 10가지
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: 이강찬 (Kangchan Lee).
XPointer xpointer() Scheme
Translation of the document: “XPointer xpointer() Scheme (Working Draft)”. Translator: 김남형 (Namhyung Kim).

Translations in Lithuanian

Susiejant Stilių lenteles su XML dokumentais
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Datos ir laiko formatai
Translation of the document: “Date and Time Formats”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Trumpi patarimai kaip kurti prieinamus tinklapius
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Pradedantiesiems apie HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
Matematika Tinkle naudojant MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
XML dešimčia punktų
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.

Translations in Marathi

सुलभ वेब साइट बनविण्याकरीता काही तत्पर-सल्ला
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: अमोल वि. वंजारी (Amol V. Wanjari).

Translations in Norwegian

Navnerom i XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Frank Karlstrøm.
Retningslinjer for tilgjengelegheit på veven, versjon 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Karl Ove Hufthammer.
Kom i gang: Korleis gjera ein nettstad tilgjengeleg
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Karl Ove Hufthammer.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Karl Ove Hufthammer.
Bytt til web standarder
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Frank Karlstrøm.

Translations in Polish

Zbiór Informacyjny XML (Wydanie Drugie)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translator: Mariusz Żebrowski.
Przestrzenie nazw w XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Sebastian Snopek.
Przestrzenie nazw w XML 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1”. Translator: Mariusz Żebrowski.
OWL Język Ontologii Sieciowej Przypadki Zastosowania i Wymogi
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”. Translator: Daniel Parafianowicz.
Struktura Opisu Zasobów (RDF): Koncepcje i Składnia Abstrakcyjna
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Notacja ruby
Translation of the document: “Ruby Annotation”. Translator: Michał Górny.
Format XML rezultatów zapytań SPARQL
Translation of the document: “SPARQL Query Results XML Format”. Translator: Magdalena Kadubiec.
Łączenie Arkuszy Stylów z dokumentami XML
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Sebastian Snopek.
Wytyczne Dotyczące Ułatwień Dostępu Do Zawartości Sieci 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
XHTML™ 1.0: Rozszerzalny hipertekstowy język znaczników (wydanie drugie), Reformulacja HTML 4 w XML 1.0
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translator: Michał Górny.
XHTML™ 1.1 – XHTML oparty na modułach
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML”. Translator: Michał Górny.
Inkluzje XML (XInclude) Wersja 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0”. Translator: Mariusz Żebrowski.
Rozszerzalny język znaczników (XML) 1.0 (Wydanie drugie)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Jacek Gleń.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translators: Ireneusz Wojdyło, Sebastian Snopek.
Zdarzenia XML
Translation of the document: “XML Events”. Translator: Mariusz Żebrowski.
Schemat element() w Xpointer
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: Sebastian Snopek.
Schemat xmlns() w Xpointer
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: Sebastian Snopek.
Dyskusja na temat alternatywnych Języków Schematów i Systemowej obsługi typów w WSDL 2.0
Translation of the document: “Discussion of Alternative Schema Languages and Type System Support in WSDL 2.0”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Zmiana kodowania stron (X)HTML na UTF-8
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Obsługa bidi - style CSS czy znaczniki?
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS vs. markup for bidi support”. Translator: Sebastian Backstone.
Deklaracje kodowania znaków CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Kodowania znaków
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Kodowanie znaków dla początkujących
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Character encodings for beginners”. Translator: Magdalena Kadubiec.
Ustawianie informacji o kodowaniu znaków w .htaccess
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting 'charset' Information in .htaccess”. Translators: Agata Bogacka, Natalia Fabisz.
FAQ: HTML, XHTML, XML i kody kontroli
Translation of the document: “FAQ: HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes”. Translators: Natalia Fabisz, Andrew Osobka.
Daty i czas
Translation of the document: “Dates and Time”. Translator: Ana Backstone.
Ustawianie parametru charset HTTP
Translation of the document: “The HTTP charset parameter”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Zbiór znaków dokumentu
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Sprawdzanie nagłówków HTTP
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Szybkie wskazówki do internacjonalizacji stron
Translation of the document: “Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web”. Translator: Kamil Wiśniewski.
Co należy wiedzieć o algorytmie bidi i znacznikach
Translation of the document: “What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup”. Translators: Andrew Osobka, Kamil Wiśniewski.
FAQ: Witryny międzynarodowe i wielojęzyczne
Translation of the document: “FAQ: International & Multilingual Web sites”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Wprowadzenie do zbiorów znaków i kodowania
Translation of the document: “Introducing Character Sets and Encodings”. Translators: Natalia Fabisz, Andrew Osobka.
FAQ: Stylizacja z użyciem atrybutu "lang"
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Styling using the lang attribute”. Translators: Natalia Fabisz, Andrew Osobka.
Dlaczego stosujemy atrybuty języka?
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Why use the language attribute?”. Translators: Agata Bogacka, Евгений Рабчевский (Evgeny Rabchevsky), Tomasz Namysłowski, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz, Natalia Fabisz.
FAQ: Ustawianie preferencji języka w przeglądarkach
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting language preferences in a browser”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Język witryn internetowych
Translation of the document: “Language on the Web”. Translator: Kamil Wiśniewski.
Lokalizacja versus internacjonalizacja
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Localization vs. Internationalization”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Formularze wielojęzyczne
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Multilingual Forms”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Znaczniki w językach innych niż angielski
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Non-English tags”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Ruby”. Translators: Agata Bogacka, Евгений Рабчевский (Evgeny Rabchevsky), Tomasz Namysłowski, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz, Natalia Fabisz.
Wysyłanie XHTML 1.0
Translation of the document: “Serving XHTML 1.0”. Translators: Natalia Fabisz, Andrew Osobka.
FAQ: Sortowanie rozwijanej listy
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Sorting select options”. Translator: Kamil Wiśniewski.
Tagowanie tekstu bez języka
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Tagging text with no language”. Translator: Kamil Wiśniewski.
Dwuliterowe czy trzyliterowe kody języka
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Two-letter or three-letter language codes”. Translators: Agata Bogacka, Евгений Рабчевский (Evgeny Rabchevsky), Tomasz Namysłowski, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz, Natalia Fabisz.
Zastosowanie elementu <select> do treści lokalnych
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Using <select> to Link to Localized Content”. Translators: Natalia Fabisz, Andrew Osobka.
FAQ: xml:lang w schematach dokumentów XML
Translation of the document: “FAQ: When to use language negotiation”. Translators: Natalia Fabisz, Andrew Osobka.
FAQ: Kiedy stosujemy negocjację języka?
Translation of the document: “FAQ: When to use language negotiation”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
FAQ: Kto używa Unicode?
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Who uses Unicode?”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Przegląd
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Overview”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Wprowadzenie do dostępności Sieci
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Andrzej Korasiak.
Poziom Zgodności "Pojedyncze A" z Wytycznymi Dotyczącymi Ułatwień Dostępu Do Zawartości Sieci 1.0
Translation of the document: “Level A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Poziom Zgodności "Podwójne A" z Wytycznymi Dotyczącymi Ułatwień Dostępu Do Zawartości Sieci 1.0
Translation of the document: “Level Double-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Poziom Zgodności "Potrójne A" z Wytycznymi Dotyczącymi Ułatwień Dostępu Do Zawartości Sieci 1.0
Translation of the document: “ Level Triple-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Logo W3C potwierdzające zgodność z Wytycznymi Dotyczącymi Ułatwień Dostępu Do Zawartości Sieci 1.0
Translation of the document: “W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Conformance Logos”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Przegląd
Translation of the document: “User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Podstawowe komponenty dostępności Sieci
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Andrzej Korasiak.
Inicjatywa Dostępności do Sieci
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Przegląd Online Inicjatywy Dostępności do Sieci
Translation of the document: “Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Przegląd Inicjatywy Dostępności do Sieci (WAI) Slajdy
Translation of the document: “Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Slides”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Lista punktów kontrolnych dla Wytycznych dotyczących Dostępności do Zawartości Sieci 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Źródła WAI odnośnie wprowadzania Dostępności Sieciowej
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Piotr Rejmer.
Ewaluacja Witryn pod względnem dostępności: Przegląd
Translation of the document: “Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility”. Translators: Tomasz Namysłowski, Natalia Fabisz, Agata Bogacka, Andrew Osobka, Jan Długosz.
Kupuj strony zgodne ze standardami
Translation of the document: “Buy standards compliant Web sites”. Translator: Andrzej Korasiak.
Web Standards Switch
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Sebastian Snopek.
HTML i XHTML - najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ)
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Robert Błaut.
Początek z HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Arkusze CSS - rady i pomoc
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Tutorial CSS Początki z HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Jak dodać styl do XML
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
W3C Core Styles
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Andrew Osobka.
Glosariusz terminów dotyczących Niezależności od Urządzeń
Translation of the document: “Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (Working Draft)”. Translator: Sebastian Snopek.
Modularyzacja XHTML™
Translation of the document: “Modularization of XHTML™”. Translator: Michał Górny.
XML in 10 points
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Jacek Gleń.

Translations in Portuguese

Especificação HTML 4.01
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: Alexandre Cláudio de Sena Viegas.
Esquema XML, Parte 0: Princípios Básicos, 2ª. Edição
Translation of the document: “XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition”. Translator: Alexandre Cláudio de Sena Viegas.
Directivas para a acessibilidade do conteúdo da Web - 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Leonel Morgado.
Empacotamento Optimizado das Matérias em Código XML-binário
Translation of the document: “XML-binary Optimized Packaging”. Translator: Alexandre Cláudio de Sena Viegas.
FAQ: Sites internacionais e multilíngües
Translation of the document: “FAQ: International & Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Idiomas na Internet
Translation of the document: “Language on the Web”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
FAQ: Localização versus Internacionalização
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Localization vs. Internationalization”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Introdução à Acessibilidade Web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Miguel Saturnino.
Componentes Essenciais da Acessibilidade Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Miguel Saturnino.
Iniciação: Como Fazer Sítios Web Acessíveis: Como Fazer Sítios Web Acessíveis
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Leonel Morgado.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Leonel Morgado.

Translations in Romanian

Specificatia HTML 4.01
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Servirea Documentelor XHTML 1.0
Translation of the document: “Serving XHTML 1.0”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Introducere in accesibilitatea web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Componente estentiale ale accesabilitatii internetului
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Adrian Ciocalau.
Cumpara website-uri care respecta standardele
Translation of the document: “Buy standards compliant Web sites”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Siteul meu este standard! Dar al tau?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Intrebari frecvente despre HTML si XHTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Un meniu confeti
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Foi de stil alternative
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Foi de Stil Web – Indrumari si Trucuri CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Centrarea lucrurilor
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Colturi rotunjite si cutii cu umbre
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Umbre cazute
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Figuri & subtitluri
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Familii de fonturi
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Paragrafe Indentate
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Un meniu tintuit
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Umbrele textului
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Pseudo clasa ':target'
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
Bare de derulare necolorate
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
W3C Core Styles
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Teodor Birca.
XForms pentru autori HTML
Translation of the document: “XForms for HTML Authors”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Intrebari frecvente despre XForms 1.0
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Punand matematica pe Web cu MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.
XML in 10 puncte
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Andrei Stanescu.
Foi de stil XSLT pentru MathML
Translation of the document: “XSLT stylesheets for MathML”. Translator: Leontin Stelea.

Translations in Russian

Спецификация HTML 3.2
Translation of the document: “HTML 3.2 Reference Specification”. Translator: Радик Усманов (Radik Usmanov).
Спецификация HTML 4.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “HTML 4.0 Recommendation”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
Пространства имен в XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Радик Усманов (Radik Usmanov).
OWL, язык веб-онтологий. Руководство
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translator: Дмитрий Щербина (Dmitry Sherbina).
OWL, язык веб-онтологий. Краткий обзор
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translator: Дмитрий Щербина (Dmitry Sherbina).
OWL Язык Сетевых онтологий, Варианты использования и требования
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”. Translator: Евгений Рабчевский (Evgeny Rabchevsky).
Среда Описания Ресурса (RDF): Понятия и Абстрактный Синтаксис
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translator: Евгений Рабчевский (Evgeny Rabchevsky).
SOAP Версия 1.2 Часть 0: Учебник для начинающих
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer”. Translator: Игорь Долотин (Igor Dolotin).
XML-схема, часть 0: основные понятия
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Schema Part 0: Primer”. Translator: Геннадий Берман (Gennadiy Berman).
Связывание таблиц стилей с документами XML
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Ассоциирование таблиц стилей с XML-документами
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Василь Ярошевич (Vasili Yaroshevich).
XHTML™ 1.0: Открытый язык разметки гипертекстов, переформулировка HTML 4 в XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
XHTML™ Basic
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translator: Александр Савенков (Alexander Savenkov).
Спецификация Управления Ключами XML (XKMS 2.0) и ее Привязок
Translation of the document: “XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0) Bindings”. Translator: Михаил Калиев (Michail Kaliev).
XML, Открытый язык разметки 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
Расширяемый язык разметки (XML) 1.0 (вторая редакция)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Радик Усманов (Radik Usmanov).
Язык XML Path (XPath), версия 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: Радик Усманов (Radik Usmanov).
Язык XML Path (XPath), версия 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: Олег Ткаченко (Oleg Tkachenko).
Расширяемый язык таблиц стилей (XSL), версия 1.0
Translation of the document: “Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0”. Translator: Александр Пирамидин (Alexander Pyramidin).
Язык преобразований XSL (XSLT), версия 1.0
Translation of the document: “XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0”. Translator: Радик Усманов (Radik Usmanov).
Руководство по созданию доступного веб-контента. Версия 1.0. Приемы CSS
Translation of the document: “CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Определение N-мерных отношений в Семантической Сети
Translation of the document: “Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web”. Translator: Евгений Рабчевский (Evgeny Rabchevsky).
Кодировка символов
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translator: Елена Неллсон (Elena Nellson).
Набор символов документа
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Document Character Set”. Translator: Елена Неллсон (Elena Nellson).
ЧАВО: проверка заголовков НТТР
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
ЧАВО: Интернациональные и многоязычные веб-сайты
Translation of the document: “FAQ: International & Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Елена Неллсон (Elena Nellson).
ЧАВО: Локализация по сравнению с интернационализацией
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Localization vs. Internationalization”. Translator: Елена Неллсон (Elena Nellson).
ЧАВО: Одноязычные и многоязычные веб-сайты
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Monolingual vs. Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Елена Неллсон (Elena Nellson).
FAQ: Мультиязычные формы
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Multilingual Forms”. Translator: Алексей Давыдов (Alexey Davydoff).
FAQ: Сортировка выпадающего списка
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Sorting select options”. Translator: Алексей Давыдов (Alexey Davydoff).
Translation of the document: “WAI-ARIA Overview”. Translator: Алексей Блэкбурри (Alex Blackburry).
Введение в доступность веб-сайтов
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Алексей Блэкбурри (Alex Blackburry).
Необходимые составляющие расширенного доступа в Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Дмитрий Красников (Dmitry Krasnikov).
Translation of the document: “WCAG 2 FAQ”. Translator: Дмитрий Красников (Dmitry Krasnikov).
Краткое руководство по созданию сайтов с расширенным доступом
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Дмитрий Красников (Dmitry Krasnikov).
Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы по XHTML и HTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Дополнительные возможности
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML: More Advanced Features”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
Приступая к работе с HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
CSS и XSL: что я должен использовать?
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Не используйте «пользовательский DTD»!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Часто задаваемые вопросы по языку математической разметки (MathML)
Translation of the document: “Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Как добавить стиль
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML: Adding a Touch of Style”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
Внешние таблицы стилей
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Как добавить стиль к XML
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Как делать бестабличную верстку
Translation of the document: “Tableless layout HOWTO”. Translator: Алексей Давыдов (Alexey Davydoff).
Основные стили W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы по XForms 1.0
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Алексей Бешенов (Aleksey Beshenov).
Публикация математических текстов в Web с помощью MathML
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: Алексей Шамрин (Alexey Shamrin).
Модуляризация XHTML™
Translation of the document: “Modularization of XHTML™”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
XHTML™ 1.1 - Модульный язык XHTML
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML (Working Draft)”. Translator: Юлия Поданёва (Julia Podaniova).
XML в 10 тезисах
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Александр Савенков (Alexander Savenkov).
XML в 10 тезисах
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Василь Ярошевич (Vasili Yaroshevich).
Представление объектов vCard в RDF/XML
Translation of the document: “Representing vCard Objects in RDF/XML”. Translator: Владимир Лукьянов (Vladimir Lukyanov).

Translations in Serbian

XHTML™ 1.0 Отворени хипертекстуални знаковни језик (друго издање)
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)”. Translator: Лука Станисављевић (Luka Stanisavljevic).
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Лука Станисављевић (Luka Stanisavljevic).
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Данило Фурунџић (Danilo S. Furundžić).
Не користите “наменски DTD”!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: Данило Фурунџић (Danilo S. Furundžić).
CSS упутство, Први кораци у HTML и CSS језицима
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Лука Станисављевић (Luka Stanisavljevic).
Како додати стил XML-у
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Данило Фурунџић (Danilo S. Furundžić).
W3C Основни Стилови
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Данило Фурунџић (Danilo S. Furundžić).

Translations in Slovakian

10 rád pre vytváranie dostupných WWW stránok
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Martina Kobolkova.
XML v desiatich bodoch
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Jozef Izso.

Translations in Slovenian

Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Vuk Cosic.

Translations in Spanish

Especificación del Modelo de Objetos del Documento (DOM), Nivel 1
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1”. Translator: Juan R. Pozo.
Especificación del Núcleo del Modelo de Objetos del Documento (DOM) Nivel 3
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification”. Translator: Salishan.
Especificación HTML 4.01
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.01 Specification”. Translator: Juan R. Pozo.
Conjunto de información XML (Segunda edición)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Espacios de Nombres en XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Juan R. Pozo.
Espacios de nombres en XML 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Lenguaje de Ontología Web (OWL), Vista General
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translators: Carlos Tejo Alonso, Pablo Díez Suárez.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) Especificación del Modelo y la Sintaxis
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification”. Translator: Eva Méndez.
Anotación Ruby
Translation of the document: “Ruby Annotation”. Translator: Tadas Talaikis.
SOAP Versión 1.2 Parte 0: Fundamentos
Translation of the document: “SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer”. Translator: José Manuel Alonso.
Esquema XML Parte 0: Fundamentos
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Schema Part 0: Primer”. Translator: José Manuel Alonso.
Asociando Hojas de Estilo con documentos XML Versión 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo.
Pautas de Accesibilidad del Contenido en la Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core
Translation of the document: “Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
XHTML™ 1.0: El Lenguaje de Etiquetado Hipertextual Extensible, Una Reformulación de HTML 4.0 en XML 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language - A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: Juan Luis Lara.
XHTML™ 1.1 - XHTML Basado en Módulos
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML”. Translator: Pedro Palazón Candel.
XHTML™ Básico
Translation of the document: “XHTML™ Basic”. Translators: Pedro Palazón Candel, Fran Rosa Soler.
XML Inclusions (XInclude) Versión 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Enlaces de la Especificación de Gestión de Claves XML (XKMS 2.0)
Translation of the document: “XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0)”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
El lenguaje extensible de marcas (XML) 1.0
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translator: Fabio Arciniegas.
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translators: Yesenia Moreno, Pedro Silva.
Lenguaje de Caminos XML (XPath) Versión 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: Juan Gómez Duaso.
Firma XML del Filtro XPath 2.0
Translation of the document: “XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0”. Translator: Oscar Manrique.
xml:id Versión 1.0
Translation of the document: “xml:id Version 1.0”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Características de accesibilidad de SVG
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of SVG”. Translator: Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerias.
Características de Accesibilidad de CSS
Translation of the document: “Accessibility Features of CSS”. Translator: Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerias.
Técnicas CSS para las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Técnicas Fundamentales para las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Core Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Principios de independencia de dispositivos
Translation of the document: “Device Independence Principles”. Translator: Tania Estébanez Álvarez.
Técnicas HTML para las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido de la Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Técnicas para las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Preguntas frecuentes: Declaraciones de codificación de caracteres en CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Preguntas frecuentes: sitios web internacionales y plurilingües
Translation of the document: “FAQ: International & Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Etiquetas de idioma en HTML y XML
Translation of the document: “Language tags in HTML and XML”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
FAQ: Establecimiento de las preferencias de idioma en un navegador
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting language preferences in a browser”. Translator: Carlos Iglesias Moro.
Los idiomas en la Web
Translation of the document: “Language on the Web”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
FAQ: diferencias entre localización e internacionalización
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Localization vs. Internationalization”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Introducción a las Pautas de Accesibilidad para Herramientas de Autor (ATAG)
Translation of the document: “Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Overview”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
HTML 4.0 Mejoras de accesibilidad
Translation of the document: “HTML 4.0 Accessibility Improvements”. Translator: Anna Estellés Palanca.
Beneficios Auxiliares del Diseño Web Accesible
Translation of the document: “Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design”. Translator: Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerias.
Inaccesibilidad de los Tests de Verificación Visual Anti-Robots
Translation of the document: “Inaccessibility of Visually-Oriented Anti-Robot Tests”. Translator: Juan Luis Lara.
Cómo utilizan la Web las personas con discapacidad
Translation of the document: “How People with Disabilities Use the Web”. Translator: Alan Chuter.
Introducción a la Accesibilidad Web
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
Navegando en las pautas y documentos de técnicas de WCAG 1.0
Translation of the document: “Navigating WCAG 1.0 Guidelines and Techniques Documents”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
Introducción a las Pautas de Accesibilidad para Agentes de Usuario (UAAG)
Translation of the document: “User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
Componentes Interdependientes de Accesibilidad Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre las "Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web 1.0"
Translation of the document: “Fact Sheet for "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Tabla de Puntos de Verificación para las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web 1.0
Translation of the document: “Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Introducción a las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web (WCAG)
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo.
Guía breve para crear sitios web accesibles
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translators: Alan Chuter, Carlos Egea García, Alicia Sarabia Sánchez.
Compra sitios Web que cumplan los estándares
Translation of the document: “Buy standards compliant Web sites”. Translator: Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerias.
¡Mi sitio Web es estándar! ¿Y el tuyo?
Translation of the document: “My Web site is standard! And yours?”. Translator: Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerias.
Cambio hacia los Estándares Web
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerias.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre HTML y XHTML
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translator: Carlos Iglesias Moro.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Un menú de fantasía
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Hojas de estilo alternativas
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Hojas de estilo para la Web - Trucos y sugerencias para CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Centrado de objetos
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Esquinas redondeadas y cuadros con sombra
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
¡No utilice "DTDs personalizadas"!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: Gastón Diego Valente.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Sombras
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Reglas pares e impares
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Figuras y leyendas
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Familias de fuentes
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Párrafos con sangría
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Lenguaje de Ontologías Web (OWL) del W3C
Translation of the document: “Frequently Asked Questions on W3C's Web Ontology Language (OWL)”. Translator: Carlos Iglesias Moro.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Un menú fijo en pantalla
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre SVG 1.1 y SVG Móvil
Translation of the document: “SVG 1.1 and SVG Mobile Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Carlos Iglesias Moro.
Comenzando con HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: Encarnación Quesada Ruiz.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Texto con sombra
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - La pseudoclase ":target"
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Trucos y sugerencias para CSS - Barras de desplazamiento sin color
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Trusted Translations, Inc., directed by Cornelio Flores.
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre XForms 1.0
Translation of the document: “XForms 1.0 Frequently Asked Questions”. Translator: Carlos Iglesias Moro.
Glosario de términos relativos a la independencia de dispositivos
Translation of the document: “Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (Working Draft)”. Translator: Marta Trejo.
Modularización de XHTML™
Translation of the document: “Modularization of XHTML™”. Translator: Pedro Palazón Candel.
Un perfil XHTML + MathML + SVG
Translation of the document: “An XHTML + MathML + SVG Profile (Working Draft)”. Translator: Gregorio Rodríguez.
XML en 10 puntos
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Gustavo García.

Translations in Swedish

Riktlinjer för utformning av innehåll på webben, version 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: Johan Hjelm.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition)”. Translators: Jan Östberg, Erik Mjöberg, Gustaf Liljegren.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)”. Translator: Erik Mjöberg.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1”. Translators: Jan Östberg, Erik Mjöberg, Gustaf Liljegren.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Erik Mjöberg.
FAQ: Att deklarera teckenkodning i CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
FAQ: Att ange 'charset'-information i .htaccess
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Setting 'charset' Information in .htaccess”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
FAQ: Dokuments teckenuppsättning
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Document Character Set”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
FAQ: Att granska HTTP-headers
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Checking HTTP Headers”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
FAQ: Internationella & flerspråkiga webbplatser
Translation of the document: “FAQ: International & Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
FAQ: Enspråkiga resp. flerspråkiga webbplatser
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Monolingual vs. Multilingual Web sites”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
Att leverera XHTML 1.0
Translation of the document: “Serving XHTML 1.0”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
Affärsnyttan av tillgängliga webbplatser
Translation of the document: “Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
Sammanfattning av Affärsnyttan av tillgängliga webbplatser
Translation of the document: “Summary of Business Benefits of Accessible Web Design”. Translator: Olle Olsson.
Introduktion till tillgänglighet på webben
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Emil Stenström.
WAI Flyer
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. (No translators specified)
Kom igång: Gör hemsidan tillgänglig
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Joakim Löfkvist.
XML i 10 punkter
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. (No translators specified)

Translations in Tagalog/Filipino

Pangunahing Lengwahe sa HTML
Translation of the document: “Primary Language in HTML”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Isang RDF Schema Para sa XML Impormasyon Kumpol
Translation of the document: “An RDF Schema for the XML Information Set”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Ang Cambridge Communiqué
Translation of the document: “The Cambridge Communiqué”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Importanteng Aspeto ng Aksesibilidad sa Web
Translation of the document: “Essential Components of Web Accessibility”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Mabilis na Paraan Upang Gumawa ng Website na Mataas ang Lebel ng Aksesibilidad
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Isang confetti menu
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga alternatibong style sheets
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Getting started with HTML
Translation of the document: “Getting started with HTML”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Web Style Sheets — Mga CSS tips & tricks
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Pagsasentro ng mga bagay
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga bilugang sulok at kahong may anino
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga drop shadows
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga larawan at paliwanag
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga pamilya ng font
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga talatang inurong
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Nadaganang menu
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Ang Paggawa ng W3C RSS 1.0 News Feed
Translation of the document: “W3C RSS 1.0 News Feed Creation How-To”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
Mga anino ng text
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Ang ':target' na pseudo-class
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Mga scrollbars na walang kulay
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Paano magsimula sa VoiceXML 2.0
Translation of the document: “Getting started with VoiceXML 2.0”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.
XML Pangyayari Para Sa HTML MayAkda
Translation of the document: “XML Events for HTML Authors”. Translator: Joseph Plazo.

Translations in Telugu

W3C Flyer in Telugu
Translation of the document: “WAI Flyer”. Translators: కె.వసంత లక్ష్మి (K. Vasanta Lakshmi), శ్రీనాథ్ .K (Sreenath K).
అందరికీ అందుబాటులొ ఉండే వెబ్ పేజిలు తయారు చేయడానికి కొండ గుర్తులు
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translators: పి.శివరామ్ ప్రసాద్ (P. Sivaram Prasad), కె.శివ బసవ (K.Siva Basava).
W 3 సీ కోర్
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: నాగేశ్వరి ఆదుర్తి (Nageswari Adurty).
XML 10 మాటల్లో
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translators: Pavan Kumar Chowdary, K. Naveen Reddy.

Translations in Thai

ถาม-ตอบ: การประกาศค่าการ encode ตัวอักษรใน CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: ลาวัณย์ นันทโววาทย์ (Lawan Nuntavovat).
การ encode ภาษา
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translator: ลาวัณย์ นันทโววาทย์ (Lawan Nuntavovat).
ถาม-ตอบ: การใส่สไตล์โดยใช้ attribute lang
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Styling using the lang attribute”. Translator: ลาวัณย์ นันทโววาทย์ (Lawan Nuntavovat).
การใช้ XHTML 1.0
Translation of the document: “Serving XHTML 1.0”. Translator: ลาวัณย์ นันทโววาทย์ (Lawan Nuntavovat).
เริ่มต้นด้วย HTML + CSS
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Starting with HTML + CSS”. Translator: ลาวัณย์ นันทโววาทย์ (Lawan Nuntavovat).

Translations in Turkish

XML Bilgi Kümesi (İkinci Düzeltme)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
XML 1.0'da İsim-alanları (İkinci Düzeltme)
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
XML 1.1'de İsim-alanları (İkinci Düzeltme)
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
Biçembentlerin XML Belgelerle İlişkilendirilmesi
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
Genişletilebilir İmlenim Dili (XML) 1.0 (Dördüncü Düzeltme)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition)”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
Genişletilebilir İmlenim Dili (XML) 1.1 (İkinci Düzeltme)
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
XML Adresleme Dili (XPath) Sürüm 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
XSL Dönüşümleri (XSLT) Sürüm 1.0
Translation of the document: “XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0”. Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner.
SSS: İngilizce olmayan kod etiketleri
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Non-English tags”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Web Erişilebilirliğine Giriş
Translation of the document: “Introduction to Web Accessibility”. Translator: Yeliz Yesilada.
Bir Bakışta WCAG 2.0
Translation of the document: “WCAG 2.0 at a Glance”. Translator: Yeliz Yesilada.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Yeliz Yesilada.
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Thomas Ziegler.

Translations in Ukrainian

Простір імен в XML
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translator: Наталія Панченко (Nataly Panchenko).
Кодування Символів
Translation of the document: “Character Encodings”. Translator: Наталія Панченко (Nataly Panchenko).
ЧАВО: Набір символів документа
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Document Character Set”. Translator: Наталія Панченко (Nataly Panchenko).
CSS поради & прийоми - Меню "конфетті"
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A confetti menu”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Альтернативні таблиці стилів
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Alternative style sheets”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Translation of the document: “CSS & XSL”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Каскадні таблиці стилів – CSS поради & прийоми
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Центрування
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Centering things”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Закруглені кути та блоки з тінню
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Rounded corners and shadowed boxes”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Не вікористовуйте «власні DTD»!
Translation of the document: “Don't use “custom DTDs”!”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Відкидання тіней
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Drop Shadows”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Парні й непарні лінії
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Even and odd rules”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - rady i pomoc Зображення & описи
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Figures & captions”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Групи шрифтів
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Fonts”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Абзац з червоного рядку
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Фіксоване меню
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: A pinned-down menu”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Як додати стиль до XML
Translation of the document: “How to add style to XML”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Тіні тексту
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Text shadows”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Псевдо клас ':target'
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: The ':target' pseudo-class”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
CSS поради & прийоми - Безкольорова прокрутка
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Un-colored scrollbars”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
Основні стилі W3C
Translation of the document: “W3C Core Styles”. Translator: Евгений Скрипець (Yevgeny Skripets).
XML у 10 пунктах
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Валентин Кулинич (Valentinas Kulinic).

Translations in Vietnamese

Tên miền không gian trong XML 1.0 (Xuất bản lần thứ Hai)
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: Trần Duy Hoàng.
Những câu hỏi thường gặp: các khai báo mã hóa ký tự CSS
Translation of the document: “FAQ: CSS Character Encoding Declarations”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
Bắt đầu: Tạo một trang web mà người khuyết tật có khả năng tiếp cận
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: Nguyen Van Binh.
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: Nguyen Van Binh.
Thụt Vô Đầu Dòng Của Đoạn Văn
Translation of the document: “Web Style Sheets, CSS tips & tricks: Indented paragraphs”. Translator: Mạnh Nguyễn.
10 điểm cần biết trong XML
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: Screzz Wladimir.

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