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Which groups will be especially vulnerable during an influenza pandemic?

Category: Pandemic Influenza Questions


In an influenza pandemic, some people may be at higher risk for becoming sick, or they may need extra help for a variety of reasons. Those who are vulnerable will vary from community to community, but they are likely to include people with existing health issues or those that may have limited access to health care under even normal circumstances and those not proficient in English.

Example of Faith-Based and Community-Based Organizations (FBCOs) preparing to help Vulnerable Populations during an influenza pandemic:

The Salvation Army Southern Territory notes that many “at-risk” populations whom the Salvation Army traditionally serves, such as children and the elderly and homeless, may be among the hardest-hit by a pandemic virus.  People that are disabled or economically disadvantaged and households with single-parents may struggle to make ends meet if they must stay home to care for a loved one or if schools are dismissed and businesses are closed.

As local governments plan to cope with a pandemic, Salvation Army disaster responders are:

  • Encouraged to be engaged in this planning process and prepared to support emergency response efforts.

  • They are encouraged to develop contingency plans to care for dependent populations, including those in resident care facilities, such as homeless shelters, apartments for elderly people, or American Red Cross facilities.

  • They are also developing sanitary practices to reduce the spread of infection within these facilities and procedures to address the needs of sick individuals.

  • They should also be prepared to provide financial aid to the poor who are unable to work and are in need of emergency income for housing, medicine, or other essential needs.

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Last Updated: 11/06/2007