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Reducing poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture
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Rehabilitating livelihoods
following natural disasters

Half the world's poor live in coastal areas. These areas are often already under threat due to poorly planned development but challenges are made worse with natural disasters and climate change causing more floods and extreme weather events such as hurricanes. See video

An Abundant Catch of Lessons Learned on Coral Reef Management

Fish boost incomes, health of poor HIV/AIDS-affected families in Malawi

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Science publications and briefs
Simple data analysis for biologists
Development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Malawi
Development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Cameroon
Development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Bangladesh
Reducing poverty and hunger through fisheries and aquaculture in Africa
Fisheries policies, support services and the institutional environment for trade
Tropical river fisheries valuation: Establishing economic value to guide policy.
Corporate publications and policy briefs
Annual report 2007/08
Using fisheries and aquaculture to reduce poverty and hunger
Medium-Term Plan 2009-2011
WorldFish and the Millennium Development Goals
Policy for the transfer of improved tilapia (GIFT)
Fisheries and aquaculture can provide solutions to cope with climate change
Priority technologies and national strategies to develop and manage fisheries and aquaculture
Expanding sustainable aquaculture
Productive and resilient small-scale fisheries
FISH and
Climate Change
Human Health
Symposium : Small-scale Aquaculture for Increasing Resilience of Rural Livelihoods in Nepal,
(Pre-registration form)
5-6 February 09

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© 2007 WorldFish Center