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Solar Energy

Solar Energy
Courtesy of National
Renewable Energy Laboratory
Credit–Robb Williamson

· Resources with Additional Information

The Department of Energy has played a major role in solar energy development through previous research and ongoing activities.  As a result of research and development, the "cost of solar energy has been reduced 100-fold over the past two decades." 1

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) "systems use reflective materials that concentrate the sun's heat energy to drive a generator that produces electricity.

[Photovoltaic] (PV) systems use semiconductor materials that convert sunlight directly to electricity.

Solar collectors absorb the sun's energy to provide low- temperature heat used directly for hot water or space heating for residential or commercial buildings.

Parabolic collectors focus sunlight into a fiber optic system to illuminate building interiors with sunlight."2


Resources with Additional Information

Additional information about Solar Energy is available in full‑text and on the Web.


Solar Energy and Your Home: Questions and Answers, DOE Technical Report, January 1984

Solar Air Collectors: How Much Can You Save?, DOE Technical Report, April 1985

Building Design Guidelines for Solar Energy Technologies, DOE Technical Report, January 1989

OUT Success Stories: Solar Roofing Shingles, DOE Technical Report, August 2000

OUT Success Stories: Solar Hot Water Technology, DOE Technical Report, August 2000

OUT Success Stories: Solar Trough (sic) Power Plants, DOE Technical Report, August 2000

Get Your Power from the Sun, DOE Technical Report, December 2003


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