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 | Alexei Abrikosov and Superconductivity
| |  | Barbara McClintock, Jumping Genes, and Transposition
| |  | Clifford G. Shull, Neutron Diffraction, Hydrogen Atoms, and Neutron Scattering
| |  | David Lee, Douglas Osheroff, Superfluidity, and Helium 3
| |  | Donald Glaser, the Bubble Chamber, and Elementary Particles
| |  | Edward Purcell and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
| |  | Enrico Fermi and the First Self-Sustaining Nuclear Chain Reaction
| |  | Ernest O. Lawrence and the Cyclotron
| |  | Eugene Wigner and Fundamental Symmetry Principles
| |  | Felix Bloch, Nuclear Induction, Bloch Equations, Bloch Theorem, Bloch States
| |  | Frank Wilczek, Asymptotic Freedom, and Strong Interaction
| |  | Frederick Reines and the Neutrino
 | Glenn T. Seaborg - Contributions to Advancing Science
| |  | H. David Politzer, Asymptotic Freedom, and Strong Interaction
| |  | Hans Bethe, Powering the Stars, and Nuclear Physics
| |  | J. Robert Schrieffer and the BCS Theory of Superconductivity
| |  | Jack Steinberger and the Muon-Neutrino
| |  | James Rainwater and the Atomic Nucleus
| |  | Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor and the Development of the Quark
| |  | Julian Schwinger and the Source Theory
| |  | Leon Cooper, Cooper Pairs, and the BCS Theory
| |  | Leon Lederman, the K-meson, the Muon Neutrino, and the Bottom Quark
| |  | Luis Alvarez, the Hydrogen Bubble Chamber, Tritium, and Dinosaurs
| |  | Maria Goeppert Mayer, the Nuclear Shell Structure, and Magic Numbers
| |  | Martin Perl and the Tau Lepton
| |  | Martinus Veltman, the Electroweak Theory, and Elementary Particle Physics
| |  | Murray Gell-Mann, the Eightfold Way, Quarks, and Quantum Chromodynamics
| |  | Paul D. Boyer, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), and the Binding Change Mechanism
| |  | Raymond Davis Jr., Solar Neutrinos, and the Solar Neutrino Problems
| |  | Richard E. Smalley, Buckminsterfullerene (the Buckyball), and Nanotubes
| |  | Richard Feynman, Feynman Diagrams, and the Challenger Shuttle
| |  | Richard Schrock, Robert Grubbs, and Metathesis Method in Organic Synthesis
| |  | Robert B. Laughlin and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
| |  | Roderick MacKinnon and Ion Channels - Potassium Channels and Sodium Channels
| |  | Roger D. Kornberg Polymerase, DNA, RNA, and Transcription
| |  | Russell Hulse, the First Binary Pulsar, and Science Education
| |  | Sheldon Glashow, the Electroweak Theory, and the Grand Unified Theory
| |  | Steven Weinberg, Weak Interactions, and Electromagnetic Interactions
| |  | William Fowler and Elements in the Stars
| |  | Willis Lamb, Jr., the Hydrogen Atom, and the Lamb Shift