
Urticales > Moraceae > Fatoua villosa (Thunb.) Nakai
Synonym(s): hairy crabweed
Mulberryweed is an annual that can grow to 2.6 ft. (0.8 m) tall. Stems are branched, erect and have hooked hairs. Leaves are alternate, stipulate (deciduous), petiolate, 1-3.9 in. (2.5-10 cm) long, 0.4-2.8 in. (1-7 cm) wide with toothed (pointed or rounded) margins. Flowering occurs in the summer and fall. Flowers are light green, unisexual, apetalous and occur in axillary cymes. Fruit is a one-seeded achene that is less than 1/10 in. (0.8 mm) long. Mulberryweed is native to East Asia and occurs in wetlands and other moist, shaded areas. It is problematic in greenhouses and nurseries. The first known population in the United States was in Louisiana in 1964.

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Description: Foliage;

with flowers

Photographer:Nancy Loewenstein, Auburn University
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Description: Foliage;

with flowers

Photographer:Nancy Loewenstein, Auburn University
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Description: Plant(s);
Photographer:Mark Czarnota, University of Georgia
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Description: Plant(s); young plant
Photographer:Mark Czarnota, University of Georgia
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Description: Plant(s);
Photographer:Mark Czarnota, University of Georgia
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Description: Plant(s);
Photographer:Nancy Loewenstein, Auburn University
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Invasive Reference(s)

Subject Reference(s)

  • USDA, NRCS. 2001. The PLANTS Database, Version 3.1, National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. -