Table of Peach Cultivar Susceptibility to Bacterial Spot
Xanthomonas pruni  


Table of peach cultivar susceptibility to the bacterial spot bacterium, Xanthomonas pruni.
(Source of information and credits provided at the bottom of the page.)

Peach cultivar Bacterial spot
susceptibility rating
Peach cultivar Bacterial spot
susceptibility rating
Ambergem R Loring S
Autumn Lady HS Madison S
Babygold5 HS Maybelle S
Belle of Georgia R Mayflower R
Biscoe R Monroe S
Blake S Raritan Rose S
Brackett HS Redbird R
Candor R Redhaven S
Cardinal R Redskin S
Cherryred R Richhaven S
Coronet S Rio Oso Gem S
Cresthaven S Shippers Late Red HS
Dixired R Southhaven R
Earlired S Southland HS
Early East HS Springold HS
Early Sunhaven S Sullivan Elberta HS
Elberta HS Summercrest S
Erly-Red-Fre R Summergold S
Gemmers Late Elberta HS Summerqueen S
Golden Jubilee S Sunhaven S
Hale Harrison Brilliant HS Sunhigh HS
Halehaven HS Sweet Sue HS
Harrow Beauty S Triogem S
Harrow Diamond S Tyler S
Jefferson S Washington S
Jerseyland HS White Hale HS
Jerseyqueen S
Keystone S
Late Sunhaven S

zR = resistant. Control only needed under high disease pressure.
S = susceptible. Control usually needed where disease is prevalent.
HS = highly susceptible. Control always needed where disease is prevalent. These cultivars should receive first priority when control is called for.

Data compiled by A. R. Biggs and K. S. Yoder from personal observations and the following sources:

Keil, H. L., and H. W. Fogle. 1974. Orchard susceptibility of some apricot, peach, and plum cultivars and selections to Xanthomonas pruni. Fruit. Var. J. 28:16-19.

Ritchie, D. F. 1995. Bacterial Spot. In: Compendium of Stone Fruit Diseases. Ed. J. M. Ogawa, E. I. Zehr, G. W. Bird, D. F. Ritchie, K. Uriu, and J. K. Uyemoto. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.

Werner, D. J., D. F. Ritchie, D. W. Cain, and E. I. Zehr. 1986. Susceptibility of peaches and nectarines, plant introductions, and other Prunus species to bacterial spot. HortScience 21:127-130.