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FORMIS: A Master Bibliography of Ant Literature
headline bar
1 - Introduction
2 - Online Searches - FORMIS - 2005
3 - Downloads - FORMIS - 2008
4 - Registration
5 - Credits
6 - Contributions
7 - Updating

Ant headFORMIS
is a composite of several ant literature databases.  It contains citations for a large fraction of the world's ant literature (about 38,000 references).  FORMIS contains all known ant taxonomic literature (through 1996).  It also contains comprehensive bibliographies of leaf-cutting ants, fire ants, and Russian wood ants.  FORMIS is also the only database which covers ant literature before the 1970s.  For further details please see contributions and credits.

This database is designed to allow convenient searches of titles, keywords and abstracts when available (online searches or downloads).  Citations from this database can be exported to create specialty databases or personal reprint indexes.  FORMIS is only updated every year or two, so it is not a source for the most recent ant literature.

Please note that about half of the citations in this database have been verified against the original.   All citations that are not tagged as having been verified should be checked against the original before use in publications.

Expansion and updating FORMIS will require the cooperation of its users.  Please read the information on the updating page.  For additional questions about the database please contact Dr. Dan Wojcik or Dr. Sanford Porter.


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Last Modified: 12/06/2007
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