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Seasonal Happenings at Top Montreal Attractions

Quebec City's N'Ice Bar

It's official. The snow has started to fly. But do like the natives and make the most of it. Museums have special exhibits to keep you warm and hotels offer amazing low season deals while the restaurants and bars are hopping.

While the Snow Flies

Sherel's Montreal / Quebec City Travel Blog

Winter Carnivals Near Montreal

Friday January 16, 2009

On February weekends check out Winterlude in Canada's capital, Ottawa (T:(613) 239.5000) an easy ninety-minute drive from Montreal.

The highlight event is a bed race on the frozen canal as well as the usual winter carnival fare of ice boating, parades, speed skating and curling.

The Quebec Winter Carnival runs from January 30th until February 17th this year but the best events take place on the weekends. The craziest one is the annual Crashed Ice Race through the streets of Old Town, Q.C. on January 24th.

Related Reading:
Ottawa Pictures
Quebec Winter Carnival 2009
Quebec City Crashed Ice Event

Photo: Student Ice Sculptures courtesy of Quebec Winter Carnival

Valentine's Day in Montreal

Tuesday January 13, 2009

If you plan to be in Montreal for VD, better make restaurant reservations asap. This most romantic of Canadian cities, second only to Quebec City, takes the celebration of love very seriously. Combine that with a population that loves to go out and you know you better start making some phone calls soon.

Related Reading:
Montreal Restaurants for Special Occasions
Top Value Restaurants in Montreal

Chinese New Year in Montreal

Sunday January 11, 2009

This year the official day of Chinese New Year is January 26th but celebrations happen before the actual date.

Out on the West Island, the Chinese Cultural Centre is hosting a show starting at 2 p.m. with both traditional performances and a visit from the local youth symphony.

Downtown at Place des Arts more than 100 professional performers usher in the new year from January 16-18th.

Related reading:
Montreal Chinese New Year Events
Montreal's Place des Arts

Ice Crashing in Quebec City

Friday January 9, 2009

If you think that nutty Quebec Winter Carnival canoe race across the frozen St. Lawrence River is dangerous you ain't seen nothing yet.

Every year (January 24th in 2009) 120 men and women race down a steep ice track complete with sharp turns and jumps to see who can be the first to arrive alive at the end of the 600-yard run through Old Quebec City. All this to the roars of 80,000 + bloodthirsty fans. Cold temperatures make people do strange things.

Related reading:
Quebec City Crashed Ice Event
Quebec City Winter Carnival 2009


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