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Recruiting Tools - New
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is improving Federal vacancy announcements by streamlining, standardizing, and simplifying them to attract a broader pool of quality applicants.


Did You Know?
Have you checked out our training sessions yet? The USAJOBS Team has worked hard to provide recruiters with specialized trainings tailored to specific needs.
We still offer our all-inclusive training as well as separate sessions on resume mining, announcement building and writing, account management and ...

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Stay Up To Date - Recruiter Training
The USAJOBS team is committed to helping you learn and take full advantage of the new and improved USAJOBS website. Currently, we are offering pre-recorded training sessions only. If there is an agency that has a large group and would like to set up a one-time training session, please send an email to Also, we are working on Interactive Training sessions and you will be kept abreast as we move forward to completion and ready for implementation.

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USAJOBS Employer Services is available for federal recruiters and contractors authorized by Federal agencies to post Federal positions to the USAJOBS and Student Jobs websites.
Apply today for access to Employer Services.
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This is a United States Office of Personnel Management web site. USAJOBS is the Federal Government's official one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information.
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