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 Computational Fluid Dynamics

Research - Miscellaneous


Research Areas



The following projects reflect the spin-offs of fluid mechanics research and the diverse interests of the staff in T-3. Some of the techniques developed for numerical fluid and solid dynamics have found application in a variety of other areas. Additionally the staff of T-3 represents a broad base of interests and expertise that extends far beyond just numerical fluid dynamics.

Miscellaneous Projects
All of the filled circles are linkable projects.
All of the empty circles are navigational guides.

Questions? Contact us!

This is from "The Legacy and Future of CFD at Los Alamos" (LAUR#LA-UR-1426)(365Kb pdf file)






Mark Schraad
Group Leader

Beverly Corrales
Office Administrator

Crystal Martinez
Office Administrator

Mail Stop B216
(505) 667-4156 (Voice)
(505) 665-5926 (Fax)

Group Members

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Last Modified: June 26, 2006