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 Computational Fluid Dynamics

Research - Geosciences


Research Areas



The advent of large computing resources have enabled many outstanding geo-science problems to be simulated, where just a decade ago they were not even candidates. T-3 contribution has focused on three areas: mantle dynamics, global ocean modeling and the dynamics of sea ice.

Los Alamos Geo-Science Projects
All of the filled circles are linkable projects.
All of the empty circles are navigational guides.* Weather forcast model (parallel)

  • Mantle Flow Modeling
  • Mapping the Earths Internal Structure
  • The Effect of Continental Roots on Global Plate Motions
  • Continental roots

Questions? Contact us!

This is from "The Legacy and Future of CFD at Los Alamos" (LAUR#LA-UR-1426)(365Kb pdf file)






Mark Schraad
Group Leader

Beverly Corrales
Office Administrator

Crystal Martinez
Office Administrator

Mail Stop B216
(505) 667-4156 (Voice)
(505) 665-5926 (Fax)

Group Members

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Last Modified: June 26, 2006