Statement from President-elect Obama

President-elect Obama to visit Ohio to discuss an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

President-elect Barack Obama will travel to Bedford Heights, Ohio, to meet with workers and discuss an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan.

Statement from Robert Gibbs on the nomination of Tim Geithner

Statement on Senator Roland Burris

Statement on the meeting between President-elect Obama and President Calderón

Below is a statement from Incoming White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the meeting between President-elect Obama and President Calderón

Letter detailing President-elect Obama’s reforms to Troubled Asset Relief Program

The attached letter was sent today by Larry Summers detailing President-elect Obama’s commitment to reforming the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

President-elect Obama to meet with President Calderón

President-elect Barack Obama will meet with Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón on Monday, January 12.

President-elect Obama announces key Department of Defense posts

Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced that he intends to nominate the following individuals for key posts at the United States Department of Defense (DoD): William J. Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Robert F. Hale, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller); Michèle Flournoy, Under Secretary of Defense (Policy); and Jeh Charles Johnson, General Counsel.

Vice President-elect Biden announces more key staff for the Vice President’s Office

Vice President-elect Joe Biden today announced the following staff for the Office of the Vice President: Elisabeth Hire, Director of Scheduling; Pete Selfridge, Director of Advance; Anthony Bernal, Director of Scheduling for Dr. Jill Biden; and Sam Myers Sr., Trip Director for the Vice President.

President-elect speaks on the need for urgent action on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Today, President-elect Barack Obama delivered remarks at George Mason University where he made the case for urgent action on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan that will save or create over 3 million jobs while investing in priorities like health care, energy, and education that will jumpstart economic growth.  This plan will represent not just new policy, but a new approach to meeting our most urgent challenges.

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