Promoting Prevention Through School-Community Partnerships


The purpose of the Center's online continuing education training program is to provide a menu of skills-based, interactive learning activities that supplement the core training. It is designed to facilitate the transfer of knowledge into practice, enhance the exchange of effective practices among middle school coordinators (MSCs), and strengthen their capacity to implement effective prevention efforts.

The Center's online continuing education events differ from the five-day core training. They are meant to supplement the training by providing you with an opportunity to deepen skills and expand your resources as change agents. The events are intended to (1) provide support for the implementation of best practices that enable organizational change, (2) build on the foundation established by the five-day core training, and (3) foster the exchange of information and ideas that can help transfer knowledge into practice.

Each online event addresses challenges faced by MSCs and highlights opportunities you have as organizational change agents within your schools and communities. Sessions focus on the planning and implementation process surrounding school-community collaboration in order to address the developmental needs of students.

While instructional programs have been important, necessary, and effective at imparting knowledge, improving existing skills, and developing new skills, alone they are insufficient to produce far-reaching and long-lasting organizational change. Solutions to substance abuse and violence lie in more comprehensive approaches and strategies that promote change at individual and organizational levels with schools and communities working together. The Center's online continuing education program provides a means of strengthening these approaches and applying effective strategies to create comprehensive prevention plans.

The scope and sequence of the Center's online continuing education program are driven by MSC interests, identified needs, and professional responsibilities. Each online event is designed to provide MSCs with skills and knowledge around strategic areas, such as:

  • changing individual behavior among youth

  • initiating organizational change in schools

  • mobilizing community support for prevention efforts

Implementing effective prevention programs is challenging and requires careful attention to the following:

  • assessing local needs and assets

  • designing programs to meet desired results, using measurable goals

  • selecting and implementing programs that are based on research

  • evaluating and refining program efforts

Each of the Center's online events is designed and sequenced to assist MSCs in addressing these critical factors. Materials and activities take participants through a series of steps in a logical fashion. Each facilitated event includes explanations of how to apply the methods, use strategic planning tools, and locate additional resources, as well as opportunities to strategize and engage in dialogue with the event leaders and other MSCs.

Each event includes:

  • an introduction

  • clearly defined skills and strategies to be addressed

  • clearly defined methods, materials, and timelines

  • activities

  • discussion time

  • an event summary

  • client assessment and evaluation surveys

In order to prepare MSCs to effectively participate in these online events, the Center has also developed an orientation website. It is designed to help MSCs obtain the tools and skills that are necessary for full participation in online events, as well as an understanding of what to expect from these events. The Center's online events are open to all MSCs throughout the country who have completed the five-day core training.

The image below represents the overall process that these events are designed to facilitate.

Developing and Maintaining Effective Prevention Programs > Middle School Coordinators working with school and communities > LEARN from research and practice > BUILD coalitions and partnerships > ASSESS needs and resources > CREATE a shared vision > SELECT effective strategies > IMPLEMENT programs with fidelity > EVALUATE & REFINE activities and programs > SUSTAIN your prevention initiative > Safe and Drug Free Youth and Communities - Youth with the intentions and skills to engage in healthy behavior - Family-school-community environments that support healthy behavior (graph loops back to Developing and Maintaining Effective Prevention Programs)

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Last Modified: 06/30/2008