
Environmentally sound agricultural management practices are increasingly information driven. As new approaches become available, however, not all of the information required for their use is readily available. Information presented here is to meet this need for agricultural managers in Wisconsin and Minnesota. We hope that what you are looking for is contained in one of the pages listed below.

WEATHER Access to AWON, ASOS, AWOS and Cooperative Observer weather observations
WEBCAM Live Web camera overlooking Lake Mendota, with five-minute image archive since 2004
SUN Solar radiation over the United States and South America.
WATER Evapotranspiration estimates for irrigation scheduling in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Florida.
CROPS An array of crop-specific products.
NITROGEN An array of fertilizer management products.

These pages are a product of the Cooperative Extension Services of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through the TiSDat project, a joint effort with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center and Department of Soil Science.

Satellite Data Driven Real-Time Ag. Mngmt. 
Decision Aids

For further information on this page,
contact Bill Bland at the Dept. of Soil Science, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
Bill Bland,