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The OMRI Products List - a Directory of OMRI Listed® Products
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Crop Products

  Last updated January 06, 2009

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Crop Supplier Contact Information

Livestock Products

Last updated January 06, 2009

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Livestock Supplier Contact Information

Processing & Handling Products

Last updated January 06, 2009

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Processing Supplier Contact Information

Fine print
  1. OMRI does not provide any guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, for any of the products on the OMRI Products List.
  2. Product review is conducted according to the policies in the current OMRI Policy Manual and based on the standards in the current OMRI standards Manual.
  3. OMRI Listing is not equivalent to organic certification and is not a product endorsement. It cannot be construed as such.
  4. Final decisions on the acceptability of a product for use in a certified organic system are the responsibility of the USDA accredited certification agent.
  5. It is the operator's responsibility to properly use the product, including following any restrictions.

All content on this website Copyright © 2009 OMRI