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Bibliography of IPM Certification, Labeling and Marketing

 Know a publication not listed here?  Suggest a publication.

Acuff, G. 1997. Labels send wrong message. Fruit Grower, September 1997. P 29.

Anderson, M.D, C. Hollingsworth, V. VanZee, W. Coli and M. Rhodes. 1995. Consumer response to Integrated Pest Management and certification. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 60(97-106).

Anonymous. 1997. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Labeling as a Marketing Tool. New York State Horticultural Society Policy Statement.

Anonymous. 1989-1995. Trends in the United States: Consumer Attitudes and the Supermarket. Food Marketing Institute. Washington D.C.

Anonymous. 1998. Custodial Products Bid Specifications. City of Santa Monica CA. http://www.aehf.com/IAQSch/Bidform.htm

Anonymous. 1998b. IFP Preference Ratings of Chemicals used in Apple Production.  Hood River District Integrated Fruit Production Program.  http://oregonstate.edu/dept/hort/ orchardnet/2000/apspray.htm

Anonymous. 1998c. The National IPM Protocol for Potatoes: A Pest Management Assessment Tool and Educational Program Developed for America’s Potato Growers. National Potato Council, Englewood, CO. More information at  http://www.nationalpotatocouncil.org/

Anonymous. 1999a. Feasibility of a National Eco-Label: Preliminary Report of the Blue Water Task Force. USDA-NRCS, D. White, Chairperson.

Anonymous. 1999b. IPM apple juice pulled off the market. IPM Solutions, B. Mulhern, ed. 4(2).

Anonymous, 2000. Directory of least-toxic pest control products. The IPM Practitioner 21: (11/12) 1-38. Bio-Integral Resource Center, Berkeley CA.

Anonymous. 2000a. Investigating ‘green” labeling. Consumers Reports. February 2000. Consumers Union, Yonkers NY.

Anonymous. 2000b. CORE Values. Mothers and Others for a Livable Planet, New York NY. 

Anonymous. 2000c. Forest Stewardship Council US. http://www.fscus.org/

Anonymous. 2000d. Organic Materials Review Institute. http://www.omri.org

Anonymous. 2000e. Smartwood Certification and Certification Guidelines. http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/programs/forestry/smartwood/index.html

Anonymous.  2001. Food and the Environment: Update 2001.  28 pp. Hartman Group, Bellevue WA.

Anonymous.  2004.  Marketing claims confuse beef consumers.  Jan. 20, 2004.  New York Times (online).  

Archerd, E.  2003.  "Beyond One Size Fit: Eco-Labels in the Shelves." Mix. (Publication of Twin Cities Natural Food Co-ops) October 2003. http://www.mwnaturalfoods.coop/mix/index.php?id=96.

Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre.  "Integrated Fruit Production."  Available at http://res2.agr.ca/kentville/pubs/agriscope2001/article3_e.htm.  

Auld, G.W., P.A. Kendall and H. Chipman. 1994. Consumer and producer perceptions and concerns regarding pesticide use. Food Technology. March 1994: 100-109.

Baker, B.P., C.M. Benbrook, E. Groth III and K. Lutz Benbrook.  2002.  Pesticide residues in conventional, integrated pest management (IPM)-grown and organic foods: insights from three US data sets.  Food Additives and Contaminants 19 (5): 427-446.  Additional information can be obtained from http://www.omri.org/FAC.html

Balling, S. 1994. The IPM Continuum. In Constraints to the Adoption of Integrated Pest Management, A. Sorenson, ed. National Foundation for IPM Education, Austin TX.

Barstow, C.  2002.  The Eco-Foods Guide: What's Good for the Earth is Good for You!  New Society Publishers.

Benbrook, C.M.  2002.  Why Pesticide Risks Matter and Pose Tough Challenges for Ecolabel Programs.  Tufts' Ecolabel Conference paper.   http://nutrition.tufts.edu/pdf/conferences/ecolabels/benbrook.pdf

Benbrook, C.M., E. Groth, J.M. Halloran, M.K. Hansen and S. Marquardt. 1996. Pest Management at the Crossroads. 272 pp. Consumers Union, Yonkers NY. ISBN0-89043-900-1.

Benbrook, C.M., D.L. Sexson, J.A. Wyman, W.R. Stevenson, S. Lynch, J. Wallendal, S. Dierks, R. Van Haren and C.A. Granadino. 2002. Developing a pesticide risk assessment tool to monitor progress in reducing reliance on high- risk pesticides. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 79:183-199.

Bobbitt, V.M., A.L. Antonelli, C.R. Foss, R.M. Davidson, R.S. Byther, R.R. Maleike.   2002.  Pacific Northwest Landscape IPM Manual, 3rd Ed.  Washington State University Cooperative Extension Publication MISC0201.  Phone 800 723-1763.

Boot, W.J., C. Wunderlich and A. Bartra.  2003.  Beneficial Impacts of Ecolabeled Mexican Coffee: Organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Bird Friendly.  http://edcintl.cr.usgs.gov/Paper%20on%20Ecolabel%20Coffee%20for%20Mexico.pdf

Boutwell, J.L. and R.H. Smith. 1981. A new concept in evaluating integrated pest management programs. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 27(2) 117-188.

Brown, Greg.  2002.  Canada develops standards to gain bigger piece of pie.  Apr. 2002.  The Fruit Growers News.  Available at http://www.fruitgrowersnews.com/pages/2002/issue02_04/02_04_canada_s

Bruhn, C., S. Peterson, P. Phillips, and N. Sakovitch. 1992. Consumer response to information on Integrated Pest Management. Journal of Food Safety 12:4 (315-326).

Bunn, D., G.W. Feenstra, L. Lynch, and R. Sommer. 1990. Consumer acceptance of cosmetically imperfect produce. Journal of Consumer Affairs. Feb 1990 (268-279.

Burgess, R.B. 1989. IPM Market Survey. Finger Lakes Research, PO Box 25, Victor, NY 14564.

Byther, R.S., C.R. Foss, A.L. Antonelli, R.R. Maleike and V.M. Bobbitt.   2000.  Landscape Plant Problems: A Pictorial Diagnostic Manual, 2nd Ed.  Washington State University Cooperative Extension Publication MISC0194.  Phone 800 723-1763.

Byzby, J.C. and J.R. Skees. 1994. Consumers want reduced exposure to pesticides on food. Food Review International 17:2 (19-22).

Caldwell, A.M., K. Bantle-Stoner, G.W. Cuperus, M.E. Payton and R.C. Berberet. 2000. Media coverage of integrated pest management in major urban newspapers. American Entomol. 46 (1): 56-60.

Chasteen, B. 1999. Conscience, with a price tag: eco-labels and niche brands help proven stewards stay on the land. Chronicle of Community 3(2):15-26.

Coble, H. 1998. A new tool for measuring the resilience of IPM systems. In E. Day, ed., Proceedings Integrated Pest Management Measurement Systems Workshop, p. 42-44. American Farmland Trust Center for Agriculture in the Environment, DeKalb, IL.

Coli, W.M. and C.S. Hollingsworth.  1996.  Defining the ambiguous:  Massachusetts' crop-specific IPM guidelines allow growers to understand and benefit from their pest management programs.  The Grower, April 1996, pp. 48-49, 58.

Commission for Environmental Cooperation.  1999.  Supporting Green Markets: Environmental Labeling, Certification and Procurement Schemes in Canada, Mexico and the United States.  Available at http://www.cec.org/pubs_docs/documents/index.cfm? varlan=english&ID=255

Coupe, Kevin.  2003.  Sustainable Produce: What The Label Means.  Available at Supermarketguru.com January 25, 2003.  For full text see www.ipminstitute.org/ sustainable_produce_article.htm.

Cummings, E.A.  2003.  How to put the 'halo effect' to work for you.  Lohas Journal.  Spring 2003 (16-18).

Dean, L. 1997. IPM labeling reaction ranges from enthusiastic to skeptical. Great Lakes Fruit Growers News. 36 (7): 1.

DeKryger, T.  2003.  IPM Adoption and Processor Stewardship.  4th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Apr. 8-10, 2003.  Presentation.  PowerPoint available at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/symposium/docs/IPMAdoptionRisk.ppt. 

Denn, R.  Food labels don't always stick to the rules.  Seattle Post-Intelligencer.  Nov. 26, 2003.

DiMatteo, K. and T. Marquez. 1998. The Organic Story: Reflections and lessons in the development of a national organic label. Presentation at “Making Change in the Marketplace”, Food Alliance, Portland OR, October 22 1998.

DiMatteo, K. 1999. Lessons from the Organic Experience. Presentation at “Environmental Marketing: Opportunities for Producers, Distributors and Retailers”, IPM Institute of North America, Madison WI, December 1999.  http://www.iatp.org/labels/envcommodities /index.htm

Dittus, K.L. and V.N. Hillers. 1993. Consumer trust and behavior related to pesticides. Food Technology. July 1993 (87-89).

Donahue, D. 1997. IPM labeling: political correctness in the age of the sound bite. Great Lakes Fruit Growers News. July 1997. Pp. 10a-11a.

Dunlap, R.E. and C.E. Beus. 1992. Understanding public concerns about pesticides: an empirical examination. J. of Consumer Affairs 26:2 (418-438).

Estabrook, B.  2004.  Clean 'n' green.  OnEarth magazine.  Winter 2004.

Feder, B.J. 2000. Organic farming, seeking the mainstream. New York Times, April 9, 2000.

Fleisher, G.  2002.  Towards more sustainable coffee: Consumer fuel demand for more sustainable agriculture.  Rural Development Department, World Bank.  Agricultural Technology Notes, No. 30.  Pp 1-4. http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2002/09/13/

Figueroa, E.E. 1993. Pesticide Use and Produce Quality: Evaluating the Role of the Private Sector Institutions. A.E. Staff Paper 93-10. Cornell University Dept. of ARME.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  2001.  Product Certification and Ecolabelling for Fisheries Sustainability.  http://www.fao.org/icatalog/inter-e.htm

Fowler, Geoffrey A.  "'Green' Sales Pitch Isn't Moving Many Products-- Shoppers Choose Convenience Over Ecological Benefits; Landfills Piled With Plastic."  The Wall Street Journal.  March 6th, 2002. B1.

Fulmer, M.  2001.  Eco-labels on food called into question.  Marketing: With few rules and lax oversight, some producers put unsubstantiated claims on their products.  Los Angeles Times, August 26, 2001.  http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/78843150.html?dids=78843150:

Giovannucci, D. 2001. Sustainable Coffee Survey of the North American Specialty Coffee Industry. 32 pp.  Commission for Environmental Cooperation and the Specialty Coffee Association of America. 

Golan, E., Kuchler, F. and Mitchell, L.  2000.  Economics of Food Labeling.  Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Agricultural Economic Report, No. 793.  41 pp.

Gordon, R. O.  2002.  "A Recipe for Success."  American Vegetable Growers.  Sept. 2002.  http://www.protectedharvest.org/files/avg.pdf

Govindasamy, R., J. Italia, D. Thatch and A. Adelaja.  1998. Consumer Response to IPM-grown Produce. Journal of Extension 36 (4) .  Available at http://www.joe.org/joe/1998 august/rb2.html

Govindasamy, R., J. Italia and J. Rabin.  1998. Consumer Response and Perceptions of Integrated Pest Management Produce. NJ Agricultural Experiment Station Publication P-02137-5-98, 45 pp. 

Govindasamy, R., J. Italia and J. Rabin. 1997. Consumer Response to Integrated Pest Management and Organic Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis. NJ Agricultural Experiment Station Publication P-02137-2-97, 45 pp. 

Grant, J., J. Tette, C. Petzoldt and J. Kovach.  1990.  Feasibility of an IPM-Grower Recognition Program in New York State.  New York State IPM Program Bull. No. 3.

Green, C. 2000. U.S. organic agriculture gaining ground. Agricultural Outlook April 2000, USDA-ERS.

Green, T.A. 2003.  Welcome to Building Alliances Between IPM Practitioners and Consumers!  4th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Apr. 8-10, 2003.  Presentation.  PowerPoint available at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/ symposium/docs/ BuildingAlliancescompTG040603.ppt.

Green, T.A. 2001. Wisconsin potatoes to bear World Wildlife Fund panda. GEMPLER'S IPM Solutions Vol 6 (2).

Green, T.A. 2000. IPM is part of program, but not this label. GEMPLER'S IPM Solutions Vol 5 (5).

Green, T.A. 2000. IPM gains in the marketplace. GEMPLER'S IPM Solutions Vol 5 (4).

Green, T.A. 2000. Selling IPM to consumers.  GEMPLER'S IPM Solutions Vol 5 (6).

Green, A. and Breisch, N. 2001.  Measuring Integrated Pest Management Programs for Public Buildings.  Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol. 95, No. 1.  Feb. 2002. 

Guidelines for Integrated Production of Pome Fruits: IOBC Technical Guidelines III. 2002. International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, Bulletin 25(8): 1-11. 
Mail request to:
International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC), General Secretariat
INRA Station de Recherches de Zoologie et d'Apidologie, Domaine Saint-Paul Cantarel
Route de Marseille - B.P. 9184143 Montfavet France

Guillebeau, P. and G. Van De Mark. 1999. Georgia Farm*A*Syst/Cotton*A*Syst Cotton IPM: Farm Assessment System. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, Athens GA.

Hartman, H. 1999.  Consumer demand for "green" products.  Presentation at 
“Environmental Marketing: Opportunities for Producers, Distributors and Retailers”, IPM Institute of North America, Madison WI, December 1999.  Powerpoint presentation available at  http://www.iatp.org/labels/ envcommodities/index.htm

The Hartman Group.  2001.  Food and the Environment: Update 2001.  The Hartman Group, 1621 114th Ave. SE, #105, Bellevue, WA 98004.

Hartman, H. 1996. The Hartman Report Phase I. Food and the Environment: A Consumer’s Perspective. The Hartman Group, 10422 SE 14th St, Bellevue, WA 98004.

Hartman, H. 1997. The Hartman Report Phase II. Food and the Environment: A Consumer’s Perspective. The Hartman Group, 10422 SE 14th St, Bellevue, WA 98004.

Hollingsworth, C.S. 2003.  New England Pest Management Association IPM Registry for the Structural Pest Management Industry.  4th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Apr. 8-10, 2003.  Presentation.  PowerPoint available at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/symposium/ docs/NEPMAIPMREGISTRY.ppt.

Hollingsworth, C.S. 1994.  Integrated pest management certification: A sign by the road.  American Entomologist 40 (2): 74-75.

Hollingsworth, C., ed.  2000. Integrated Pest Management Guidelines for Structural Pests:  Model Guidelines for Training and Implementation.  UMass Extension Publication IP-STRC.

Hollingsworth, C.S., M.J. Pascall, N.L. Cohen and W.M. Coli. 1993.  Support in New England for certification and labeling of produce grown using Integrated Pest Management.  Amer. J. of Alternative Agriculture 8 (2).

Hollingsworth, C.S., W.M. Coli and R.V. Hazzard. 1997. Integrated Pest Management Massachusetts Guidelines: Commodity Specific Definitions. University of Massachusetts.

Hollingsworth, C.S., and W.M. Coli. 1999. IPM Adoption in the Northeast: An Examination of the IPM Continuum. Unpublished.

Hollingsworth, C.S., and W.M. Coli. 2000.  Massachusetts Integrated Pest Management Guidelines: Crop-Specific Definitions.  Journal of Extension 38 (3).  Available http://www.joe.org/joe/2000june/tt1.html

Hollingsworth, C.S., W.M. Coli and V. Van Zee. 1995.  Growing green, selling green: A conference exploring green marketing trends in the food industry.  Massachusetts Fruit Notes, Spring 1995. P 11-14.

Howard, B.C. 2005. Grounds for Change and What Do All Those Labels Mean? On http://www.EMagazine.com, Volume XVI No. 6, Nov/Dec 2005. See these articles and more at http://www.emagazine.com/?issue=123&toc

Ing, G. 1997. George Ing reporting: alphabet soup. Good Fruit Grower, July 1997. P 46.

Jacobsen, B. 1996. USDA Integrated pest management initiative. In Radcliffe, E. B. and W. D. Hutchison, eds., Radcliffe’s IPM World Textbook, URL: http://ipmworld.umn.edu/ chapters/jacobsen.htm

Jussaume, R.A. and D.H Judson. 1992. Public perceptions about food safety in the United States and Japan. Rural Sociology. 235-249.

Kane, D., B. Lydon, K. Richards and M. Sligh.  2001.  Greener Fields: Signposts for successful eco-labels.  68 pp. Rural Advancement Foundation International, Pittsboro NC.  Report on findings of the Greener Fields Project, formed to identify barriers and keys to success to developing marketplace incentives for sustainable agriculture products; how to establish credibility and avoid "green washing;" marketing; European models; potential 
for collaboration vs. confusion among multiple eco-labels; measuring success. Includes results of a survey of Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet members; 75% of respondents were very interested in supporting IPM.
Available for $20 postpaid from RAFI-USA, PO Box 640, Pittsboro NC 27312, (919) 542-1396, e-mail: rogerson@rafiusa.org

Kirsch, R.  2003.  Who cares about production practices?  4th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Apr. 8-10, 2003.  Presentation.  PowerPoint available at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/symposium/docs/ ProductionPractices.ppt.

Kulkarni, P.  2005.  Use of Ecolabels in Promoting Exports from Developing to Developed Countries: Lessons from the Indian Leather Footwear Industry.  Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei http://www.feem.it/NR/rdonlyres/D2944096-4B23-46B7-88C8-35E0FDE1B49C/1437/1505.pdf

Liroff, R.A.  2005.  Protecting Public Health, Increasing Profits and Promoting Innovation by Benchmarking Corporate Governance of Chemicals in Products.  World Wildlife Fund report for the Rose Foundation on corporate stewardship efforts, including brief mention of Gerber, Del Monte and Chiquita IPM programs.  http://www.rosefdn.org/liroffreport.pdf

Leppla, N.C., et. al.  2002-2004.  Increasing Adoption of Reduced Risk Practices In the Production of Woody Ornamentals. EPA grant agreement report; includes a list of "IPM and Best Management Practices for Woody Ornamental Plant Production" (Section F.) See article.

Levitan, L. 1997. An Overview of Pesticide Impact Assessment Systems (a.k.a. "Pesticide Risk Indicators") based on Indexing or Ranking Pesticides by Environmental Impact. http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/erap/PRI/

Lusk, A. 1999. Alberts Organic. Presentation at “Greener Fields New York Meeting.” Mothers and Others for a Livable Planet, New York NY.

Lynch, et. al. 2002. Accelerating Industry-Wide Transition to Reduced-Risk Pest Management Systems: A Case Study of the Wisconsin Potato Industry.  Available at the University of Wisconsin website, http://ipcm.wisc.edu/bioipm/reports/choicesfinal.pdf

Lynch, S. and C. Benbrook. 1998. World Wildlife Fund/Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association collaboration for pesticide risk reduction: background and first-year results. In E. Day, ed., Proceedings Integrated Pest Management Measurement Systems Workshop, p. 62-92. American Farmland Trust Center for Agriculture in the Environment, DeKalb, IL.

Martinson, Timothy. 2002. "Analyzing Certification Programs for Vineyards."  Fruit Grower. Feb. 2002, pp. 18.

Mendiola, Mark.  2003.  "Idaho Pursues Eco-Label: Potato Growers of Idaho resolve to pursue an eco-label."  Spudman.  Aug. 2003.  Full article available at http://www.spudman.com/pages/2003/issue03_07/03_07_id_eco_label.html.

Merchant, M. E. 1995. Pest Control in Texas Schools. Texas Agricultural Extension Service, College Station TX. 58 pp.

Mitchell, K., ed. 1999. Pesticide Report Card: Texas Schools Score from A to F in the Integrated Pest Management Program. Texas Pesticide Information Network/Consumers Union, Austin TX. 28 pp.

Mitham, Peter.  2001.  IFP revives apple industry on Prince Edward Island.  Mar. 2001.  Good Fruit Grower.  Available at http://www.goodfruit.com/link/Mar1-01/feature13.html.

Mithers, C.L. 2000. Danger in the schoolyard. Ladies Home Journal, May 2000. P. 92.

Morris, P.M., A. Rosenfeld and M. Bellinger.  1993.  What Americans think about agrichemicals.  Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Washington DC

Newsom, D. and D. Hewitt.  2005.  The Global Impacts of SmartWood Certification.  http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/programs/forestry/perspectives/documents/sw_impacts.pdf

Omhart, C.P. and S.K. Matthiasson.  2000.  Lodi Winegrower's Workbook: A Self-Assessment of Integrated Farming Practices.  Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission, Lodi CA. More information available at http://www.lodiwine.com/ winegrowersworkbook1.shtml

Ott, S.L., C.L. Huang and S.K. Mirsa. 1991. Consumers' perceptions of risks from pesticide residues and demand for certification of residue free produce. Economics of Food Safety. 171-188.

Pearmine, K and C. LeCompte. 2006. 2006 Farming Sourcebook: Supplement to Sustainable Industries Journal. http://media.sijournal.com/documents/FarmingSourcebook_2006.pdf 

Percy, H. 1997. New Zealand Integrated Fruit Production - Pipfruit. Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand, Ltd. http://www.hortnet.co.nz/publications/hortfacts/ hf505006.htm

Petzoldt, C., J. Kovach and A. Seaman. 1998. Integrated Pest Management Elements for New York Crops. Cornell IPM Publication #124

Pollan, M. 2001.  "Produce Politics: The spread of eco-labeling may turn the grocery store into a supermarketplace of ideas."  New York Times Magazine, 1/14/01.

Pool, W.M. 1999. IPM label products on supermarket shelves.  Presentation at “Environmental Marketing: Opportunities for Producers, Distributors and Retailers”, IPM Institute of North America, Madison WI, December 1999.  Powerpoint presentation available at  http://www.iatp.org/labels/ envcommodities/index.htm

Pool, W.M. 1996. Results of Consumer Attitude Survey on Pesticides and Produce Quality. MS Thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Raphael, D. 1999. Integrated Pest Management Program Report: Pesticide List 2000. Department of the Environment, City and County of San Franciso, CA. 28 pp.

Reus, J. 1998. The environmental yardstick for pesticides. In E. Day, ed., Proceedings Integrated Pest Management Measurement Systems Workshop, p. 54-61. American Farmland Trust Center for Agriculture in the Environment, DeKalb, IL.

Riha, S., L. Levitan and J. Hutson. 1997. Environmental impact assessment: the quest for a holistic picture. In Proceedings of the Third National IPM Symposium/Workshop, p 40-58. USDA ERS, Washington D.C.

Robbins, J.  2005.  Think global, eat local. Los Angeles Times Magazine.  July 31. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/875439711.html?

Rossett, Peter.  2000.  "New life at the roots."  Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures.  Summer 2000.  Available at http://www.futurenet.org/14foodforlife/estes.htm.

Sachs, C., D, Blair and C. Richter. 1987. Consumer Pesticide Concerns: A 1965 and 1984 Comparison. J. of Consumer Affairs. 96-106.

Sandman, L. 1999. Lessons from the Dairy Network Partnership. Presentation at “Making Change in the Marketplace”, Food Alliance, Portland OR, October 22 1998.

Scott, M.  2001.  "Fair Trade: Something Good is Brewing."  Natural Business Lohas Journal, Fall 2001, pp. 24-25.

Sloan, A. E. 2002. "The natural & organic foods marketplace."  Food Technology, January 2002.  Pp 27-37. 

Smith, R. F. 1999. Nova Scotia Integrated Fruit Production Protocol. Unpublished, Atlantic Food & Horticulture Research Centre, Kentville, NS, Canada.

Solymar, B.  2003.  Development of National Integrated Fruit Production for the Canadian Apple Industry.  4th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Apr. 8-10, 2003.  Presentation.  PowerPoint available at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/symposium/docs/ NationalAppleIFPproject.ppt.

Sorenson, A. A. 1993. IPM and growers: an evolution in thinking. In Leslie and Cuperus (eds.) Successful Implementation of Integrated Pest Management for Agricultural Crops. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 129-149.

Sparks, Brian. 2001. "Marketing the flavor of local fruit."  Fruit Grower, Dec 2001. P. 1.

TerraChoice Environmental Services Inc.  2000.  Environmental and Other Labeling of Coffee: The Role of  Mutual Recognition; Supporting Cooperative Action.  64 pp.  Prepared for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation.  http://www.cec.org/files/pdf/ECONOMY/Terra-e_EN.pdf

Tufts University.  2003.  Conference on Ecolabels and the Greening of the Food Market Proceedings Volume.  http://nutrition.tufts.edu/conferences/ ecolabels/order.html.  Available as pdf download.

UMass Extension. 2000. Protocols for an IPM System on Golf Courses. 72 pp. Available for $49.95 postpaid from UMass Extension Publications, Draper Hall, 40 Campus Center Way, Amherst MA 01003-9244, (413) 545-2717.

UMass Extension.  2000.  Why Partners with Nature?  Addressing Consumers’ Concerns.  http://www.umass.edu/umext/ipm/ipm_projects/education/partners_with_nature.html

Underhill, S. E. and E.E. Figueroa. 1993. Consumer Preferences for Non-Conventionally Grown Produce. A.E. Staff Paper 93-07. Cornell University Dept. of ARME.

van Ravensway, E. 1995. Public Perceptions of Agrichemicals. Task Force Report #123. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. Ames, IA.

van Ravensway, E. 1996. Emerging Demands on our Food and Agricultural Systems: Developments in Environmental Labeling. Michigan State University Staff Paper No. 96-88. Dept. of Ag. Economics.

Vickery, J. 1997. Integrated Fruit Production (IFP): An Overview of Programs. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. http://www.pmac.net/intefrt.htm.

Vickery, J. 1999. Pesticide decision tool: decision tool for integrated pesticide selection and management. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis MN. http://environmentalrisk.cornell.edu/PRI/PRI-Resources

Wessels, C.R., H. Donath and R.J. Johnson. 1999. US Consumer Preferences for Ecolabeled Seafood: Results of a Consumer Survey. University of Rhode Island Department of Environmental and Natural Resouce Economics. 68 pp.

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  Benefits of FSC-Certification Quantified: An Analysis from the UK.  Abstract, 1 pp. http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/caranalysisuk.pdf

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  The Effects of FSC Certification in Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Russia, Sweden and the UK: An Analysis of Corrective Action Requests - Summary Report.  4 pp. http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/fscsummaryanalysisallcountries.pdf

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  The Effects of FSC-Certification in Estonia: An Analysis of Corrective Action Requests. 18 pp. http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/finalanalysisestonia.pdf

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  The Effects of FSC-Certification in Germany: An Analysis of Corrective Action Requests. 48 pp.  English summary, report in German.  http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/fscanalysisgermany.pdf

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  The Effects of FSC-Certification in Latvia: An Analysis of Corrective Action Requests. 29 pp. http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/fscanalysislatvia.pdf

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  The Effects of FSC-Certification in Russia: An Analysis of Corrective Action Requests. 25 pp. http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/fscanalysisrussia.pdf

World Wildlife Fund Forest Programme.  2005.  The Effects of FSC-Certification in Sweden: An Analysis of Corrective Action Requests. 25 pp. http://www.panda.org/downloads/forests/fscanalysissweden.pdf

Wortman, Dave.  2002.  Shop & Save. Sierra.  Nov./Dec. pp. 58-64.

Zehnder, G., Hope C., Hill, H., Hoyle L., Blake J. H., An 
Assessment of Consumer Preferences for IPM- and Organically Grown Produce
. Journal of Extension.  April 2003.  Vol. 41, No. 2.  

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Links to IPM product and service recognition programs and information

Bibliography for school buildings including pest-specific links and resources

Bibliography for school landscapes and grounds

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Last modified: January 05, 2009
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