Vegetarian Newsletter

Horticultural Sciences Department
A Vegetable Crops Extension Publication


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Vegetarian, 05-07 / July 2005

University of Florida Potato Variety Spot Light: 'Vivaldi'
Chad M. Hutchinson, PSREU - Hastings
J. Marion White, MFREC - Apopka

General Comments:

'Vivaldi' is a yellow-fleshed, oval-shaped, fresh-market potato ( Fig. 1). It has an extremely smooth, buff-colored skin with shallow eyes. 'Vivaldi' has been trialed over many seasons and at many locations in Florida including university and grower sites. University trials are reported in this highlight sheet. The variety has good yield potential, low external and internal defects, and uniform oval-shaped tubers. The uniform, nice looking tubers would make an attractive retail pack. 'Vivaldi' does not resemble 'Yukon Gold' and would need to be marketed under a separate classification.

Table 1
Table 2
Table 3

Season Length: Approx. 85-95 days from planting to vine kill.

Fertilization and Growth: Vivaldi will exploit higher fertilization rates in reaching its maximal production. University trials have used 200-230 lb/N acre. P and K should be applied based on soil tests.

Foliage develops rapidly with determinant growth resulting in a relatively early maturity.

Planting: Tubers are relatively dormant even for January plantings in North Florida . Tubers should be breaking domarncy before planting. Plant spacing should be 6-8 inches in-row with 36-40 inches between row. Care should be taken to avoid excessive soil moisture late in the season as lenticels are prone to edema (darkening).

Diseases: Vivaldi has general disease resistance characteristics. A standard extension recommended disease control program should be followed.

Seed Source: HZPC Americas Corporation, Charlottetown , Prince Edward Island , Canada.


Contributing Extension Specialists

Daniel J. Cantliffe
Professor and Chair
Mark A. Ritenour
Associate Professor, postharvest
Kent Cushman
Assistant Professor, vegetable production
Steven A. Sargent
Professor, postharvest
Chad M. Hutchinson
Associate Professor, vegetable production
Eric H. Simonne
Associate Professor, vegetable nutrition
Yuncong Li
Associate Professor, soils
William M. Stall
Professor and SCIENTIFIC EDITOR, weed science
Stephen M. Olson
Professor, small farms
Danielle Treadwell
Assistant Professor, organic/sustainable production
Rafael Munoz-Carpena
Assistant Professor, hydrology
James M. White
Associate Professor, organic farming

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