Midwest Vegetable Production Guide
for Commercial Growers 2009 (ID-56)

ID-56 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers cover page image

Photos by the contributors, Brian Christie, Elizabeth Wuerffel, and Mike Kerper


Complete Guide (as PDF 3.08 M in 161 pages)

Reference Information

PDF Page

Crop Recommendations, cont.

PDF Page

What's New in 2009? Cabbage
State Extension Educators Carrot
Fertilizing, Liming, and Soil Sampling Cauliflower
Transplant Production Collards
Using a Plant Diagnostic Lab Cowpea
Use of Plastic Mulch Cucumber
Irrigation and Water Management Dry Bean
Chemigation Management Eggplant
Time from Pollination to Market Maturity Endive
Yields of Vegetable Crops Garlic
Postharvest Handling and Storage Life Herbs
Farm Labor Law Information Kale
Precautions with Pesticides Leek
Using Bees with Vegetable Crops Lettuce (Head and Leaf)
Re-entry Standards/Worker Protection Lima Bean
Insect Management Strategies Mint (Peppermint and Spearmint)
PHIs and REIs for Insecticides Muskmelon
Common Names of Registered Insecticides Mustard
Weed Management Strategies Okra
Herbicide Effectiveness Guide Onion (Bulb and Green)
PHIs and REIs for Herbicides Parsley
Common Names of Registered Herbicides Parsnip
Disease Management Strategies Pea
PHIs and REIs for Fungicides Pepper
Common Names of Registered Fungicides Potato
Fungicide Resistance Management Pumpkin
Plant Parasitic Nematode Management Radish
Slug and Snail Control Rhubarb
Organic Vegetable Production Snap Bean
Disease Management with the MELCAST System Spinach
Calibration of Application Equipment Squash
Pesticide Record-Keeping Form Sweet Corn

Crop Recommendations

Sweet Potato
Asparagus Tomato
Basil Turnip
Beet Turnip Greens
Broccoli Watermelon
Brussels Sprouts  
Botany and Plant Pathology
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