ANBP President:
Richard Ward

ANBP Executive Director:
Lynn LeBeck

Phone: 559.360.7111
Fax: 800.553.4817

Beneficial Insect Profiles

Natural Enemies = Biocontrols = Beneficials
Natural enemies may be divided into two catagories, predators and parasites.

Predators of PestsPredators feed on many individual pests in order to complete their life cycle. They are valuable as a component of a complex of natural enemies contributing to the mortality of the pest population.

Green Lacewing:A general predator of a wide range of small insects and mites. It is particulary fond of aphids.

Orius:A general predator of small insects and mites. It is particulary fond of mites.

Geocorus:A general predator of insects and mites. It feeds on Lygus bug nymphs.

Persimilis:This mite is used in strawberry fields, greenhouses and other warm humid situations where spidermites are a problem. Millions of this predator are released every fall and winter into California strawberry fields where they are an intergal part of an IPM program of mite control.

Californicus:This predator feeds on spider mites, cyclamen and broad mites. It tolerates higher temperatures and lower humidities than persimilis. It will also persist at low densities of spider mites. Large numbers of this predator are introduced into European greenhouses on peppers and other crops to prevent buildup of spider mites.

Helveolus:This predator is used in California avocado groves to help control the Persea mite. Helveolus has played an important role in reducing the damage done by the Persea mite.

Occidentalis:The Western Predatory Mite is well known in decidous orchards and vinyards for reducing numbers of spider mite and Willamette mite. Large numbers are released annualy in almond orchards and grape vinyards to suppress populations of spider mites.

Fallacis:Fallacis occurs throughout most of the US. Augmentative releases of Fallacis are being made in mint fields in the Northwest. It also does well on strawberries in northern US areas.

Longipes:Longipes is related to Persimilis, however, it tolerates higher temperatures and lower humidities than Persimilis. Often used in warm dry environments.

Cucumeris:Cucumeris in high numbers can help reduce thrips populations in greenhouses.

Hypoaspis:Hypoaspis is a soil mite that helps control fungus gnats in greenhouses.

Parasites (parasitoids) of PestsParasites lay their egg(s) on one host and complete their life cycle in that individual host. They are usully very specific, attacking only one or a few pest species. Consequently, they can be very effective in reducing numbers of projeny of a particular pest.

Aphioletes:Aphioletes attacks several species of Aphids.

Goniozous:Goniozous attacks pink bollworm.

Mucidifurax:Mucidifurax is a parasite of some species of flies

Aphytis:Aphytis is a very effecitve parasite of California Red Scale

Tricogramma:Tricogramma parasitizes many species of moth eggs

Encarsia:Attacks immature whiteflys.

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