Farming Without Chemicals in Ohio
A Case Study Report

Author: Keith Dix
Innovative Farmers of Ohio
in cooperation with the Citizens Policy Center

Farm and Family Profiles
1. Why do it?
2. Where can I learn about organic farming?
3. How do I market organic crops?
4. How do I make the transition to organic?
5. What will they say at the coffee shop?
6. How do organic farmers control weeds?
7. How do organic farmers maintain soil fertility?
8. Do organic farmers have insect and disease problems?
9. What additional equipment will the transition require?
10. Is there a downside to organic farming?
11. What happens if organic prices drop?
Some conclusions

This report was prepared by Keith Dix as part of the Ohio Pesticide Use Reduction Project, a joint effort by Citizens Policy Center, Rivers Unlimited, and Innovative Farmers of Ohio. The Ohio Pesticide Use Reduction Project has received the generous financial support of the Joyce Foundation, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, and the George Gund Foundation.

Citizens Policy Center is the non-profit research and education affiliate of Ohio Citizen Action. The Center examines economic and environmental changes from the perspective of daily life in Ohio, and proposes practical policy solutions to citizens groups, businesses, and governmental leaders.

Rivers Unlimited, founded in 1972, is the nation's oldest statewide river protection organization. It exists to restore, maintain, and improve Ohio's rivers and streams, their water quality and scenic beauty, their multiple economic and environmental uses and their effect upon Ohio's quality of life.

The Innovative Farmers of Ohio is dedicated to promoting, through research, education and community-building activities, an agriculture that preserves and strengthens the economic, social and environmental well-being of Ohio's farms, farm families and rural communities and protects and improves the health and productivity of Ohio's lands and waterways.

Keith Dix, Ph.D., owns and operates a certified organic farm in Ashland County on which he grows vegetables and grazes registered Jersey replacement heifers. He is a retired Associate Professor for the West Virginia University Extension, Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and serves as Program Coordinator for the Innovative Farmers of Ohio.

The author thanks the farmers who shared their knowledge and time to produce this report.