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CGIAR: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Nourishing the Future through Scientific Excellence
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Agriculture Research for People and the Planet

CGIAR's research-for-development activities bring the benefits of modern science to poor farmers all over the world.

CGIAR research focuses on improving every critical component of the agricultural sector including agroforestry, biodiversity, food, forage and tree crops, pro-environment farming techniques, fisheries, forestry, livestock, food policies and agricultural research services. CGIAR focuses on five areas:

  • Sustainable production (crops, livestock, fisheries, forests and natural resources)
  • Enhancing national capacities (through joint research, policy support, training, and knowledge-sharing)
  • Germplasm improvement (for priority crops, livestock, trees and fish)
  • Germplasm collection (including holding in public trust the world's larggest seed collections in 11 genebanks)
  • Policy (fostering research on policies that have a major impact on agriculture, food, health, spread of new technologies and the management and conservation of natural resources)

CGIAR's research is dynamic, flexible and responsive to emerging development challenges.


CGIAR researchers have achieved a solid track record of delivering results that improve people's lives and help protect the environment on which all life depends. The impact of their work has been enormous: without CGIAR research, world food production would have been 4 to 5 percent lower in developing countries, and some 13-15 million more children would have suffered from hunger and malnourishment.




Click here for the PDF version of "Good News on the CGIAR". May 2005.




Click here for the HTML version of "A Snapshot of CGIAR Impacts"- updated on January 24, 2006

Click here for a PDF file of "A Snapshot of CGIAR Impacts". May 2005.