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CGIAR: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Nourishing the Future through Scientific Excellence
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Annual General Meeting 2008
Maputo, Mozambique : December 1- 5, 2008

Investing in Agricultural Science: The Best Bet for the Future

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM08) in Maputo, Mozambique, from December 1 to 5, 2008. AGM08 brought together over 700 of the world’s leading food and environmental scientists and civil society to strengthen and expand partnerships that stimulate economic growth in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Through dialogue and the sharing of experiences, participants explored how agricultural research, science and technology, and food policy initiatives can better improve the lives and livelihoods of poor people, and launch new initiatives that bring the benefits of modern science quicker and faster to poor farmers.

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Recent AGMs have been held in China, Washington, Morocco, Mexico, Kenya and the Philippines. The meeting and associated events offered excellent opportunities to interact with world-class scientists and to learn how new knowledge – developed and applied within a public goods framework – is reducing poverty, hunger and environmental degradation.

At the invitation of the Minister of Science and Technology, Mozambique, the CGIAR AGM08 was held in Maputo at the Joaquim Chissano Conference Center. The Stakeholder meetings on December 1 and 2 were followed by a field visit day to the International Institute of Agricultural Research (IIAM), DCA (livestock station) and the Umbeluze Research Station where participants had an opportunity to review field trials currently being undertaken by CG Centers in Mozambique. The field visits were followed by the CGIAR Business Meetings which were held on December 4 and 5. The Stakeholders meeting and the Field Visit Day were open; the Business Meetings was by invitation only.









page last updated on December 15, 2008