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USDA Issues Final COOL Rules

USDA announced it has issued details of its final regulation for the mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) program. - Posted 1/13/09 by AHB


FSIS Notice 05-09

Measures to Address E. coli O157:H7 at Establishments that Receive, Grind, or Otherwise Process Raw Beef Products. - Posted 1/7/09 by AHB


FSIS Notice 02-09

Requirements Related to Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (Sanitation SOPs) Preventive Measures. - Posted 1/7/09 by AHB


USDA Moves Funds To Implement COOL

The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service plans to move $3.18 million out of its Specialty Crop Block Grant budget of $49 million to help pay for implementation of the Country of Origin Labeling program in fiscal 2009. - Posted 1/7/09 by AHB

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HACCP Escherichia coli O157:H7 Reassessment Information




The following documents were referred to in the latest AAMPlifier

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The following documents were referred to in the latest Capitol Line-Up

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Small Plant News from FSIS





Nutrition Labeling and Analysis
Nutrition labeling has become a fact of life. Consumers are well aware of the nutrient values in the food they eat and your products should carry a nutrition label to remain competitive in today's marketplace. If you produce over 100,000 pounds of any one product in a years time, (sausage, bologna, jerky, etc.) you are required by law to display a nutrition facts panel.





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Official Sponsors of the 2009 American Cured Meat Championships in Omaha, Nebraska


Handtmann, Inc.



Mar/Co Sales, Inc.



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- American Association of Meat Processors - P.O. Box 269 - Elizabethtown, PA 17022 -
- Phone: (717) 367-1168 - Fax (717) 367-9096 -