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ERS Mapping and Spatial Data Center: Interactive Mapping Applications


The following are links to applications that have been published on the ERS website that allow the user to dynamically interact with a map by customizing the map to an area of geographic interest or selecting a vector of data to view. The applications are listed by subject area.

Farm Programs:

  • Farm Program Acres - Map county-level farm program and planted acreage data and manipulate data to illustrate the share of commodity base acreage planted to nine major program crops (corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, cotton, peanuts, and oilseeds). Available data includes program acres from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) (Production Flexibility Contract acres under the 1996 Farm Act, Base acres designated under the 2002 Farm Act, and Base acres updated to 1998-2001 plantings under the 2002 Farm Act), as well as planted acreage from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

Rural America:

  • Rural Definitions - The Rural Definitions data product provides several resources and tools for understanding the issues involved in defining the line between rural and urban areas in the U.S. The resources include National and State Indicator Tables, State-Level maps of 9 rural definitions, and a Rural Definition Mapping Utility that allows comparing different Rural Definitions

  • Profiles of America: Demographic Data and Graphic Builder - has interactive tools to create maps, tables, and charts that display information on demographic trends, industrial structure, and the economic well-being of rural and urban communities. The program allows users to analyze rural and urban differences at the national, State, and county levels and provides useful information to community leaders, Federal officials, and researchers.

Food Assistance:

  • Summer Food Service Program Map Machine - mapping utility integrates Census data, SFSP participation records, and Common Core Data to display program sponsors and sites in relation to concentrated areas of child poverty. Users can download underlying data and display maps for the Nation, States, counties, or neighborhoods; and view different levels of geographic data.

  • Food Stamp Program Map Machine - mapping utility that displays program participation and benefit levels down to the county level. Users can view per capita participation, per capita benefits, yearly changes, and more for the county, State, or Nation. Zoom in to a region and display a map showing county program participation changes over time. Underlying data are available to download.

Resources and Environment:

  • Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators Database and Mapping Tool - an interactive mapping and database access tool that will eventually access numerous agricultural resources and environmental indicators data sets. This tool currently accesses all tables and items from the 1987, 1992, and 1997 Census of Agriculture data. Users can select a table and data item to map, view as a table, or download. Users can also map data to cropland areas, zoom in, zoom out, and identify a specific county.

For more information, contact: Chris Dicken

Web administration:

Updated date: March 1, 2006