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Title: Forest volume-to-biomass models and estimates of mass for live and standing dead trees of U.S. forests.

Author: Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S.; Jenkins, Jennifer C.

Year: 2003

Publication: Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-298. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. 57 p.

Abstract: Includes methods and equations for nationally consistent estimates of tree-mass density at the stand level (Mg/ha) as predicted by growing-stock volumes reported by the USDA Forest Service for forests of the conterminous United States. Developed for use in FORCARB, a carbon budget model for U.S. forests, the equations also are useful for converting plot-, stand- and regional-level forest merchantable volumes to estimates of total mass. Also includes separate equations for live, standing dead, aboveground only and full trees (including coarse roots), and for hardwood and softwood species. Example estimates are provided for regional tree-mass totals using summary forest statistics for the United States.

Last Modified: 8/22/2006

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