We have identified the following Federal agencies with missions directly related to national security and readiness for emergencies. Agencies in the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are listed directly below. Other agencies with homeland readiness and security responsibilities are also listed.
The United States Coast Guard is the nation's leading maritime law enforcement agency and forms a critical part of our country's homeland security infrastructure, protecting America's coastlines and waterways. Every day civilian employees work together with military personnel to save lives, enforce the law, operate ports and waterways, and protect the environment. The Operational Law Enforcement Mission is directed primarily in the areas of Boating Safety, Drug Interdiction, Living Marine Resources, Alien Migrant Interdiction, and responding to vessel incidents involving violent acts or other criminal activity. To see current job openings please select here.
The priority mission of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States. This important mission calls for improved security at America's borders and ports of entry as well as for extending our zone of security beyond our physical borders - so that American borders are the last line of defense, not the first. CBP also is responsible for apprehending individuals attempting to enter the United States illegally, stemming the flow of illegal drugs and other contraband; protecting our agricultural and economic interests from harmful pests and diseases; protecting American businesses from theft of their intellectual property; and regulating and facilitating international trade, collecting import duties, and enforcing U.S. trade laws. To find out more about this important mission, select here. For employment opportunities select here.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency continues to reduce the loss of life and property and to protect our nation's institutions from all types of hazards (whether natural disaster or terrorist assault) through a comprehensive, risk-based emergency management program of prevention, response, and recovery. It is furthering the evolution of the emergency management culture; developing and managing a national training and evaluation system for local, state, and Federal officials; preparing America by placing priority on citizen preparedness; and overseeing the Federal Government's coordinated, comprehensive, national response and recovery strategy. For information on career opportunities, select here.
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) is the nation's lead organization for interagency training of Federal law enforcement personnel. FLETC trains the majority of all Federal officers and agents. FLETC services over 80 Federal agencies; provides training to State, local and international police in selected advanced programs; graduates approximately 25,000 students annually; and is the largest law enforcement training establishment in the country. To learn more about FLETC and job opportunities please select here.
Welcoming immigrants to the United States is an important tradition that builds upon the diversity of our homeland. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) employees in such occupations as Adjudications Officer and Asylum Officer promote national security by adjudicating benefit applications and petitions, implementing solutions for improving immigration customer service and ensuring that immigrants and their families appropriately accomplish their goal of acquiring U.S. citizenship. For information on career opportunities select here.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the largest investigative arm of DHS. As an ICE employee you will enforce immigration and customs laws, and protect Federal facilities. You will use cutting edge law enforcement techniques to provide security, conduct major investigations, and gather intelligence. Or you may work in a variety of exciting technical, administrative, or mission support positions. To learn more about ICE opportunities please select here.
The mission of the Federal Protective Service (FPS), an organization within ICE, is to provide law enforcement and security services to over one million tenants and daily visitors to all federally owned and leased facilities nationwide. FPS focuses directly on the interior security of the nation and the reduction of crimes and potential threats to federal facilities throughout the nation. To learn more about FPS select here.
The United States Secret Service is mandated by statute and executive order to carry out two significant missions: protection and criminal investigations. The Secret Service protects the President and Vice President, their families, heads of state, and other designated individuals; investigates threats against these protectees; protects the White House, Vice President's Residence, Foreign Missions, and other buildings within Washington, D.C.; and plans and implements security designs for designated National Special Security Events. The Secret Service also investigates violations of laws relating to counterfeiting of obligations and securities of the United States; financial crimes that include, but are not limited to, access device fraud, financial institution fraud, identity theft, computer fraud; and computer-based attacks on our nation's financial, banking, and telecommunications infrastructure. To learn more about the Secret Service, and our employment opportunities select here.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is responsible for protecting the Nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. TSA offers many exciting career opportunities all across the country. Whether you are in intelligence, regulation, enforcement, inspection, or the screening and education of carriers, passengers, and shippers, you will help secure our transportation infrastructure from future terrorist attacks. For more information about TSA and our current openings please select here.
Employees in the Management Directorate work to ensure that DHS has all of the resources it needs. As part of this important team, you will work in a variety of critical areas, from human resources and administration, to budgeting, procurement, and IT. Effective homeland security happens because you and your colleagues will make certain that all the right resources and systems are in place. For information on career opportunities select here.
The professionals within the Science and Technology Directorate plan, fund, and manage top-flight research and development programs in almost all technical fields. They work closely with leading researchers in national laboratories, universities, and corporations to design, develop, and test cutting-edge security applications - either making evolutionary improvements to new technology, or creating entirely new capabilities. Your academic achievements and professional experience will ensure that our Nation's Federal, State, and local responders have the scientific resources and technological capabilities that they need to protect our homeland. For information about current openings please select here.
The goal of the National Protection and Programs Directorate is to advance the Department's risk-reduction mission. Reducing risk requires an integrated approach that encompasses both physical and virtual threats and their associated human elements. To learn about National Protection and Programs Directorate job opportunities, please select here.
The Office of Intelligence & Analysis (OIA) led by the Chief Intelligence Officer for the Department, ensures that information gathered from all relevant DHS field operations; state, local, private sector and international partners; and other parts of the intelligence community, is fused, and analyzed into a Department common operational picture of emerging threats to national security, and is further disseminated to meet its responsibility for providing relevant and timely information to state, local, tribal, and private sector partners. To learn about current vacancies in OIA, please select here.
Other Organizations with Readiness and Security Responsibilities
The Pentagon Force Protection Agency "Protecting those who protect the Nation".
In response to the terrorist attack against the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, the Department of Defense (DoD) established the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA). The new agency absorbed the Pentagon's police force, formerly known as the Defense Protective Service (DPS), and its role of providing basic law enforcement and security for the Pentagon and DoD interests in the National Capital Region (NCR). Using DPS as a nucleus, PFPA has more than doubled in size with a robust police force, antiterrorism and force protection capability. PFPA defends against threats to the Pentagon's personnel, facilities, and infrastructure by utilizing a balanced strategy of prevention, preparedness, detection, response, crisis management and consequence management. Under the new Agency a number of Directorates were established: Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN); Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP); Security Services; Operations; and the Pentagon Police Department. To learn more about this agency select here.
The Pentagon Police Department (PPD) is the result of over 63 years of continuous evolution. After September 11, 2001, the need to expand our mission and create smaller, specialized units within the Agency to address specific threats was recognized. The PPD is rapidly becoming one of the nation's premiere federal law enforcement organizations. The Department is "Always Vigilant", ready and able to protect under any circumstances. The Pentagon Police Department is constantly looking for qualified, dedicated, professionals to be part of a variety of units: Patrol Officer; Protective Service Officer; Emergency Response Team; Criminal Investigations & Internal Affairs; K-9; Bicycle; and Motorcycle. PFPA has opportunities to serve as Police Officer at the Pentagon in Washington, DC and in Adams County, PA. The current starting salary for PFPA Police Officers is $45,193 with a top salary of $81,383 (as of January 2006) for both locations. For additional information regarding PFPA to include benefits, and for application information please visit us on our web site at http://www.pfpa.mil. You can also contact us at PFPARecruiting@pfpa.mil to ask any questions you may have.
The U.S. Capitol Police has primary responsibility for protecting life and property; preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal acts; and enforcing traffic regulations throughout a large complex of congressional buildings, parks, and thoroughfares. Jobs are in the legislative branch. For additional information, select here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recognized as the lead Federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people - at home and abroad - providing credible information to enhance health decisions, and promoting health through strong partnerships. CDC serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.
Select here to search current job openings.
Select here to visit the CDC web site.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mission is to investigate violations of Federal criminal law; protect the United States from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities; provide leadership and law enforcement assistance to Federal, state, local, and international agencies; and perform these responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public and is faithful to the Constitution. To learn about Special Agency Employment Activities, select here.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mission to protect the health and welfare of American consumers and encompasses both science and law enforcement. Whether by analyzing food samples, protecting the blood supply, investigating drug tampering, following up on import enforcement needs, or supporting domestic inspections, FDA employees do their part to protect the American people. To learn about FDA job opportunities, select here.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of the world's foremost medical research centers, and the Federal focal point for medical research in the United States. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) will lead the NIH in a national effort to build a new research program aimed at the global problem of bioterrorism and emerging infections. Consider joining the scientific and medical forces of NIH programs to enhance our abilities to use vaccines, drugs, and therapies to protect against various infectious agents. Non-scientific support positions will also be available.
To learn about bio-defense and support positions, select here.
To learn more about NIH and other job opportunities, select here.
The Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS), the security and law enforcement component of the U.S. Department of State, provides a secure environment for the conduct of U.S. foreign policy on a global scale. DS employs both Foreign Service and Civil Service employees. Foreign Service categories include Special Agents, Security Engineering Officers, Security Technical Specialists, and Diplomatic Couriers. Civil Service categories include Security Specialists, Investigators, Electronic Engineers and Technicians, Computer Specialists, Budget Analysts, and Foreign Affairs Specialists. For additional information, select here.
The United States Park Police provides law enforcement services to designated areas within the National Park Service (primarily the Washington, D.C., New York City, and San Francisco, California metropolitan areas). The Force provides highly trained and professional police officers to prevent and detect criminal activity, conduct investigations, and apprehend individuals suspected of committing offenses against Federal, State, and local laws. It also provides protection to the President of the United States and visiting dignitaries, and provides protective services to some of the most recognizable monuments and memorials in the world. To learn more about the United States Park Police, select here.