HelpThe R&D Accomplishments Database may be used to search, locate, access, and download full-text or bibliographic information electronically. If you would like to obtain a paper copy of one of these documents, please contact the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Help provides information about using the R&D Accomplishments Database and covers: Basic System InformationDownload and View Documents Documents available in the R&D Accomplishments Database are in PDF (Portable Document Format) files. PDF allows a file to be read on any operating system, with the appropriate Acrobat Reader, which can be obtained free of charge from Adobe Systems, Inc., for Windows 3.1 and 95, DOS, and Macintosh. When the PDF document is downloaded to your computer, you have a nicely formatted document that can be printed out at any time "offline" with the Acrobat Reader and can also be viewed online with your browser. After you have installed the Acrobat Reader program, it will automatically open a PDF document within your browser window after you select a link to the document. You can then save the document by choosing Save As... from the File menu in the browser. Help with PDF for Internet Explorer Users Searching the R&D Accomplishments DatabaseSearch Features and Query Examples Search allows you to search the OCR full-text and bibliographic information, the bibliographic information only, the title, or the author of DOE R&D accomplishment reports. To choose bibliographic information only, title, or author, select the drop-down arrow next to the "search region" box and highlight the field you wish to search.
The R&D Accomplishments Database allows you to search for exact character strings or phrases. This is known as a literal search and provides the same functionality as the adjacency operator. To search, key in a phrase in the "for the text string" query box. Examples when using the Bibliographic and Full-Text option: Queries conducted in the R&D Accomplishments Database are case insensitive. A word entered in lower case will match words in upper case, lower case, or mixed case. The R&D Accomplishments Database supports date searching by year when the "Search region" selection includes "Bibliographic." Date range searching is not currently implemented. For documents published in 1997, you may enter that year into the "for the text string" query box. The asterisk (*) is used as a wildcard in the R&D Accomplishments Database. Using a wildcard allows you to search for words or entries with the same prefix or stem. Example: Searching, Viewing, and/or DownloadingThere are two options for searching, viewing, and/or downloading. When using a modem, single page downloads (available via the second option) may be preferable. Note: Because of the different OCR methods used in these two options, there may be discrepancies in locating words and phrases.
To view, search, and/or download the full-text PDF document, select the PDF icon. This allows you to open the document or to download it (save it to disk). The Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to search for and locate a word or phrase within a document. Once the document has been opened, select the "Find" tool. ![]() A query box will appear in which you may type the word or phrase you wish to locate. The Reader will highlight all occurrences of the word or phrase within that document. You may move through each occurrence by pressing the F3 key on your keyboard or by using Control-G. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3.01, you may select the "Find Again" button, located to the right of "Find," to perform this function. ![]() Option 2: Search the Full-Text Document, View the Bibliographic Record, and/or Download a Single Page To view the bibliographic record, search the full-text document, and/or download a single page, select the document title from the search results list or from the Title List page. To view and/or download a single image page containing a search term, enter the search term in the "Search within this document:" query box that is located in the frame below the bibliographic record. Search term occurrences are highlighted by enlarged image page numbers. Select a page number in order to view and/or download that image page. Note: An icon linking to the full-text PDF is at the bottom of the bibliographic record. |