Brown Swiss Association





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Southern National Champions - October 2008

Judge Chris Hill, Executive Secretary David Kendall, Grand Champion - GS Ensign Tootie, Jeremy McDonald, owner; Reserve Grand - North Lanes Mail Apples, and Lindsey Rucks, owner.

Welcome to the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' homepage. With 890 Active National Adult Members and 903 National Junior Members, our membership is comprised of key dairy industry leaders and dairy producers who are on the cutting edge of the world's latest agricultural technology. The Brown Swiss Association is governed by a 10 person Board of Directors comprised of and elected by the membership. 

The Brown Swiss cow is noted for her outstanding feet and legs and dairy strength. She also enjoys a reputation for longevity and the ability to produce large amounts of milk. Her milk is admired by cheesemakers because of its high percentage of protein and fat.


Brown Swiss Association



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