Throughout CDC, diversity is an integral part of the identity of the agency, from public health research, disease and injury prevention and control efforts, and day-to-day management activities, and we are committed to ensuring that each employee is a valued contributor to CDC′s mission. With this goal in mind, please take a moment to read the attached policy statement on diversity and to contemplate your personal role in implementing CDC′s vision of a diverse workforce.
Julie Louise Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H.
Diversity is an appreciation and respect for the many similarities and differences in the workplace, including the varied perspectives, approaches and competencies of co-workers and populations we serve. Diversity is a resource that is fundamental to organizational excellence.
Our mission ensures that CDC’s diversity policies, procedures and practices support employees in reaching their full potential so that they may better accomplish CDC's mission and be effective guardians of public health.
CDC - Committed to fostering an inclusive culture through equity, opportunity and respect.
The policy of CDC is to ensure that diversity is an integral part of our day-to-day management and public health activities. Today’s workforce and the workforce of the future will be enriched by including persons from all backgrounds, value systems, and perceptions of the world. Learn more