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Monitoring Partners

One way CZM leads AIS detection and monitoring efforts is through the Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative (MIMIC). This network of community groups and citizens is a vital source of information for the Commonwealth. CZM trains interested groups to use a standardized monitoring protocol, and helps coordinate the groups as part of MIMIC. The data and information collected by MIMIC are stored in a single shared system that is maintained by MIT Sea Grant. You can get involved with one of the groups listed below, or you can contact us for more information.

MIMIC groups include:

Freshwater Monitoring

Although CZM's efforts are focused on marine species, one of our partners, the state Department of Conservation and Recreation, leads a freshwater plant monitoring program through the Lakes & Ponds Program.

Other AIS monitoring resources include:

  • Reporting - When there is something strange ... who needs to know?


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