Citizen’s Briefing Book: Arne Duncan reacts

“Working collectively, together with the President-elect, we have the chance to do something extraordinary.”

That’s just part of the reaction we got from talking with Secretary-designate of Education Arne Duncan about the Citizen’s Briefing Book project now underway on the site.

Mr. Duncan adds an insider’s viewpoint to some of the topics that the community has raised in the Citizen’s Briefing Book—issues like student loan forgiveness, more access to higher education, increasing the money going into Pell Grants, and creating alternative routes into the teaching profession.

With your input, the Citizen’s Briefing Book is becoming a venue for these ideas and others to be relayed directly to the President.

Watch Mr. Duncan’s video here, and then add your own ideas and comments in the Citizen’s Briefing Book.

Also available on MySpace, Vimeo, and Yahoo.
Download higher resolution .mp4 file (47.8 MB) here.

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