This page was updated on Thursday November 13 2008

Useful Weed Science Links

University of California

Ag chemical resources



California state

Specific weeds

Other states

Weeds in specific crops

Federal government



University of California

UC Cooperative Extension Rice Project :: links to weeds in rice


UC Davis Center for Plant Diversity (formerly known as the Herbarium)


UC Davis Plant Sciences

UC IPM Pest Notes (weeds)

UC Research and Information Centers

UC Riverside Botany & Plant Sciences

UC Riverside Cooperative Extension

UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program


Colorado State University :: Weeds and weed management

Iowa State :: Weed science

New Mexico State University :: Weed science

North Carolina State University

North Dakota State University :: Weeds and weed control

Oregon State University :: Weed science program

Penn State University :: Weed management

Purdue University :: Indiana weed science

Rutgers University :: New Jersey weed gallery

Southern Illinois University :: Weed science

Texas A&M :: Broadleaf weeds

University of Arizona :: Rangeland weeds

University of Florida :: Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

University of Georgia :: Weed science

University of Illinois :: Weed science

University of Maryland :: Weed science

University of Missouri :: Delta Center Weed Science

University of Missouri-Columbia :: Weed science program

University of Nebraska-Lincoln :: Weed science

University of Wisconsin :: Weed science

University of Wyoming :: Weed identification

Virginia Tech :: Weed indentification guide

Washington State University :: Hortsense

California state

California's Noxious Weeds :: CDFA

California Department of Food and Agriculture :: CDFA

California Department of Pesticide Regulation :: DPR

California DPR Continuing Education

Other states

Control of Invasive Exotic Plants in the Great Plains

Idaho One Plan :: Pest management

Kansas Dept. of Agriculture :: Plant Protection and Weed Control Program

Michigan Dept. of Agriculture :: Restricted and prohibited weeds

North Dakota Dept. of Agriculture :: Noxious Weeds Division

Federal government

BLM Weeds :: Bureau of Land Management

ETOXNET :: Extension Toxicology Network

FICMNEW :: Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds

NAPIS :: National Agricultural Pest Information System PestTracker

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service :: Invasive Species Program

USDA-ARS Southern Regional Research Center

USDA-APHIS Noxious Weeds Program

USDA Crop Profiles

USDA Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research Unit


Australia :: Centre for Biological Information Technology :: University of Queensland

Australia :: Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management

Australia :: Tropical and Subtropical Weeds Research Unit:: University of Queensland

Australia :: Weeds Australia:: an Australian Weeds Committee National Initiative

Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food :: Guide to crop protection :: weed control

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food :: Weed identification guide

Agricultural chemical resources

Crop Data Management Systems (CDMS) :: Web site for MSDS's and chemical labels

Greenbook :: Web site for MSDS's and chemical labels for many chemical companies

Links to chemical manufacturers :: this page has logos for each company (text only page)


Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc.

California Invasive Plant Council :: Cal-IPC

California Weed Science Society :: CWSS

Canadian Weed Science Society

Center for Invasive Plant Management

Colorado Weed Management Association

International Weed Science Society :: IWSS

Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society :: MAPMS

North American Weed Management Association :: NAWMA

North Central Weed Science Society :: NCWSS

Northeastern Weed Science Society : NEWSS

Southern Weed Science Society :: SWSS

Weed Science Society of America :: WSSA

Weeds Gone Wild :: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas

Western Society of Weed Science :: WSWS

Specific weeds

Aquatic weeds


Jointed goatgrass :: national research program

Leafy spurge :: biocontrol


Purple loosestrife

Weeds in specific crops

Forage crops

Jointed goatgrass in winter wheat

Mustards in winter wheat

Small grain

Wild oat

Winter rye


Council for Agricultural Science and Technology :: CAST

Herbicide Company "Geneology" Chart :: Arnold P. Appleby, Prof. Emeritus, OSU :: composting information :: authoritative books and software for agriculture professionals

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy :: Global Invasive Species Initiative

Photo Herbarium :: Weed Science Society of America